
Wednesday’s Links

Taxes, Krugman, SCOTUS,

– For anyone who has ever run a small business, this plan is disastrous. It will cause booking costs to explode and it essentially places the burden on tax collection from the IRS to the payer of services, not the payee. If we just went to a straight consumption tax, we could rid ourselves of all of this

– Paul needs to make up his mind….it was just recently he said 2009 was lost. Now he expects us to recover? Still can’t figure out why anyone listens to him..really, i can’t.

– Place your bets on Sotomayor. Personally I find racism of ANY kind distasteful and she ought to be eliminated. Has anyone asked her why “Lady Justice” is blindfolded? Because color/race/gender are not supposed to come into the mix. Just ask the all lily white court that ruled in Brown v Board of Education.

– Vitaliy is right. The best thing for everyone now is to see stock values rising. 401K’s look better, investment accounts gains value and people feel safer.

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