
Crash Test Results….Little Cars = Death

Say what you want about GM (GM) and my beloved Suburban, in any of these crashes, I and my family walk away.

I’ll happily pay take my 14mpg over crushed femurs and coma anytime…anytime

Disclosure (“none” means no position):None in GM, Long Suburbans

3 replies on “Crash Test Results….Little Cars = Death”

I’m sorry, but not every high-MPG car out there is a Smart Car. There are plenty of safe, higher-MPG vehicles out there that would protect you fairly well compared to a Suburban. Granted, you’re going to be a bit safer in collisions if you’re driving a massive vehicle like your Suburban, but you should at least consider the rollover risk you get with SUVs.

All I’m saying is that it’s foolish to claim superiority for driving a huge car.

“claim superiority”? that is a bit much…

i am claiming safety…of that there is little debate

Sorry, didn’t mean to be hyperbolic there.

As you know, people often look for information that helps support or validate their actions, called “confirmation bias” in psychology. I sensed a bit of that here.

There are safety issues with SUVs, as I alluded to above. Just trying to keep both sides of the argument illuminated…

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