
RIMM and TiVo Deal: We Can Already Do It!!!

Research in Motion (RIMM) and TiVo (TIVO) announced today a partnership that will enable Blackberry users to schedule recording and view show times on their phones, but, I can do that already!?!

The announcement

TiVo (Nasdaq: TIVO) and Research In Motion (Nasdaq: RIMM), announced a partnership to bring customized TiVo services to the BlackBerry(R) wireless platform.

The new relationship brings TiVo and RIM together to develop a variety of mobile entertainment services that marry RIM’s leading BlackBerry(R) smartphones with the content delivered to consumers through the Emmy-winning TiVo(R) service. Initially, BlackBerry smartphone users will gain the convenience of being able to discover what shows are on and schedule television recordings while away from the living room and on the go. Future collaboration between the companies will focus on software applications that further simplify mobile access to video content.

Now, I use DirecTV (DTV) and by going to on my Blackberry (or any smartphone I believe) I am able to view show listings and schedule recordings on my DVR at home. The bonus here is that I can do so on any DirecTV DVR, not just the TiVo variety.

The only way this deal is in anyway big news is if they find a way to let me then view those recordings on my Blackberry, then I’ll be impressed.

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