
Today’s 52 Week Lows

Here are today’s new lows, look familiar?

Meritage Homes (MTH)

KB Homes (KBH)

Beazer Homes (BZH)

Providant Financial Services (PFS)

New Century Bancorp (NCBC)

Everyday we have 2 or 3 homebuilders hitting new lows. sooner or later they have to bottom. I think folks are betting on later… much later

3 replies on “Today’s 52 Week Lows”

Hope you had a good 4th.
FYI – AAPL @ 52 week high….you haven’t mentioned it this week (so far)….Not a true value play….
You should ‘test drive’ an iPhone when you get a chance. Amazing device.


Can’t believe I have not heard from you before now!!

Had a great 4th… Hope you and yours are all well..

Brooks, the day I pay $599 for a phone, please stop reading this blog because i have clearly lost my mind…as my $99 blackberry is just perfect for me and it is on a better network.

Like I said before, $299 and you have got something..

I am interested to see what happens over the next couple of months as the euphoria dies down and all the “buy one at any price” folks own one..

As for me? These homebuilders are getting enticing….

Waiting in line 5 days for a phone…. PT Barnum had it right Beautiful YOY charts. Homebuilders….I’m not anywhere near an expert, and while they do look enticing, there’s so much inventory nationally….

We didn’t wait in line….wife, kids and I showed up ~830pm Friday evening and purchased 2 @ $599 ea. Call me crazy, but I think it’s crazy how that stock has put $ in my account….

You assume the ‘euphoria’ is going to die down. Of course, the US hype has died down, but that wasn’t of AAPL’s doing. Complete media/blogger doing, in my opinion. But again, it’s consistently one of the heaviest traded stocks, so lots of interest. I think the ‘euphoria’ is here for a while….globally with introduction, and also globally / US with personal experiences with Macs, iPods, iTunes and iPhones. Just my 2 cents.

Right now, would I buy shares in AAPL? Not sure. I do think a few months ago, in the 80s and low 90s, I believed it was a value play, but you saw differently. Now, there’s no doubt it’s not a value play, just a growth play. But I have enough shares right now and also have some July 85 and 90 calls, some of which I plan on exercising.

Keep up the good work.

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