
Buying News Corp…… Finally

Finally took the plunge and bought the “limited voting” A shares at $8.86 of News Corp. (NWSA) vs the “B” shares (NWS)

Here is some of the reasoning for News Corp from previous posts

Why the “limited voting” shares vs “B”?

Couple reasons.

1- Murdoch owns 40$ of the voting shares so buying “B” shares really affords the purchaser no advantage as what Ruppert wants, Ruppert will get.

2- Discount. Currently the A shares trade at about a 13% discount to the regular (NWS) shares. Now, that discount has typically been around 8% so I am adding a 5% normalization of value into the mix.

3- Dividends between the two shares are treated equally.

Here is the SEC filing regarding the two classes of shares:
News Corp. A vs B

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Here is the “Murdoch Agreement”:
“Murdoch Agreement”

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So, if you have “x” amount of money to invest in the stock, the “A” shares are the way to go as they enable you to, as today’s prices purchase 13% more share and participate is essentially equal performance. I am assuming this is the reason they were created, the ensure Ruppert’s control of the company was not challenged. Personally, given his track record, I have no reason to want to.

I have saved some money in case we get a sell-off in shares, if that happens, I will resume buying on the way down.

So there it is, will update later.

Disclosure (“none” means no position):Long NWSA, none in NWS

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