
Panicked Investors Missed The Rebound



From a Reader:

I try to send some helpful charts and facts each week.  Charts are extremely helpful in getting a visual picture of what has happened.    .

Fact of the week below:  This is why managing your own behavior is the hardest obstacle to investing success.  I did not have ONE client sell out (although I had to do a lot of hand holding to prevent it and still am).

Data from Fidelity Investments indicates “a third of investors ages 65 and up sold all of their stockholdings some time between February and May” and “18% of all investors across all ages groups” sold out too.

Absolutely devastating. A lifetime of savings undermined.   They sold at the worst time and missed the recovery.  Chart above shows this to be true.  See next one showing money market fund balances.  Most people are still sitting with cash making zero.  That is not going to stay there forever.