
Seth Klarman Files 13D in RHI Entertainment

I thought the same thing…..who the hell is RHI Entertainment?

Wall St. Newsletters

Klarman’s Bauposat Group filed a 13D sayigng is now has 3.4million of 25% of the shares in the company.

RHI Entertainment, Inc. develops, produces and distributes new made-for-television movies, mini-series and other television programming worldwide. The Company also selectively produces new episodic series programming for television. In addition to its development, production and distribution of new content, RHI Payment systems Ltd owns a library of existing long-form television content, which it licenses primarily to broadcast and cable networks worldwide.RHI owns rights to approximately 1,000 titles, or over 3,500 broadcast hours, of long-form television programming, the majority of which has been developed and produced by it. The Company’s customers include a variety of domestic broadcast and cable networks, such as ABC, CBS, the Hallmark Channel, Lifetime, NBC, SCI-FI Network, Spike TV and USA Network, as well as international broadcasters, including Antena-3, M6, PROSIEBEN-SAT1, TF1, Seven Network and Sky.


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