
Tuesday’s Links

Indeflation, Welfare, Oil v Gas, Roubini

– Chris nails it. We are in a period of commodity inflation due to scarcity and incessant money printing and deflationary asset prices. For those wondering, this is not good

– Are we surprised? Nothing out of Washington in terms of aid is actually tied to working or responsibility

– 6 reasons gas in a better investment than oil. I agree with all six.

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3 replies on “Tuesday’s Links”

you being in the business of having a website and having a revenue stream from ads I figured i would ask you. if cnbc or fox or whomever lets a site embed their clip, what is the benefit to them directly. indirectly i understand that more people see the name cnbc and maybe they'll view the site but directly does my viewing of the roubini video add one more viewer to page site views for cnbc so that the advertiser on the video will be charged more theoretically?
sorry for the long question

they get their ad at the beginning of e video seen & they can boast of wider content distribution and then charge more

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