Our naturally changing climate is adding “green areas” at a record rate.
PS: This is actually very good
“Davidson” submits:
The attachment is a referenced article from the CO2Coalition ostensibly on Wyoming’s climate vs CO2. The sample reaction is as you might expect from extreme vilification from global alarmists to some indicating that this report is clearly written with facts laid out understandable by the layman. Often said about this report is that is about Wyoming not the wider climate and cannot be trusted or this is funded by the fossil fuel industry and also cannot be trusted. The problem with either of these commentaries is that facts speak as facts without deference to any agenda nor place. Wyoming is as good a place as the middle of the Pacific or the Artic for climate. Weather, while it has local effects, is global. Give a large weather pattern in the US time and in 24hrs+ it will impact Europe. Whatever the global climate is doing over time will have the same identical trend regardless of place. If Wyoming is warmer or cooler over 50yrs, so will every other site.
It says much about how limited one’s perception may be when they indicate such a report does not represent global climate trends. In this report there are many examples of charted data. This is real data not out of someone’s computer model which has been the issue the past 20yrs. It is also data that has been examined to produce a true measurement of what it purports to measure and not reading temperatures off hot roofs in city centers, airport runways or other many tricks of the climate wars. The only good ground temps are in rural areas away from structures for example.
I want to call attention to this comment on pg4 in the report with an illustration pg28:
“The most significant positive consequence of rising concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide is that of greatly increased plant growth. Global leaf area increased by a stunning 5.4 million km2 from 2000 to 2017. This area is equivalent to the area of the Amazon rainforest. Notably, the Northern Great Plains is one of seven areas globally experiencing the greatest increase in plant growth.”
In my opinion, we are approaching the end of the Global Warming Scare of the last 20yrs+ or so. Every day a little more of the factual evidence is creeping through that the Herculean effort to control climate is not warranted. Much of what has occurred has some sense behind it. Take for instance, using natural gas vs coal is more efficient in terms of the far fewer numbers of people needed to handle gaseous fuel as opposed a rock-based fuel with many impurities. Gas is far easier to mine, transport and generate power than coal by a long shot. Gas power plants are also easier and less expensive to build and maintain. The net/net is CO2 as something we should be worried about has been greatly exaggerated as has its impact. All of the life-threatening CO2 impacts claimed have yet to show in any of the data. In a continuous chorus of sea level threats made the last 30yrs, CO2 has had zero impact. ZERO!
CO2 has risen due to burning of fossil fuels but we were near a fossil record low with so much stored in our geology that our plant life i.e., crops on which we rely, were being threatened with extinction below 300ppm.
The denigration of fossil fuels has been enormous over this period. Fossil fuel companies have been continuously vilified. What is likely to occur if the CO2 scaremongering suddenly gets enough critical mass to call an end to the destruction of this valuable industry is their sudden return to favor.
While it is impossible to predict when the timing of this is, now is a good time to own oil/gas equities. Buy the better managed companies or an index and then hold for positive change.