
Online Retail Traffic Through 12/22

I have an interesting question about the group.

1. (WMT)= 7.94%
2. (TGT)= 5.06%
3. (BBY)= 3.96%
4. / (SHLD)= 3.72%
5. (CC)= 3.07%
6. (JCP)= 2.03%
7. (private)= 1.97%
8. (M) = 1.43%
9. (KSS)= 1.3%

Data from Hitwise

The question? How in all that is holy can Circuit City be losing money? They have been in the top 5 all season and are currently the only one of the group losing cash. Pathetic comes to mind…

Wal-Mart has commanded essentially a 3% lead over #2 Target all fall. Now, with Target announcing a recent December sales disappointment, this 3% may be the difference for Wal-Mart being successful this holiday season. When you add Wal-Mart advertising of its very popular “site-to-st0re” program and Target’s lack thereof, a hard lesson may have been l;earned by Target execs this season.

What will be interesting is to see results from Sears Holdings which has a similar program but did not advertise it as hard..

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2 replies on “Online Retail Traffic Through 12/22”

Well, you’re only looking at multichannel retailers – where do pure-plays fit into the equation?

I think you’ll find that Amazon, Zappos,, etc. are enjoying 25%+ growth. Did you know AMZN is over $13B and almost as large large as Kohl’s with stronger cash flow? If you want to know what company took the retail mantle away from Sears look no further than Bezosville.


i do that on purpose because i am only looking at bricks and mortar retailers. amazon is i believe at 12% which to me makes walmart almost 8% even more impressive…

amazon has not hurt sears, folks do not buy a washer and dryer from amazon…

amazon has really hurt barnes and noble and borders

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