
Friday’s Links and Some Important ValuePlays News

Unintended consequences, Fox Business News,

– More proof government programs just do not work. Check out what the American’s With Disabilities Act has done to those it purported to help.

– Am I the only one who is really excited to watch the FOX Business News on October 15th?

As for the news.

I have been asked to allow my posts to appear on the site Gurufocus. I am more than happy to oblige as the site itself is one of my favorites and not a day goes by that I do not read it. I have said this before but please visit this site, the only person who suffers if you do not is yourself.

Also, the monthly newsletter is now being sold on We have collaborated with other writers and because of that are able to offer them a far better prices than is currently available. We just recently launched the site so please give feedback with any issues you may encounter.

The site, is launching a newsletter soon. I have been asked to be one of the writers to contribute to it. I do not know the details yet but I know the first issue is due out any day now and I will keep readers informed.

Finally…. is being launched in the near future!!!
It will not only have my writings and thoughts but that of other writers. The key to this site is that it will offer disparate opinions so that readers can get “both” sides of the issue and then make up their minds. It will also have thew dailoy features you like such as the analyst upgrades and downgrades, fast money recap, and 52 week lows. Also, since I “do not do tech”, several of the writers do (and do it very well) and this will give the site better breadth and hopefully attract a wider audience. Again. More news as we get closer.