
Buffett on Wells Fargo

Berkshire’s (BRK.A) Warren Buffett on what separates Wells Fargo (WFC) from the pack tat includes Bank of America (BAC), Citi (C) and JP Morgan (JPM).

Buffett Interview

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Disclosure (“none” means no position):Long WFC, none

5 replies on “Buffett on Wells Fargo”

Is this the interview where Buffet also talks about Suntrust? I think he lumps Suntrust in there with wfc. Suntrust owns about $45mm shares of Coke. Worth about $2B.. Market cap of Suntrust now is about $6B. Now that says nothing about the liability side of Suntrust but I think that Buffett’s familiarity with banking sector and with Coke makes it something worth looking into.

Your right. Sold it all in July 08…. I should have looked a little harder at the search results.

I like Buffett a lot. Huge fan. But I jut don’t get how he avoids being painted in a more negative light. He has the ear of the CEO of WFC, who knows what control he can exhibit. He did it with Coke when he ousted a CEO there a in the early 2000s. That’s not to say he hasn’t benefited people, but it isn’t as transparent as he pretends to be.

I agree with Anon2 here regarding Buffett. There was an article on WFC earnings shenanigans similar to what Todd has posted today for BAC. Even though I am long WFC and I know that they have avoided mistakes of others – I still think they are understating their losses with their mark to fantasy and other accounting tricks. Will try to post the link to the article if I can find it.

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