
If A Greenspan Talks on TV, Does Anyone Listen?

Remember when Greenspan first started making recession predictions and the immediate reaction of the markets? Now? Nothing

Recently Alan G. was on CNBC running his mouth again about the odds of recession.


Remember last year when Alan was playing Vegas oddsmaker with the US’ chances of recession?

Then came his defense of his record in April of this year.

Why didn’t Alan just stick to analysis of the current conditions? When you start placing percentages of possibilities on the table and are wrong, it looks bad. When you had the position Alan had it makes everything you said and did in those years look suspect also. The “if he is wrong now he was probably wrong then” scenario is unavoidable.

I know he is trying to make a buck consulting and selling books but, does he really need it? Is it really worth the damage to his reputation he is doing? It just can’t be.

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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