
Blogging From The Ohio Supreme Court

Jane Genova, who has done the most extensive and detailed reporting on the Lead Paint Litigation in Rhode Island, now moves her “live-blogging” talents to Ohio. She will be there next week blogging to us from inside the Ohio Supreme Court. I recommend all Lead Paint watchers check her blog for the updates as they will be coming fast and furious. What follows below is from her site “Law and More”:

“Tuesday, May 1st, is a double-header at the Ohio Supreme Court. First up, at 9:00 AM is the hearing on Governor Ted Strickland’s veto of Substitute Senate Bill 117 which we had thought had become a law when the former Governor Bob Taft didn’t veto it. The grapevine expects SRO since it’s expected that OH Attorney General Marc Dann is presenting the oral argument on behalf of Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner. She’s the one on the hot seat for taking the bill back and delivering it to the new Governor to veto.

Private counsel representing those who brought this appeal – OH Senate President Harris and OH House Speaker Husted – is Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease.

Next up is Arbino v Johnson & Johnson. That hearing is also important because it will test the constitutionality of OH’s tort reforms contained in comprehensive tort reform legislation – SB 80. I have calls out to those in the loop for interviews about that.

The court has wireless so the odds are good I will be live-blogging. I submitted a written request to the court. Incidentally, we bloggers don’t need press credentials to cover court hearings.

Those of you who can’t attend may tune in from a computer with broadband access.

Link to Ohio Supreme Court:

Link to Ohio Supreme Court Video: