
Restoration Answers Sears Holdings

Restoration Hardware (RSTO) answered Sears Holdings (SHLD) today only a day after Sears reminded it who was “it largest shareholder”.

The release below:

PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — “In response to media and other inquiries concerning the Schedule 13D amendment filed by Sears Holdings Corporation on Monday, November 26, 2007, the Independent Committee of Restoration Hardware’s Board of Directors stated if Sears will agree to execute the customary confidentiality and standstill agreement on substantially the same terms that other parties have signed, it would be pleased to provide Sears with the confidential information it requested.

“While Sears has announced its willingness to sign a confidentiality agreement, there is no agreement on terms and, to date, instead of agreeing to the standstill agreement to which other interested parties have agreed, Sears has proposed to reserve the right to launch a tender offer outside the process,” the Independent Committee said in a statement today.

The Committee stated that it is encouraged by Sears’ current proposal at $6.75 per share based upon publicly available information, which is a vast improvement over its prior proposal at $4.00 per share. At the same time, the Committee stated that it believes that stockholder value will be maximized if Sears participates inside the process with other interested parties.

“Sears is an American icon,” said Ray Hemmig, Chairman of the Independent Committee. “We are flattered that it is interested in learning more about our company. We welcome its participation in the process along with the other interested parties. However, the Committee is firmly committed to a fair process that will yield the best results for all stockholders and believes that process is best served through all parties agreeing to the proposed standstill terms without preferential treatment of one party over another.”

On November 8, 2007, Restoration Hardware announced a merger agreement with Catterton Partners. In that announcement, the Company said that under the terms of the agreement, the Independent Committee of the Company’s Board of Directors, consistent with its fiduciary duties, would be soliciting competing proposals from third parties during a 35 day period ending December 13, 2007. On November 19, 2007, Sears filed a Schedule 13D with the SEC indicating that it had accumulated shares equaling just under a 14% ownership position in the Company.”

The whole release is a bit self-serving at best. Why? The other “bidders” in this situation is management itself! What unfair advantage could Sears possibly get over the people currently running the company? Answer? None. Restoration is trying to save face.

Restoration got bitch slapped by Lampert & Co. the other day when they reminded them that as the “largest shareholder” they actually owned more of the company than the current bidders and the Board or Directors themselves and that as such, deserved consideration in the process in getting the information they wanted. It is no coincidence that this information was forthcoming immediately.

There is nothing to stop Lampert from acquiring more shares on the open market during this process, he just cannot launch an official tender offer for shares. Semantics.

Where do we go from here? Lampert gets what he wants (information) and either two things happen. He ends up buying the company OR management raises it offer above that of what Sears would be willing to pay and Lampert cashes out at a profit. Either way Sears shareholders win.

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