
Weekend Reading

Please take the weekend to read this. It is one of the more interesting pieces I have run across in a while. Hat tip to 1440 Wall St. for finding it

Martin Armstrong (October, 2008) Its Just Time [77p.] Martin Armstrong (October, 2008) Its Just Time [77p.] pgeronazzo8450 An intriguin and very interesting analysis on financial market cycles. Martin Armstrong is actually inprisoned for his financial cycles discoveries.

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5 replies on “Weekend Reading”

You cannot be serious?

This Martin Armstrong guy is a complete nut job and currently in jail for fraud. Have you read all of it?

I like your blog but if you beleive this kind of rubbish, you will be damaging your own credibility.


btw…did not say i agree with it, said it was “interesting”…

was it not?


“Martin Armstrong is actually inprisoned for his financial cycles discoveries.”

Putting aside from your spelling and grammar, Martin Armstrong WAS IMprisoned for running a $3 Billion Ponzi scheme through …Princeton Economics International.

What a joke.

Thanks for posting it; it was interesting.

Anon though is a liar, yet I don’t understand why “Anon” would care. There was no Ponzi scheme, and Armstrong is not a “complete nut job.”


yeah… i agree.. i tend to ignore much of what the “anon” folks say.

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