
Why Can’t Starbucks Be Honest With Investors?

Back in May I posted “Starbucks (SBUX), which uses an estimated 93 million gallons of milk a year, is looking at a $279 million milk bill in 2007. While it may not seem a lot to a billion-dollar company, it does equate to 36 cents a share, an increase of about 9 cents, or about 10.3% of profits, over 2006. This does not include the price increase to be incurred from changing the percentage of hormone-free milk from 27% to 37%. Starbucks does charge 50 cents more at some locations for this milk, so it must cost considerably more, no? When you are guiding 83 to 87 cents a share and 18% growth, the 10% of that in milk costs is huge.

I followed it up at the end of the month with a post that exposed the real reason for Starbucks’s switch to 2% milk “According the USDA, 2% milk averages 8 cents a gallon less than whole milk” and said it was the real reason for the change, not their stated reason of “listening to customers”.

Near the end of June I took management to task when they finally admitted “rising dairy cost” would make meeting the “high end of earnings estimates very challenging”. In it I wondered said “When some guy in Massachusetts is more honest with you about a company he has no financial interest in than the people you entrust to run it, there is a serious problem.”

As recently as the end of last month in a post I objected to a report that milk prices were due to fall in the very near future.

Where is all this going? Peter Bocian, CFO at Starbucks, said Wednesday that the company expects dairy prices to be a “negative” in 2008. He said that the company has tried to offset the higher prices of dairy and other commodities through two price increases in the last 12 months. Here is my beef. Starbucks seems to just let this stuff trickle out very ambiguously without really giving investors anything to quantify. Starbucks must contract out is milk purchasing so they must have a solid idea of what the “negative” will be but, they give us nothing.

I have made several calls to Starbucks corporate offices and have been told “we do not disclose that information”. So, we are left to guess. Since they have been in such denial about it and very slow to announce it to date, the guess must be to the downside to protect you. Despite Starbucks’s claims and reaffirmation of guidance, I am convinced investors have a earnings warning or downgrade in their future.

Starbucks has just been too secretive to expect anything else…


Apple Drops 4GB iPhone Price To My $299 Target, Thanks Steve

In April I posted in regards to Apple’s (AAPL) iPhone, “cut the price to $299 and you may have something. A $599 phone will not gain mass acceptance no matter what it does, especially when people can still get it’s functionality from their existing devices.”

Of course the Apple folks countered that the iPhone did everything in the world including cook dinner and put the kids to bed at night. So what? I replied, I costs too much and in order for it to be a big seller, the price has to come down. But despite this, I was still a moron according to these folks.

Now I was upset that these same folks neglected to email me yesterday when Mr. jobs announced that he was dropping the price $200 to $399 for the 8GB model “so more people can afford it”. HMMMMM. Now, where have we heard that before?

You can also now get a 4GB iPod for drum roll please…. $299!!!!!!

Now the point of the post is not to brag about being right (well, maybe a little) but to point out the larger issue here. After the initial buzz over the phone that had people of questionable intellect sleeping in the streets for 5 days for A PHONE it would seem that Apple is seeing sales slow. There is no other reason for them to be dropping the price now only 2 months into the product’s launch. None. Perhaps this is the reason for the 5% sell off in shares yesterday, others are realizing this also?

Now, the real winner here? RIMM’s (RIMM) Blackberry. Sales have exploded over the summer as it has become the very affordable alternative to the iPhone. Even at the $399 price, a great Blackberry can be had for 1/2 that from all cellular carriers, not just AT&T (T) and people are choosing this option in droves.

How pissed are the people that waited in line? One thing you should know, Apple does have a 10 day price guarantee, if you bought your phone in the last ten days, take it back to get your $200 refund.


Home Depot Finally Sells 87.5% of Supply Unit

Well, they finally got it done, almost..

The Home Depot (HD) Supply unit sold for $8.5 billion, about $2 billion less than the originally agreed-upon $10.3 billion price tag, as the acquisition coincided with the eruption of turmoil in the U.S. credit market. Private-equity firms Bain Capital, Carlyle Group, and Clayton Dubilier & Rice are the buyers.

Under the terms of the revised deal, announced earlier last week, Home Depot is set to pay $325 million for a 12.5% equity interest in the supply unit and will guarantee a $1 billion senior secured loan of HD Supply.

Home Depot said Friday that it has entered into a $10 billion revolving credit facility in connection with its plan to buy back up to 250 million shares of common stock. It expects to repurchase 290 million of its shares for $10.7 billion as a result of a tender offer, a little less than halfway (48%) toward its goal of buying back $22.5 billion in stock.

