
AutoNation, Sears and AutoZone Getting Closer

Disclosure ("none" means no position):Long SHLD, AN, None

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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12 replies on “AutoNation, Sears and AutoZone Getting Closer”

If Eddie pulls something like this off, watch out. It would be an incredible coup if he could make it work…

what is the economic justification to do such thing? are there any economies of scale between sears and others?

there would be huge scale in the auto business as they would have complete vertical integration…

also, all three are very profitable and the acquisition would be done far cheaper than an open market auction

While I am long SHLD and have enjoyed reading your blog for quite a while, I have questions on this prospect. I agree with you that a SHLD/AZO combo would be great – which is why I bought a while back (of which I was contacted by AZO asking for me to hand it over)… but my questions on your private sale concept are:

1) EL has control of free cash at SHLD (which is not enough to fund the $4B worth of AN/AZO shares ESL owns. Therefore – does EL have access to Treasury stock of SHLD so he could release the shares that he has been buying back? If not, he would have to be patient enough to stack up the cash in order to pull it off. It would be hard for him to immediately pull cash out of the transaction since AN/AZO do not have a lot of cash that they could issue as a special divident so a debt acquisition would not be likely.

2) Tax consequences – is this an acquisition that could be taxed or strictly a private transaction? If it is considered a acquisition then a cash deal would be taxed, yet a share swap/”merger” would be tax free (usually).

3) Regarding the synergies – are these strictly brand and selling or would a majority owned subsidiary (still trading ie Sears Canada) be able to implement consolidation of operations and departments to capture the true savings from headcount reductions?

4) Unrelated to this particular SHLD/AZO/AN thought of which I agree will happen (just not sure exactly how) – here is another thought I would like to open up… Let’s talk international brand expansion into developing regions. I would love to see 3 billion people in China/India using Craftsman tools to build up their nations… That’s where the crazy money could be made if this thing works!

We know ESL have done exellent job in both AZO and AN, and continue to do so, but could you be more specific and explain, what kind of benefit you see, if SHLD take AZO & AN under it´s umbrella?

Do you see SHLD commercial space any valuable for AZO or AN (for futher expansion)?

Diehard battery is one thing, but what else? 😉

ps, Todd, thanks for blog, this is most intresting value-blog what i know.

pss, sorry bad language, im from Europe.


1- Lampert is esl and esl is sears. lampert controls both and can do what he wants with both

2- not sure about taxes

3- i would think there would be both for savings.. i think they would have huge pull with suppliers. you could actually set up “discounted” service for autonation purchased cars at sears auto and “discounted” parts at autozone to direct traffic.

just a thought


thank you

language…..didn’t notice..

the synergies travel up through the chain. in one swoop, they would be able to handle every aspect of the auto from sales to service to parts….

no one else can do that..


think of it like this.AZO would then have access to 2000 sears auto locations (or vice versa) making it by far the largest parts retailer in the country. that would give it huge leverage with suppliers..

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