
Another Day, Another AutoNation Purchase for Gates

Lampert and Gates now hold nearly 58% of the outstanding shares.$$

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Once again through both Cascade Investments and his Foundation Gates added another 375k shares at $8.30 each.

Gates now holds over 12% of the outstanding shares. I’ll update tomorrow after the next buy…

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5 replies on “Another Day, Another AutoNation Purchase for Gates”

Too bad he is not buying Sears Holdings.
Todd regarding Lampert taking Sears’private you did’t answer my question on the Sears post, whydidn’t Berkowitz say Lampert could not take itPRIVATE FOR THE REASONS YOU SAID HE COULDN’T.


come on ……don’t start…

berkowitz also did not say he Could….

it would end up in court for years…the last thing lampert wants…

i am going to guess it has something to do with SHLD buying back 14% of the stock, maybe, not 100% though

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