
Lampert Adds to AutoZone (AZO) Stake Again

On Monday and Tuesday this week Eddie Lampert added another 167,000 shares of AutoZone (AZO) at just under $118 a share to bring his total to 22.836 million shares.

He now controls 36.6% of the outstanding shares.

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Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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3 replies on “Lampert Adds to AutoZone (AZO) Stake Again”

todd, what do you think of azo? seems like the physical stores are in similar shambles like sears and k-mart… i’d love to see a shld, azo shakeup in which they both combine internet ads and catalogues.. also, with their brands, crossbrand everything as previously discussed where you can pick azo parts up at sears/k-marts and what have you.. nothing major celebrity branding for shld since the choppers battery linking… ps, jay leno made a sears joke and the guitarist (i forget his name), said jay doesnt shop at sears.. jay’s witty response was that his black dress shoes were indeed “kenmore”.. great advertising, except the implication was jay was too good for sears.. but like they say, maybe any advertising, good or bad, especially free, is good for business.. keep us updated


I like AZO. it really is situated nicely for the diy segment. it really also does not have much competition.

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