
ValuePlays KIVA Project

We spend a lot of time talking about millionaires and billionaires and casually throwing hundred billions of dollars figure around like its coffee money. It is time to take some of that effort and contribute to folks who, for a couple hundred bucks, we can change a life.

You can donate here:

Here is how I am doing it:

– I have created a lender page at

– All donations may be private or public. All public donations will be recognized to the extent the contributor wants. A post will be given any links to blogs or sites will also be given should the contributor want.

– Updates on loans given will be done here and can be verified on the lender page

– ValuePlays maintains sole discretion as to who receives a loan although any and all ideas are welcome.

– Correspondence from loan receivers will be shared with readers.

– By donating to our KIVA project, you acknowledge you are donating free of any conditions or expectation of return of funds. We are trying to change many lives here, not act as a short term lender.

– A full accounting of donations and loans may be found here

– Should you wish to do this all yourself, you may create your own lender page at

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