
The Week's Top Ten at VIN

Weekend reading at Value investing News
1. Susan Buffett interview 8/26/2004

A remembrance of philanthropist Susan Thompson Buffet. She talks a lot about Warren Buffett.

2. Visit with Warren Buffett

On March 31, 2008 students from Dr. Athanassakos’ Value Investing class travelled to Omaha, Nebraska to meet with Mr. Warren Buffet, the world’s best known investor and the richest person in the world.

3. Buffett Leans on Italian Guide for Europe Investment

Billionaire Warren Buffett, who will embark on a four-city European trip next month to meet with owners of family businesses, has for years been laying the groundwork for an acquisition in Europe.

4. Doubling Down in Financials – Interview with Richard Pzena

When it comes to value investing or buying out-of-favor stocks, patience is a virtue. These days few are more virtuous than Richard Pzena, Chairman of Pzena Investment Management, a $20 billion assets money management company whose New York Stock Exchange listed shares are down more than 38% in the last 12 months.

5. The Money Kept Vanishing

David Einhorn’s New Book “Fooling Some of the People All of the Time”

6. Roger Lowenstein : Triple-A Failure

In 1996, Thomas Friedman, the New York Times columnist, remarked on “The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer” that there were two superpowers in the world — the United States and Moody’s bond-rating service — and it was sometimes unclear which was more powerful.

7. Buffett, Seeking Acquisitions, to Travel to Europe

April 22 (Bloomberg) — Billionaire investor Warren Buffett will visit Europe next month to scout potential acquisitions, said an executive at an Italian refiner who is organizing the tour.

8. Business Sector Breakdown of the Magic Formula

Does the Magic Formula screen favor certain types of businesses? And if so, why? These are the questions we’ll examine in this new series examining which business sectors most frequently appear in the Magic Formula screen.

9. Looking Up to Warren Buffett

T OFTEN SEEMS like every hedge-fund manager is reading from the same playbook about how to look, work and behave. Neatly pressed khakis; thumbs glued to a BlackBerry; slick digs in Greenwich or Manhattan staffed by number-crunching research drones. But apparently, Mohnish Pabrai never got his copy.

10. MFI Stock List Additions for Week Ending April 18, 2008

Five new stocks were added to the Magic Formula List last week.

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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