
Fed Places Historical Data on Web

Have not gone through it yet but am betting it will be fascinating….

“The Federal Reserve Board’s website now features convenient access to historical documents of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) for the years 1978 through 2002.

Greenbooks, Bluebooks, and other documents related to FOMC meetings join the transcripts, minutes, and policy announcements that had previously been available on the Board’s site. The Greenbook and the Bluebook are prepared by Board staff and distributed to FOMC meeting attendees the week before each scheduled meeting. The Greenbook, officially entitled “Current Economic and Financial Conditions,” provides in-depth analysis of the U.S. and international economies and includes the staff’s economic forecast. The Bluebook, entitled “Monetary Policy Alternatives,” provides background and context on monetary policy alternatives the FOMC could consider.

Historical Greenbooks and Bluebooks have been available to researchers and others, upon request, for some time. Posting them on the Board’s website makes them more accessible to the public.”

Full Release:

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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