
Ben Bernanke’s Wants to Be On Your Favorite’s List

Fed Chief Ben Bernanke cracked a joke today at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 2009 Credit Markets Symposium, Charlotte, North Carolina…

An excellent source of information on our balance sheet, by the way, is a new section of the Board’s website, entitled Credit and Liquidity Programs and the Balance Sheet.2 This section brings together much diverse information about the Fed’s balance sheet, including some only recently made available, as well as detailed explanations and analyses. Serious Fed watchers should add this link to their online favorites list.

Granted a stand up act is not in his future but we all could use a little levity.

Anyone know how we can “friend” Ben on Facebook?

Full Speach

Disclosure (“none” means no position):

2 replies on “Ben Bernanke’s Wants to Be On Your Favorite’s List”

“Anyone know how we can ‘friend’ Ben on Facebook?”

That’s easy, you just need his username: cashprinta09

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