
Thursday’s Links

A book, Jeans, Davidson Speaks

The Forgotten Man

– Folks need clothes

– From an email from my friend “Davidson”
“I view the recent Conservative deregulation of the financial markets one of the most destructive attacks on our free market system and the concept of capitalism since Hoover’s gross loose monetary policy and price support activity of the 1920’s. This has opened the world to viewing Capitalism as a crass process of money gathering by the few to the detriment of the many, when in fact true Capitalism empowers individual initiative and productivity by insuring that each person has fair access to the tools necessary to fulfill his/her vision.

Now that the Conservatives have so maligned the concept of Capitalism by permitting the few to ‘game the system”, it has thrown open the doors to Democratic self interested wish lists carrying extraordinary power to throw this country into socialism and the destruction of individual rights. We will not know how this will end for several years, but it is my hope that the recent Tea Parties although a media event is truly a sign of individual unrest and as individuals we will take this period as an opportunity to reinstall the rules of fairness to our financial system and rethink where we are going with everything else.”

Disclosure (“none” means no position):

2 replies on “Thursday’s Links”

This article about sums it up. Someone once said, “Them’s that have the gold call the shots.” Sounds like a quote from the Celtics hayday. A sorry state of affairs. The Dems won’t be happy until they get everyone dependent on them for jobs, while sucking the remaining few dry.

Davidson states “This has opened the world to viewing Capitalism as a crass process of money gathering by the few to the detriment of the many”

Yeah, ok…. Thats why China and India largely are moving towards more and more capitalistic ideals. Thats why you take pretty much any person from second or third world country and give them the option to move to the US and I’d bet that 90% of them would take you up on that offer. And do you know why they will? Because, “Capitalism [actually] empowers individual initiative and productivity by insuring that each person has fair access to the tools necessary to fulfill his/her vision.” Give me one nation that does that better than the US? Still Dont believe me? Take a look at any kid with a Computer Science degree that goes out and gets VCs to invest in his startup. That is empowerment of the individual initative.

Its not like this is lost in america. Infact, I would argue that this has not lost but rather over the last 15 years “empowerment of the individual” and fairness to “tools” has increased significantly in a positive manner… anyone who says different is not considering all the facts. The internet for instance gives some punk 24 year old (me) the ability to read and more importantly learn from Buffett and Graham. It gives me access to reports, documents, 10ks, 8ks, press releases, varying opinions on anything you can imagine, you name it. It teaches me business terms that I dont know but need to know if I want to invest successfully. Then theres books…..

On a more nitpicky level….and I’m trying to say this in the most respectful way and not sound like a douche but Davidson states that we [i think hes referring to the US] is on its way towards… “socialism and the destruction of individual rights.”

Yeah ok….if any one really would like to know what “socialism and the destruction of individual rights” is [heres the douche part] I highly suggest they move to N. Korea or hop in a time machine and go back to Soviet Russia. Thats what socialism looks like….and we are far from it here in the states nor are anywhere near on the path towards it. I cant even begin to fathom how one can begin to make this statement yet it gets made all the time.

I think a lot of these kinds of statements are made because people fear the near term future and more importantly the uncertainty of life in general. Even in bad times its still pretty good. Sometimes you just gatta dig down a bit deeper..

Just because capitalism [ for that much the US and/or the world] stumbles a little bit towards providing better lives for all doesent mean that the system is not working. After all you cant just go up in a strait line….My bet is that in several years we will be much better than we are off now. The door that opens towards living worse than we are now isnt even unbolted….in fact it still has a 50 ton Safe in front of it…

Last, I do agree that we can learn from our troubles now and work toward a more perfect world. After all, Why do we fall? So that we might learn to pick ourselves up.

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