
Rick Santelli’s Rant "An Anthem for Responsible People" $$

Finally someone in the MSM says what everyone else is thinking….if there is a God, this will resonate in Washington …please pass this along..

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5 replies on “Rick Santelli’s Rant "An Anthem for Responsible People" $$”

Maybe this is harsh, but if CEOs who get TARP money have to do without their holidays and plane rides, maybe bad debtors who get taxpayer bailout help with their mortgages ought to have to surrender their passports.

No holidays until they’ve repaid everything they’ve been loaned/given.

That would help them save.

Moreover, let’s give –or lease– each one of them a new, small, electric or fuel efficient car made by GM or Fiat/Chrysler.

Limit their mileage to 6,000 miles a year. That would help save GM and Chrysler (the Government would pay the car companies for the Fiats and Opels).

The reduced mileage would help save the roads and the planet and the CAFE standards.

I’m for treating those who need mortgage help like CEOS!

Right lets start taking away people’s passports, restricting the cars they are driving….while we are at it lets enforce a one child policy, force them to work a certain job…


umm..wrong. CEO’s use of COMPANY property such as COMPANY parties and COMPANY planes was restricted; these are ‘public’ companies held by shareholders and CEOs already have to answer to boards; they are not the “owners” of these companies’ they are merely the agents…

Your solution to take away people’s passports and start pushing them around shows your bias…

where was Santelli when TARP was being introduced and where was the rage from the trade floor when the Wall st. bailout was passed? Actually…there were several protests in front of the NYSE ..but traders were all for it!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had Cramer yelling at the top of his lungs that “something” had to be done by the FEDS to help Wall St…poor blokes!!

NOW when the average freakin family needs a lil help this Santelli bloke wants to talk crap about their immoral, irresponsible behavior..never heard anything like that from him about Wall St and his irresponsible trader buddies!

SIck Sick Sick Santelli is a Sick bloke!

Preach on Rick! You got it…hopefully, those who haven’t yet will do further study because of your “rant!”

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