
ValuePlays 8 for 2008: The Results

To review. Here were the 8 picks for ’08: Final results, call it a 1.5 out of 8…

1- Sherwin Williams (SHW) gets a bid from a potential buyer

Not yet……although I still think in 2009 this will happen…

2- The US WILL NOT slip into recession

We do not know for sure if we technically will have until sometime in January (2 consecutive Q’s of negative GDP growth). I think one would have to be foolishly optimistic to think we avoided it though.

3- Citigroup (C) does not cut its dividend and does not break it self up.

ERRR. Citi cut it dividend on Jan 15th and again in October.  I did not , however, break itself up…although it should…

4- Google (GOOG) purchases Sprint (S)..

Rumors abounded but nothing came of them

5- Dow in June 2008, 13,600. In December 2008, 15,200

In May it hit a post prediction high of 13,058 before retreating back into the 12,000’s. Then…..oh never mind…

6- Oil crosses $100 in January and does not retreat below it. By December 2008, it sits at $135

Well this was right in that on Jan. 2nd, oil did, if ever so briefly hit $100 a barrel. It did retreat below it hitting $90 the same month. By early April the price hit $120. In May it reached $133. By October with recession fears and margin calls abounding, it hit $75 and fell into the 60’s by the end of the month. In December oil ended in the $40 range.

7- Apple’s (AAPL) iPhone does not sell 10 million units before the end of 2008 without another price cut to $299.

This summer Apple indeed cut the price as sales slowed to a crawl…to $199.

8- President Mitt Romney is elected saving all investors from a catastrophic tax increase.

Mitt dropped out of the race on Feb. 9th, ending what would have been an investor’s dream. Barack Obama was elected the 44th President

Disclosure: Long Citigroup, Sherwin Williams.

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4 replies on “ValuePlays 8 for 2008: The Results”

As I said before follow the big boys,,,Carlos Slim, Prince Waeed, Ken Heebner and Carl Ican all bought large amounts of Citigroup stock recenly.

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