
AutoNation’s Mike Jackson on the Auto Industry

AutoNation’s (AN) Mike Jackson was on CNBC this am as GM (GM) files for bankruptcy protection. Since Jackson sells cars from every dealer, he is probably the best guy out there to comment on both the industry and the auto makers.

Regular readers know how high we hold Jackson here. He has his pulse on the consumer and credit markets. Not sure if he was asked to be the “car czar” or not but if he wasn’t, huge fail on the government. If he was, my guess is that he turned it down because he seems to lack the ability to tolerate the garbage that goes on in Washington. Good for him (and shareholders)

Part 1: Banks are not lending…

Part 2:

Were they managed for the unions?

Part 3: What the industry will look like in 5 years

Disclosure (“none” means no position):Long AN

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