

So, can we now stop suing companies that have not produced lead paint for over 50 years for injuries happening today? Especially when you consider 1.5 MILLION Thomas The Tank Engine wooden toy trains are being recalled today by RC2 (RCRC)

ABC News reported today

“Consumers should take the recalled toys away from young children immediately,” the Consumer Product Safety Commission said in the recall notice. The company said this recall accounts for about 4 percent of the total wooden trains it sells in the United States (Click here for a list of the recalled Thomas products.)

“As part of a thorough investigation, RC2 identified the issue, isolated the manufacturing facility, and has implemented a corrective action plan,” the company said in a prepared statement released by the PR firm Salmon Borre Group.

Enough is enough!!

Here are more recent lead paint based recalls, and this only includes children toys.

1-Children’s jewelery. May 31st

2-Children’s gardening gloves , May 16th

3-Children’s rings, May 15th

4-Children’s Jewelry, May 15th

5-Children’s rings
(Again), May 2nd

6-Children’s necklace
, May 2nd

7-900,000 children’s necklaces, April 17th

8-Dollar General key chains, April 3rd

9-Children’s bracelets
, April 3rd

10-Children’s mood necklace
, March 15th

11-Claire’s Store children’s necklace, March 15th

12-Children’s mood necklace
, March 13th

13-Children’s 2-sided painting easels, March 7th

14-Big Lots , children’s rings
, February 23rd.

15-Boys jackets, February 13th

16-“Cars” Toy chest sold at Toys R” Us, Nov, 2006

There are dozens more lead paint based recalls and you can see the Consumer Products Safety Commissions entire list here The total number of just children’s items recalled due to lead? Over 10,000,000. The kicker? 100% have been imported, virtually all from China and Mexico.

These are products being produced today, sold today, used today by our children, poisoning them today and will be imported again tomorrow for our kids to play with. Why are you as tax payers in Rhode Island, Milwaukee and possibly Ohio watching and cheering as your DA’s sue Sherwin Williams (SHW) and NL Industries (NL) when they have had nothing to do with this product in over 50 YEARS and when they did, it was because the very gov’t now suing them asked them to add lead to paint. Talk about irony?

Why aren’t you calling your state reps and the DA office and asking them what they are doing to stop the current onslaught of lead paint at our children? Who are they going to hold responsible, anyone? Are they even aware of this? Better yet, go look in the mirror and ask yourself, “what am I doing?”