
Arthur Laffer on Obama Tax Plan

Before folks get all antsy and outraged saying Laffer is a “Republican” watch the video and the kudos he gives Bill Clinton.

The skinny is that Obama’s tax plans are going to be a disaster if implemented..


While on the politics subject. Had a conversation the other day about voters. I think it is pretty clear that the Midwest and parts of the South will and usually do decide who is President. We know how NY, Mass and Cal. will vote (blue) and much of the deep South will (RED).

If all that is true, then doesn’t that make the folks in the Midwest the most intellectually honest people out there? Your party cannot always run the guy who should be President, if you are being honest and voting for who you truly feel is the best candidate, then your vote ought to go back and forth. Right?

I mean most people will tell you “I vote for the best person” yet history tells us that is not true. People vote along party lines most often, except for Middle America as they are most often the swing States.

For the record, my votes, Bush 1, Bush 1, Clinton (over Dole), Bush 2, Bush 2 and will vote for McCain. Don’t know what that makes me…

Just some thoughts…

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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