I am liking Rep. Ryan more every time he speaks..
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I am liking Rep. Ryan more every time he speaks..
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6 replies on “Sunday Viewing”
I know you try hard to communicate both sides of stock market and economic views via posts but you should do the same with politics …..if after all like u say they’re all intertwined. you can have it both says
other than that great blog.
i’m sorry i meant you CANT have it both ways..i’m sure you got the point but i thought id clarify.
not sure how long you have been reading but…
1- was against original tarp
2- favored "bad bank" (for lack of a better term) plan from last october that both buffett and ross want in on
3- was very critical of paulson & bush as these events began (bailout/tarp) and since they continue, my criticism of whomever is continuing them crosses party lines
4- have been critical of republican greenspan since the day the blog began
now, regarding "both sides" via politics. the problem i see with that is:
1- hard to find anyone right now other than those inside the administration who agree with the current budget, excessive bailouts. even libs (krugman) hate it/them
2- i must maintain intellectual honesty on the blog. i present "the other side" on some economic issues because I do see a scenario where they could happen and while i do not think they are likely "now", i do hope for them going forward (bull market). for that reason i present them with the a disclaimer so as to not confuse readers.
because of that and because i see no way the current budget does anything other than hinder this nation for decades, i cannot present views that support it (where i able to find them) for fear a readers may interpret my posting it as support for it/belief it is good.
2- i have posted links to those "in the other party" whose views i do agree with do it is not that my agreement knows only one party.
3- i have also been critical of those like grasserly and ALL those in congress (both parties) for the dog and pony show over AIG bonuses
4- i am sure there will be issues i agree with the administration on in the future and when they occur, i will post accordingly….they just have not yet
thank you for the kind words and for reading…
i appreciate the response..
I’m 20,soph in college but im interning at a HF this summer, and was able to to get a copy of Seth Klarman’s margin of safety.(required reading to start, not that they had to force me)
you may want to try posting it as a pdf for people, it’s quite accesible by just searching via yahoo
anyways good luck with he GGP investment