
Wednesday’s Link

Nothing to do with investing. Only one link today because someone has to say it………

Barack Obama delivered a speech on Tuesday in which he said “Race is an issue I believe this nation cannot afford to ignore right now”.

Here is the thing. He is a hypocrite. The only reason he is even close to getting the Democratic nomination is because the overwhelming majority of American’s actually do ignore race. It is not an issue for us. We could care less.

We tend to concentrate more on “the content of their character, not the color of their skin”. Who said that?

Were American’s to focus solely on race, Obama, an African American would not have a prayer of winning as his “race” is roughly 10% of the US population. If American’s were hung up on race, his friend Oprah would not be the most powerful women in television and quite possibly America and Tiger Woods would not be the most sought after endorsement since Micheal Jordan.

Now the other argument is that American’s are focused on race and the only reason we have elevated someone with a stunning dearth of experience to the position he is in is simply because he is black. Which would the Senator prefer?

No, we American’s tend to ignore race until those looking to opportunistically profit from it remind us to concentrate on it. Instead of saying the remarks of his Pastor were wrong, he ought to have immediately disassociated himself from the Preacher and the Church, much like John McCain did to a supporter who had the audacity to simply use Obama’s middle name.

Hatred is hatred no matter what color it comes from or how eloquent and passionate the diatribe that delivers it is.

The media is of course giving him a pass on this one. Let me ask, had Hillary or McCain attended a church that espoused a view of black America like the one spoken of at Obama’s, what would the expectations be of either of those two candidates? Perhaps if their Pastor gave a sermon railing against homosexuality? Would a simply “I disagree” work?

I don’t think so either…

Has anyone asked Obama why he called for Don Imus to be fired for his remarks but not the Preacher?

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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3 replies on “Wednesday’s Link”

Todd, he threw his grandmother under the bus. That is a rat bastard move. He is also trailing Clinton by 26 in PA. If he losses in a landslide, and I believe he will, he is done.

todd, i believe the saying would correctly be stated as “we could not care less”.. but good article.. seems like we have quite a bit of hypocricy in american politics… hatred is strong in this country, and it’s mostly towards the perceived “haves” from the “have nots” who have an entitlement issue…

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