
Portfolio Tracking Changes

I am changing how the portfolio is tracked. It will not effect the performance and will make accessing it easier.

If you follow this link you can see it here. Bookmark it to your browser and it updates I believe at the end of each day. It also allow comparisons to all types of benchmarks. All in all, I think it is much better.

The website assumes all dividends are reinvested, which is something I do anyway, but do not have the excel abilities to track on my current spreadsheet. The way I currently do it is to take the cash and I reflect that as a decrease in the purchase price. While accurate, it painfully understates the effect on results when dividends are reinvested. Icarra does not, track the options I sell but the dividends I receive and their reinvestment outweigh that consideration. They are attempting to add that capability soon and if and when they do, I will update it to reflect that.

There is supposedly a way to integrate the chart into the blog. When I figure it out, I will do it.

Current holdings are (in order of size, LARGEST FIRST):

Goldman Sachs (GS)
Sears Holdings (SHLD)
Altria (MO)
Sherwin Williams (SHW)
Wal-Mart (WMT)
Citigroup (C)
US Oil Trust (USO)
Dow Chemical (DOW)
Archer Daniels Midland (ADM)
Owens Corning (OC)
Leap Frog (LF)

Now, If Sears Holdings (SHLD) gets much cheaper, I may just have to pick up more shares this week which would make it the largest holding. We’ll see.

13 replies on “Portfolio Tracking Changes”

Hi Todd, I’ve been tracking SHLD for some time now and finally dried up some powder this past week. Morningstar upped their rating this weekend and had a pretty good video clip on their site: Linky

There seems to be a decent support for the $170 level from the past few months. Any thoughts on a good entry point?


thank you for reading.

i think that support has been lampert buying more shares.

if it hits 170, i am jumping in again

Why are you stacking up on SHLD just when consumer spending seems to be on the decline? I am rather buying put option leaps on most retailers including SHLD.

Am I missing anything?


i do not think “you are missing” anything necessarily. i do think your time frame is a bit shorter.

a lot of people have a lot of money betting against the consumer.

as a value investor we buy when others run away..

plus, lampert is buying shares himself and i have a real hard time going against that guy

Take a look at my picks and let’s talk about them. I am a long term value investor. I am a strong disciple of Buffet but I still think this market is not ripe for value trading.

Hi again Todd, I was the first Mr. Nonomous comment in the thread. I made my initial entry into SHLD right around $170 and change this A.M. and feel pretty good being in the same boat as Lampert’s recent purchases. They didn’t seem to be pity purchases either if I recall; somewhere in the 1MM range right?

I look forward to following this story further. Keep up the nice blog.

thank you!!

i do not think lampert make pity purchases…

i would be willing to bet by the time the next earning release comes out he has bought hundreds of millions of dollars of shares…

you in C?

Ah nope, no C for me. I do have some financials on my watchlist though, especially GS. I noticed it’s your largest holding as well. I think I’ll wait for the dust to settle from the Bear Stearns fallout (warranted or not) and try to make my entry then. Or if it falls below a 10x multiple, it’ll perk my ears.

Right now, I have concentrated holdings in GOOG and SHLD. One of my more speculative plays is TNH (been riding it for awhile now though and keep ratcheting up the stop loss). GOOG has been really strong lately. I recall you had a post about its overexposure, but that seems to have died down lately. I still think the multiple and growth prospects are great there. Plus, I think it has a ways to go (upwards) before you could say it’s priced for perfection.

BTW- I used my blogger handle this time, for continuity sake.


I’m sure you researched several options to track your portfolio. The provider you selected has some great features, but doesn’t support options. I have some LEAPs in my portfolio that I’d like to track. What services were “runners up” to the service that you selected.



I was not able to find any that supported options. that is not to say they do not exist, just that i could not find them…


Thanks Todd. BTW I think you might have a tracking error with GS. It was displaying a large loss for you last night. Perhaps it was a glitch; I didn’t check today.

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