
More Lead Paint Tantrum’s and True Irony…

Irony first since it is soooo sweet here..

Remember the DuPont (DD) “settlment” with the State of Rhode Island that at the time allowed them to be dropped from further litigation and left Sherwin Williams (SHW) and NL Industries (NL) the target of a billion(s) dollar lawsuit? Yeah, the one in which the “settlement” money when to the RI AG’s Alma Mater, The International Mesothelioma Program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and a DuPont controlled charity?

I know what you are saying, “I didn’t know lead paint caused Mesothelioma!” It doesn’t, read more about it here.

Anyway, after all is said and done and the RISC tossed to case out on its ear, said it never should had been brought and all but questioned the legitimacy of the trial judge, guess who is the only one paying for lead abatement in Rhode Island? Yup, DuPont!!

Now onto Tantrums:
Jane Genova reports
“Attempting to rebut a legal ruling with non-legal arguments is insulting to the readers of THE PROVIDENCE JOURNAL. Brashly, it underestimates the ability of the residents of RI to discern points of law from other realities of life. The High Court in RI said the lead paint public nuisance litigation had no merit. That is a point of law.

Yes, the realities of life tend to be that justice is not always kind. In addition, large corporations tend to have more resources to invest in litigation than does a government entity like the RI Attorney General’s office. That’s exactly why the authors of this op-ed – Motley Rice attorneys – were brought in on a contingency basis to assist with the litigation. Had the state prevailed, Motley Rice would have earned 16+ percent of abatement funds. Since the plaintiff’s abatement proposal was in the billions, Motley Rice had plenty to earn. Also, no newsflash, low-income children tend to live in older residential units. I was one of the children in a downtown Jersey City, New Jersey tenement. My grandmother and mother intervened. They had the property owner paint over the blue flaking paint I was chewing. That took care of that.

Last Friday, at the RI Superior Court hearing before Judge Michael Silverstein on reimbursement of certain costs to the defendants, Assistand Attorney General Neil Kelly also decried the RI SC decision. In an interview on that hearing with AP reporter Eric Tucker, so did Jack McConnell.

Odd that those with law licenses would argue legal points by introducing everything but points of law. All attorneys, not just government and plaintiff ones, might feel a sense of shame that members of the bar are behaving in what I perceive to be an unprofessional manner.”

Disclosure (“none” means no position):Long SHW, None

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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