Preliminary results of the tender offer that ended Friday indicated the chain of home-improvement stores expects to repurchase the shares at $37 each, using about $8 billion in net proceeds from its sale of HD Supply and $2.7 billion in cash (that all but empties the checking account), said spokeswoman Paula Drake. Ms. Drake said the company will continue buying back shares but she said there was no specific timeline for doing so. Translation? Don’t hold your breath for the other 52%.

How did the markets react? It didn’t. Why? Because despite an almost $11 billion buyback, Home Depot promised more, much more and there is real doubt now as to their ability to finished what they started. Why? Sales, profits and cash flow are in a free fall (unlike rival Lowes (LOW)) debt markets are not begging to stand in line to loan Home Depot the nearly $13 billion they will need to finish the job.

When current CEO Frank Blake took over he promised “an end to the drama” and promptly escalated it to new levels. I was against the Supply sale before it was announced and I feel it has turned into a fiasco in which they committed to something and backed themselves into such a corner, they did not get even close to fair value for the asset when all was said and done. Now they are stuck owning 12.5% of it still and had a guaranteed another $1 billion in Supply loans. In other words, they still are not free from it.

Home Depot will be stuck here for a very long time. They shot for the moon on this one and missed bad and unfortunately are out of ammo.

If only they had just quietly concentrated on their business like LOWES has been doing, they may not have lost so much market share to them. They did get more headlines though.


The Dow Chemical Expantion Continues

Dow Chemical (DOW) is going hard core at the corn seed market currently dominated by Monsanto (MON) and DuPont (DD)

Dow AgroSciences, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company, announced last week that it has further strengthened its global corn seeds platform with the acquisition of Netherlands-based Duo Maize. The deal follows two other recent acquisitions in the corn seeds arena, involving Brazil’s Agromen Tecnologia, and Austrian company Maize Technologies International (MTI).

“The expanding seed platform that we are building will enable us to leverage superior Dow AgroSciences input and output traits in key crops around the world,” said Jerome Peribere, Dow AgroSciences president and chief executive officer.

Duo Maize is a corn germplasm company focused primarily on early maturing germplasm silage applications for northern climates. The technology shall enhance and expand the strong silage market presence Dow AgroSciences has established in the U.S. with a silage-specific product line. At the same time, it shall also position Dow AgroSciences as a key player in European silage applications, complementing the breeding program and germplasm recently acquired from MTI.

I love this, big time. CEO Andrew Liveris has said over and over that he was determined to diversify Dow from its cyclical chemical businesses to more stable ones. This fits that bill perfectly. Currently the worldwide biofuel boom has made seed production an extremely profitable business and the industry is in it’s infancy. There is no end in site for demand for ethanol and other than in Brazil, it is made by corn. Dow’s expansion here is exploding the segment for them and stabilizing earnings for shareholders.


Wal-Mart: Acquisitions?

Some interesting thoughts about Wal-Mart (WMT)?

The stock hit an 8 yr. low today despite earnings over those same 8 yr’s going in the opposite direction, up. Eight years ago Wal-Mart traded for the $42 a share it hit today and earned $1.25, this year it will exceed $3 a share in earnings and trade for the same $42. Hmmm.

Recently Wal-Mart said it is considering new store sizes and types in the U.S. market but played down the possibility of acquisitions as it faces slowing sales growth at its older stores and the expected new competition from British rival Tesco PLC. I am not sure why a new rival would dampen acquisition plans but that it what they said. They also said they are hiring managers for a team to consider new formats besides the retailer’s four established types, Wal-Mart discount stores, Supercenters that combine groceries and general merchandise, Sam’s Club membership stores and Neighborhood Market grocery stores.

On the international stage Wal-Mart has been buying retail chains and entering joint ventures all over the world to improve its exposure and it has worked, really well. Now, with same store sale in the U.S. in trouble, why not try the same strategy in the U.S. as well?

According to a recent article in the Financial Times, with Tesco moving into the U.S. with its “Fresh & Easy” small format neighborhood groceries soon, Wal-Mart may think that it cannot afford to ignore the success of niche stores. If Wal-Mart is going to try to take on Tesco, or, meet them at the gate when they arrive, there are several retailer operators that should end up on Wal-Mart’s radar despite their claims to the contrary.

