
Sun Activity Responsbile for Climate Change

Now the “Cap and Trade” looks as thought is might be a reality. Let’s take a look at a possible cause might be. The Sun? You mean it isn’t my SUV?

Sun Activity

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3 replies on “Sun Activity Responsbile for Climate Change”

One thing all scientists agree on is that the earth is getting warmer. For how long and how much is up for debate, but not the if (unless you deny that scientific measurements are actually real).

Now, this article states that scientific measures have been done on solar radiation and that over the past 24 solar radiation has increased by .05 percent, and *if* this trend was sustained it would impact our climate. There's no doubt that this is interesting because it could amplify the green house gas effect. However, it does not mean that green house gases are not the primary cause of the problem. We don't know how long this trend has been in place because we can't go back in time and take these measures. However, we know from ice cores and other data that the Earth has been getting warmer for much longer than 24 years.

Climate change has happened in the past and will happen in the future, its part of the earth's cycle. However, that doesn't mean we should stop man-made climate change. Have you thought about all the millions and perhaps billions of people that would die as a result of polar ice caps melting?

I assume that you are Christian. Do you think God would want us to try and do something to stop these deaths, or should we just keep burning up the planet because the Rapture is coming soon and God will sort out the good and the bad?

I purpose that we stop squabbling about the causes and start trying to do something. Even if we can't make a difference because the cause is ultimately extra-terrestrial (God, Sun, or whatever), I still think it is worth the effort because the God I believe doesn't want me to sit idly by while millions die from a problem that Man created.

I have never seen a good blog deteriorate so quickly. I've followed your posts for over a year and was an avid reader for most of that time. I don't know what caused it, maybe your TV appearances, increased readership, who knows, but something has gone to your head. Your posts increasingly reek of ugly psychological bias that completely tarnishes any of your attempts at objective business-oriented investment analysis. All I see now is someone who can't overcome their own psychological biases and who prefers polarizing opinions and stubbornness to rationality. You've turned from an investor into a market pundit. I can see why, the incentives to do so are enormous as a blogger. How can you be expected to make several posts a day and attract more readers if you limit yourself to nothing but sound, well-thought-out business analysis? A good investor will be lucky to have one good idea per year, hardly enough to support a blogger looking to actually make some money. Any moderately-intelligent investor knows that timing market movements is a complete waste of time, yet you dedicate tons of time to it. Are you running a political blog, a market-speculation blog, or an investment blog? The three don't blend together very well and you are certain to lose your foundation of value-investor readers over time if you continue down your current path of foolish political bravado and absurdly-arrogant predictions about the market.

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