
Jim Grant Talks Inflation, The Fed and What He’d Do.

Grant is great. A nice reasoned opinion. If I am being honest I was getting more that a little frustrated at the CNBC crew interrupting him incessantly. New Rule: If you ask more than a 1 word answer question, please allow for it to be answered.

Not for nothing but Carlos there letting us know how many Google hits “inflation” gets vs “deflation” has to just about be the most useless bit of information ever expelled from any orifice on air. Really Carlos, you have Jim Grant sitting there and you are doing a Google search?

Anyway, here it is…

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8 replies on “Jim Grant Talks Inflation, The Fed and What He’d Do.”

I think the Google thing is relevant. It's no less fine an indicator of sentiment than anything else out there.

maybe, but my point was, you have Grant siting there, one of the best thinkers out there ans you use your limited time to ask him about a google search?

seems like there were maybe a million or two better things to ask…no?

when bloomberg has him on, it for about 1/2 hour and it is a great interview..

true and foxbusiness news doesn't even know who he is….its amusing how unsophisticated they are

having huffington and grant is a very unique tandem that news should have more of.

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