One could be Whole Foods (WFMI), which is about to merge with competing organic food chain Wild Oats (OATS). While a great idea, it would make a “organic food” powerhouse and draw the attention of the FTC. But, with the FTC’s track record recently, this may just end up being more of an annoyance than legitimate opposition. Other possibilities are Kroger (KR), which has a market cap of over $19 billion and annual sales of over $66 billion or Safeway (SWY) at a $13 billion market cap and $40 billion in sales. Wal-Mart’s market cap is a cool $179 billion, swallowing any of the four would be real easy.

What to do? I am buying more shares for starters. Currently Wal-Mart is dismally run and Lee Scott is not long for his job. That being said, the company is a money making machine and will only get bigger once management gets it’s head out of it’s, well, you know where. If you were being offered another asset that has almost tripled it’s annual earnings for a price it sold at 8 years ago, wouldn’t you jump at the chance to buy it?

Me too.


Thursday’s Upgrades / Downgrades

Here are the recent calls…


Chesapeake Energy CHK Fortis Bank Hold » Buy
Medco Health Solutions MHS Cowen & Co Neutral » Outperform
Check Point Sftwr CHKP Friedman Billings Mkt Perform » Outperform
BP BP Bernstein Mkt Perform » Outperform
MetroPCS PCS Jefferies & Co Hold » Buy


Cognos COGN BMO Capital Markets Outperform » Market Perform
Emcore EMKR B. Riley & Co Buy » Neutral
TAM S.A. TAM Calyon Securities Buy » Add
Gol Intelligent Airlines GOL Calyon Securities Buy » Add
Finisar FNSR Needham & Co Strong Buy » Buy
Brookline Bancorp BRKL Friedman Billings Outperform » Mkt Perform


"Fast Money" For Thursday

Here are tomorrows picks…

Thursday’s Picks

Jeff Macke recommended Short Dow30 ProShares (DOG). Open $59.87

Karen Finerman likes Kraft (KFT). Open $32.60

Guy Adami preferred Biogen (BIIB). Open $62.87

Pete Najarian said Nokia (NOK) is a buy. Open $33.37

Wednesday’s Results

Jeff Macke recommended Short Dow30 ProShares (DOG). Open $59.22 Close $59.87 Gain $.65
Karen Finerman liked The Limited (LTD). Open $23.48 Close $22.93 Loss $.56

Guy Adami picked Hewlett Packard (HPQ). Open $50.14 Close $50.10 Loss $.04

Pete Najarian preferred HLTH Corp (HLTH). Open $15.24 Close $15.17 Loss $.07

Since my tracking began on 6/21 (1-1 means one up pick and one down pick and no results from my vacation weeks)

Guy Adami= 19-13 Gain $35.58
Eric Bolling= 10-11 Loss $14.01
John Najarian= 13-3 Gain $15.54
Jeff Macke= 22-18 Gain $4.25
Pete Najarian= 13-10 Gain $24.67
Tim Seymore= 3-2 Loss $.49
Karen Finerman= 3-3 Gain $.75
Stacey Briere-Gilbert= 2-0 Gain $1.61
Constance Hunter= 1-0 Gain $1.84


Wednesday’s 52 Week Lows

POOL Pool Corporation $31.96
PABK PAB Bankshares, Inc $16.20
OSM Slm Corp $17.00
LNUX Sourceforge Inc $2.44
KWD Kellwood Company $19.12
KUB Kubota Corporation $37.22
JBSS John B Sanfilippo & S $9.67
INSP Infospace Inc $13.37
CWTR Coldwater Creek Inc $12.35
CSNT Crescent Bkg Co $30.05
CSK Chesapeake Corporation $8.98
CMRG Casual Male Retail Gr $9.65
APAB Appalachian Bancshare $14.55
AMIE Ambassadors Internati $23.00


Altria: Hold Both US and International Shares

Altria (MO) has this way of giving you what you want and then leaving you panting for even more.

On Aug. 25th I posted “The litigation environment surrounding tobacco has not been this good in almost 20 years. Altria (MO) will take advantage of this to announce the PMI spin at the upcoming board meeting Aug. 29th.”

Altria obliged and gave me the spin I wanted to stopped short of announcing the huge dividend increases and share buybacks I also wanted. They did announce an almost 9% dividend increase to 75 cents a share and made no mention of share repurchases. Altria stopped buying its shares in 2003 after it lost access to the commercial-paper market following a $10 billion ruling in a class-action smokers’ suit in Illinois that limited its financial flexibility. A final decision on the timing of the spin will be announced at a board meeting Jan. 30, Altria said in a statement.

