
Weekend Reading At VIN

Her are the Top 20 this week at Value Investing News
1. Official SEC XML Feeds

This weekend I spotted orange XML feed images all over EDGAR. It looks like the SEC finally added feeds to the output of their database. Now we can track company filing updates from our news readers!

2. CS21 Net/Net Index Week in Review: Into Positive Territory


Cheap Stock’s index of net/net stocks was very volatile this past week, with 20% of index members up at least 12%.

3. Premier Exhibitions (PRXI): Value not Without Controversy


Good write up of the value in Premier Exhibitions. Be sure to check out the accurate and funny comment at the end.

4. Forum on Emerging Issues & Trends in Real Estate – University of Missouri


Warren Buffett will be speaking for an hour at this event on Friday, April 4, 2008. It is a free event open to the public.

5. Fooled by a Percentage Into Catching Falling Knife!


The good professor discusses the problem of price anchoring.

6. Little Books For Big Profits


Combining Joel Greenblatt’s The Little Book that Beats the Market with Pat Dorsey’s The Little Book that Builds Wealth provides an investor with a framework for finding the best value based investment opportunities on the market today.

7. Ackman’s Target


Ackman lost a cool $8oo plus million so far

8. US recession will not hinder those emerging market stocks


Mark Mobius of Templeton Emerging Markets sees continued growth in emerging markets even though the U.S. facing a recession.

9. Multiple Disciplines


Charlie Munger advocates learning multiple disciplines to add to a latticework of mental models. This post goes over how to apply some rules of economics to investing.

10. Peter Lynch Interview


Famed mutual fund manager is interviewed.

11. Small Cap Stock Ideas


Some small-cap stock ideas. Some are contrarian. Boss Holdings is a Benjamin Graham Net Current Asset Stock.

12. Overstock’s Moat

(via is a tech company that doesn’t appear to have a moat, this article disputes that

13. Recurring Revenues and Industrials


Economic uncertainty generally steers investors toward steady eddy businesses such as foods, consumer staples, healthcare and utilities. But what investors should be seeking is recurring revenues, predictable and stable revenues with a high degree of certainty.

14. Altria’s Spin Cost Basis


Here is the cost basis for your shares

15. Third Avenue Q1 Shareholder Letters


Martin Whitman devotes a section of his quarterly letter to refuting William Ackman’s views on MBIA. My favorite sentence: “The argument that if an entity is in trouble, every liability on the balance sheet of that entity is also in trouble is strictly ‘amateur hour’.”

16. Borders New Concept Store (Video)


Here is what it looks like

17. Borders Delays 10-K


Some scenario’s involving the recent announcement

18. N*1 Screen: Sanderson Farms


Looking for value, we decided to run one of our typical ‘best in industry’ screens on companies with a market capitalization of under 1,000,000 USD. The only company that made the screen is Sanderson Farms (SAFM). We had followed this company in the past but the stock had been severely punished during the avian-flu scare and is slowly recovering.

19. Market Underestimating Ingersoll-Rand’s (IR) Earnings Power


Ingersoll-Rand, after a series of acquisitions and divestitures, is set to become a leading “cyclical-lite” with significant earnings power thanks to its climate control segment.

20. Moslty an Rant


How I got screwed over by government regulations, and why restsraint on how minors can manage their money are unecesary.

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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