
Hurricane = Danger

Nothing to do with investing, human nature I guess….but I have to ask. Why, why is it every time there is a hurricane, we see something like this?

This guy thought a hurricane would be a good time to windsurf….really…

It just goes to show people will never learn. It also means in investing there will always be bubbles and panics as some folks will never learn despite irrefutable proof from the past. After all, investors and wind surfers are both human…

It like those who invested in housing (or gave loans to those) with “liar loans”. Either they were just dopes who thought nothing could go wrong, or, they were smart folks who knew the risks but just miscalculated. Like our wind surfer below, he could be a dope or, a smart guy who just miscalculated the wind speed.

Either way the result is the same, not understanding your risk in anything could be tragic. People are losing their homes and the windsurfer is in critical condition.

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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