A spin would finally complete the breakup of the former Philip Morris Cos., which traces their roots back to a London tobacconist in 1847, and leave it only with the U.S. cigarette operations. Altria’s cigarette ties stretch back 160 years, when Philip Morris opened a tobacco shop in London. Philip Morris & Co. was incorporated in New York in 1902 and introduced the Marlboro brand in the U.S. the mid-1920s.

The US unit, which accounts for one of every two cigarettes sold in the US, is dwarfed by Philip Morris International (PMI). The overseas division accounts for two-thirds of profit and three-fourths of revenue, and its shipments are rising.

Thomas Russo, a partner at Gardner Russo & Gardner in Lancaster, Pennsylvania said “Ultimately it is the right move”. He also expects the international and U.S. companies to initiate a “generous share buyback program and pay a substantial dividend.”

Louis Camilleri, 52, will take over as chairman and CEO of Lausanne, Switzerland-based Philip Morris International. Michael Szymanczyk chief of Philip Morris USA, will become Altria’s chairman and CEO. Said Cammilleri, “I have seen no credible argument for keeping the segments together”

A separation of the two units will allow for savings of at least $250 million, including the closure of Altria’s New York headquarters. Almost 2/3’s of Altria’s 600 New York jobs will be cut and some employees will be offered transfers to the Richmond, Virginia, headquarters of Philip Morris USA.

The international unit, which has the biggest share of smokers in Italy, Germany, France and Spain, may accelerate acquisitions and resume share buybacks once operating independently, Bonnie Herzog, a Citigroup Inc. analyst in New York, wrote in a note Aug. 26. Altria spent more than $5 billion on acquisitions in Indonesia and Colombia in 2005 to spur growth in emerging markets.

So, that is that backround. Now we need to know what to do going forward. This is easy, nothing. Nothing.

Take your shares in the spin, keep them and keep your PMUSA shares. Altria has been quite possibly the most shareholder friendly company in the history of the US markets, no reason to expect that to change. Cigarette’s, no matter what you want to say about them are a great investment. As Berkshire’s (BRK.A) Warren Buffett once said, (I am paraphrasing) “you make a legal product for pennies and sell it to addicts for dollars, a great business.”

You will be getting shares in what is a US backed government monopoly thanks to the Master Settlement that will pay a huge dividend and will buy back shares by the truckload. In PMI, you will get shares in a fast growing business that throws of huge amount of cash for both acquisitions and a nice big dividend. How much of a dividend? $30 billion in leverage puts PMUSA at 1.8 times debt/EBITDA, a common industrial level and PMI at 2 times. A 75% dividend pay-out on PMUSA earnings would drive a yield of 5.4% if it traded at 14x P/E on 2008 forecasts. PMI would trade on a yield of 4.6%.

What’s not to like?


Owens Corning Gets India Investment From World Bank

World Bank private equity arm International Finance Corporation has invested $12 million for an undisclosed equity in fibre glass maker Owens Corning India Ltd (OCIL). The capital will be used to expand its manufacturing facility in Maharashtra. OCIL is a joint venture between Owens Corning USA (OC), which owns 78.5 per cent, and Mahindra & Mahindra, which owns 21.5 per cent stake. The expansion of glass melter and related downstream equipment capacity by Owens Corning will result in significant energy and efficiency improvements, IFC said in a release. Owens Corning is the inventor of as well as the world’s leading manufacturer of glass-fiber insulation, while M&M is India’s leading manufacturer of utility vehicles and tractors.

The facility is expanding in Taloja near Mumbai from 36,000 tons per annum (tpa) to 67,000 tpa at a cost of $39 million. The demand for glass-fibre in India is expected to increase by 18 per cent a year over the medium term, driven by growing infrastructure and automotive sectors, IFC said in a release.

Much has been said by Owens and others about the impact of the US housing market on results and rightfully so. Owens has taken many strides to offset that with the recent purchase of St. Gobain’s fast growing composites business and now the overseas expansion. Shares will suffer in the short term as all housing related issues will but when housing bottoms, and yes it will, Owens is making moves now to really boost profits when that segment resumes. Owens has yet to guide profit expectations lower and that means two things, they expected housing to be this bad when they set them or other divisions are performing so well that they are taking up some of the residential construction slack. My bet is that it is a little of both and that is real good as we own shares in a company that does not give us fairy tale expectations and is diversifying it’s operation away from an unhealthy reliance on US housing. .

All in all, I can wait.


