
Sprint Customer Service Still Sucks

So here I am on vacation and I brought my laptop so if the mood hit me I could whip out a post or two. One problem, I cannot access the internet with my PCS card. No problem I think, I will just call Sprint (S) customer service and they will help me out.

DUH!!! This is Sprint we are talking about. For two days now I have either been on eternal hold or told "we cannot take your call at this time" by the computer that answers the phone. I never thought I would be relived to get blown off by a robot, at least it saves my wireless minutes.

These guys just do not get it. "Customer" should not be a four letter word and I am really not the enemy.

Now we are going to have to talk about refunds if they ever take my call.

I think the customers Sprint "fired" last week may just may up being the lucky ones.

Todd Sullivan

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

3 replies on “Sprint Customer Service Still Sucks”

Just got back from 2 weeks vacation without wifi. Had my iPhone. AT&T’s edge worked perfectly and was/is fast. Not wifi fast, but plenty fast enough for me. It’s not too late to join the dark side….

I went through the exact same thing on my vacation! My BLOG is rapidly becoming a Sprint Sucks blog since I signed up for EVDO about a month ago.

It’s amazing actually.

maybe you’ll get lucky and get “fired” by them…

nice blog by the way…

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