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Traffic Picking Up


“Davidson” submits:

The 10day TSA Passenger traffic rise is very rapid in this daily series. Now 53.4% of the 2012 trend line when 10days ago it was 41.3%. More than a 25% gain in 10days is surprising considering major air hub states are still slow-rolling lockdown reversals.

I interpret this data as reflecting general consumer confidence and individual desire to normalize. Consumers are pushing against existing lockdown restrictions and breaking barriers despite government cautions. Certainly vehicle traffic has recovered significantly with roads as populated as ever. NYC shows a bump higher in truck traffic in the latest report thru Dec 2020. Truck traffic currently equals the Dec 2019 level. Trucks replenish retail outlets. Higher numbers reflect a retail recovery long awaited for NYC one of most locked-down cities in the US. Retailers would not replenish goods if there were not an increase in retail traffic. These numbers should continue to rise with subsequent rise in fuel consumption with prices likely to be higher at current supply levels.

Data Shows Truck Traffic Roaring Back In NYC, But Fewer Cars And Buses

FEB. 24, 2021 12:43 P.M.