Sherwin Williams Acquires Another Distributor

Last week Sherwin Williams (SHW) announced the acquisition of Columbia Paint & Coatings, headquartered in Spokane, Wash. Columbia, which has 350 employees and 41 company-owned stores in 11 states makes and distributes paints and coatings in the West and Pacific Northwest. The transaction will be completed upon the receipt of all regulatory approval which is not expected to be a problem

“Columbia Paint & Coatings has built a respected and admired company with 60 years of history in the paint and coatings industry,” said H. H. (Larry) Larison, CEO of Columbia Paint & Coatings Co. “Sherwin Williams is a very well managed and highly respected multi-national company and we at Columbia Paint are very excited about this merger and are confident that it will allow us to provide a stronger level of service and support to our customers, both now and in the future.”

“We are pleased to have reached an agreement with Columbia Paint. Sherwin-Williams has great respect for the Columbia Paint organization and we are excited about bringing Columbia Paint into the Sherwin-Williams family,” said Christopher M. Connor, chairman and CEO of The Sherwin-Williams Company. “After the transaction is completed, Columbia’s paints and coatings will continue to be provided through Columbia’s existing stores. We are looking forward to working with the Columbia organization and we believe we will improve our service to professional painting contractors, builders and DIY customers.”

At the last earnings call CEO Connor announced he planned to expand the number of stores they sold the the DIY markets. The earlier acquisition of MA Bruder and now this none expands that by over 100 locations. It is a great strategy because Sherwin get it’s footprint expanded and does so by going into business with established and successful partners in these areas.

It has been working to date and has been a particular reason Sherwin has weathered the housing situation without a profit drop.


Wednesday’s Notable Links

– Now we can bet on the performance of a 16 yr. old NFL coach

– Who’s investments are beating Warren Buffett this year?

– Speaking of Buffett, here are some notes from his alter ego’s shareholder meeting

– In yet another Buffett induced link, here is the transcript from the fund that beat Buffett for a number of years

– A different yet accurate take on my hesitation with Harley Davidson (HOG)shares


Wednesday’s Upgrades / Downgrades

Here are the recent analyst calls


Netflix NFLX Wedbush Morgan Sell » Hold
Carmike Cinemas CKEC Soleil Hold » Buy
Covenant Transport CVTI AG Edwards Hold » Buy
Sun Microsystems JAVA Matrix Research Hold » Buy
American Eagle AEO Cowen & Co Neutral » Outperform
FCStone FCSX Banc of America Sec Neutral » Buy
HOKU Scientific HOKU Piper Jaffray Underperform » Market Perform
Tyco TYC Deutsche Securities Hold » Buy


CBS Corp CBS Lehman Brothers Overweight » Equal-weight
Dominion D Bernstein Outperform » Mkt Perform
Chesapeake Energy CHK BMO Capital Markets Outperform » Market Perform
Hellenic Telecom OTE Bear Stearns Outperform » Peer Perform
Smart Modular Tech SMOD Citigroup Buy » Hold
Royal KPN KPN Citigroup Buy » Hold
Telefonica S.A. TEF Citigroup Buy » Hold
Robt Half RHI UBS Buy » Neutral
Monster Worldwide MNST UBS Buy » Neutral


"Fast Money" For Wednesday

Here are Wednesday’s picks

Jeff Macke recommended Short Dow30 ProShares (DOG). Open $59.22

Karen Finerman liked The Limited (LTD). Open $23.48

Guy Adami picked Hewlett Packard (HPQ). Open $50.14

Pete Najarian preferred HLTH Corp (HLTH). Open $15.24

Since my tracking began on 6/21 (1-1 means one up pick and one down pick and no results from my vacation week)
Adami= 19-12 Gain $35.62
Bolling= 10-11 Loss $14.01
John Najarian= 13-3 Gain $15.54
Macke= 21-18 Gain $3.60
Pete Najarian= 13-9 Gain $24.74
Seymore= 3-2 Loss $.49
Finerman= 3-2 Gain $1.21
Stacey Briere-Gilbert= 2-0 Gain $1.61
Constance Hunter= 1-0 Gain $1.84


Tuesday’s 52 Week Lows

Back in the saddle as they say. Here is the barely present list today

OPTV Opentv Corp
NIS Nis Group Co Ltd
LPNT Lifepoint Hospitals Inc
INSP Infospace Inc
IKAN Ikanos Communications
COA Coachmen Industries, Inc
ASB Ascendia Brands Inc
APAB Appalachian Bancshare