
Sprint Takes the Gloves Off?

It appears that Sprint’s (S) CEO Dan Hesse is not playing games in his quest to curb to exodus of subscribers.

Rumors are that after both Verizon (VZ) and AT&T (T) adopted a $99 “unlimited plan” Tuesday, it was reported Sprint may just throw down the gauntlet and go with a $60 plan.

Hesse has been aggressive since taking them helm to cuts costs and redundancies like having two headquarters. He also had made tremendous strides in the customer service arena.

Now, wouldn’t a calling plan that cuts the competition by 40% be the prefect way to attract new customers? It would sure go a long way to ensure those of us currently there resist the urge to switch when are plans come up….

This is a move straight out of the Nextel playbook. I was a Nextel subscriber from way back and was always extremely happy with the service and value I got from them. They would call me with new plans that based on my usage, would save me money and the new plans did just that. That all stopped after the merger and hopefully, this plan comes into play and my phone rings soon…..

Disclosure (“none” means no position): None

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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