
Buffett and GE (video)

Here is more from Berkshire’s (BRK.A) Buffett on GE (GE)


Here is Mornigstar’s GE and Berkshire analysts talking about the deal:

Disclosure (“none” means no position):Long GE, none
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One reply on “Buffett and GE (video)”

Recently an insurance company nearly wind up….

A bank is nearly bankrupt……

Who fault?

The top management of the Public listed company ( belong to “public” ) salary should be tied a portion of it to the shares price ( IPO or ave 5 years )…. so when the shares price drop, it don’t just penalise the investors, but those who don’t take care of the company…..If this rule is pass on, without any need of further regulation, all industries ( as long as it is public listed ) will be self regulated……

Sign a petition to your favourite president candidate, congress member again and ask for their views to comment on this, and what regulations they are going to raise for implementation…..If you agree on my point, please share with many people as possible….

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