
Could It Be? The Hammer at Citi?

CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo dropped an bomb (at least for me) today in an interview with Hank Paulson.

Bartiromo said “everybody has the highest regard for you within government when it comes to economics, now, the latest talk is that, they want you at Citigroup (C), have you been approached about the CEO position?”

I actually danced when I heard that…

You may remember a month ago I almost begged the powers that be a Citi to get the former Co-President of Goldman Sachs (GS) in the door to run the bank. I had all but given up on it until today.

Paulson’s response?
The usual denial talk about “running full speed at treasury” until the end of Bush’s term. What was odd was that he did not deny being approached or being interested and he answered the question with an odd smile on his face almost as if he was saying to himself, “think she’ll buy this?”

Paulson at Citi would be a dream for shareholders. If anyone could give that institution the kick in the but it needs, it is him…

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