
Thursday's Links

Deficits, Savings, Approval, Auto’s, Kneale

– Mish has a good piece on their unsustainability

– Why the Chinese save

– It would seem that those who “strongly disagree” now outnumber those who “strongly agree”

– Sales track over 10m units. This is a good proxy for the consumers outlook

– Dennis Kneale took a swipe at bloggers and they respond… using these annoying things called facts to refute what he says…

Disclosure (“none” means no position):

3 replies on “Thursday's Links”

On the Chinese saving article – it's even more simple. Having only 1 child drastically decreases the social safety nets inherent in the structure of agricultural families. Saving makes up for that. Economists would benefit from some sociology.


Have you heard anything bad, good, or otherwise regarding GGPs bankruptcy case?

Do you think they will form a shareholders commitee?


there should not really be any news until mid-july or so, unless the judge surprises with and early ruling…I would not expect that though

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