
Lead Paint Litigation Update

Here are the notable events forthcoming for Sherwin Williams (SHW) and NL Industries (NL)

– Rhode Island Supreme Court schedule finally released

– Responses the RI “lead free” abatement plan filed.

Short list? Sure is….

Essentially that is what lead paint litigation has been reduced to. When you throw into the mix the recent RI Supreme Court lead paint related ruling, one has to think that these dates are now reduced to the day “this stuff is finally behind us” not “hopefully we prevail”.

It what has become a colossal waste of time, the lead paint litigation saga is virtually over. The true irony here? The only company that will actually contribute to any abatement will be DuPont (DD), who settled with RI to avoid what at the time was thought to be a more costly legal outcome. Now, before we feel sorry for DuPont, we need to remember that both they and RI AG Patrick Lynch did their best to assure this money never “went to the children” as it was donated to Boston Hospitals and a Washington DC DuPont controlled charity.

One can only assume recent public filing in court by the defendants lead to the recent “release” of funds to the state.

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