
Wilbur Ross on TARP, The Economy and What He Is Buying

Anyone who has been an even semi-regular reader knows what a fan of Wilbur Ross we are here. Wilbur has been spot on in regards to the current crisis. Both in leading up to it and what has happened during it.

Ross is looking at companies that are commodity based that are going to profit from the fall in those prices (although he says oil will not go below $70). Specifically he mentioned carbon based chemical companies (Dow Chemical (DOW)?). He also is continuing to buy mortgage servicing companies. He is buying more shares of many of the companies he already owns ad many trade 505 below recent prices and that there is “nothing fundamentally wrong with them”.

Stimulus checks???”A terrible waste, only about 30% of the last batch got spent”

Watch the video…..there is a commercial in the middle and the interview picks up after it.

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