
Cap 'n Trade Explained

Meet Cap ‘n Trade from Marketplace on Vimeo.

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2 replies on “Cap 'n Trade Explained”

I myself have a quite cynical view of the matter:

"Meet Cap n' Trade:

"Ahr, matey, the geese are beggin' to be plucked! What man with red blood would not sail? O the times! O the booty!…"

Subject:Cap and Trade/a must read

Here we go, the big screw coming to the U.S. consumer and
taxpayer…And the U.S. small business….
( from DOW chemical's plans to earn money on cap and trade. News
However, the true promise for this business is in carbon credits that
come, like the gas, from Russia. Companies in Russia and elsewhere in
Eastern Europe are among the world’s big producers of greenhouse
gases. But they stand to benefit under the climate treaty by selling
their rights to release carbon dioxide into the air, if they invest in
greater efficiencies.
The statement said the companies would also explore projects in the
small carbon market in the United States. As a country, Russia
possesses the credits in abundance under the Kyoto Protocol, which set
a baseline in 1990 for emissions, before a sharp contraction in the
Russian economy greatly reduced carbon emissions. Russia can transfer
those benefits to its companies to sell.""

Go read this and I doubt you will support Cap and Trade any longer, I
dare you to read it carefully:
paste it in address bar….
I cannot believe all you educated people are going to allow our
Government to ram this down out throat without screaming to you local
representatives in Washington, …State Senators , and Congressman
If you read the article.It is the best comprehensive info I have ever
found on the Global Warming issue.
Regards, dragon friend
I am still working on a moniker for myself here.

I posted this AT

any challenges to that op-ed?

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