
Tuesday’s Upgrades and Downgrades


Anheuser-Busch BUD AG Edwards Hold » Buy
National City NCC BMO Capital Markets Underperform » Market Perform
Huntington Banc HBAN FTN Midwest Neutral » Buy
UCBH Holdings UCBH FTN Midwest Neutral » Buy
Lamar Advertising LAMR Stifel Nicolaus Hold » Buy
Universal Compression Ptnrs UCLP Wachovia Mkt Perform » Outperform
Dollar Tree DLTR Wachovia Mkt Perform » Outperform
Amerigroup AGP Jefferies & Co Hold » Buy
First Solar FSLR Deutsche Securities Hold » Buy
Darden Restaurants DRI CIBC Wrld Mkts Sector Perform » Sector Outperform


Seacoast Banking SBCF Stifel Nicolaus Hold » Sell
Brookdale Senior Living BKD Stifel Nicolaus Buy » Hold
USG Corp USG Matrix Research Buy » Sell


"Fast Money" for Tuesday

Here are Tuesday’s picks and Monday’s results.

Picks for Tuesday

Jeff Macke said sell Abercrombie & Fitch (ANF). Open $78.10

Pete Najarian liked Atmel (ATML) due to unusual options activity. Open $4.86

Guy Adami preferred Freeport-McMoRan (FCX). Open $79.96

Stacey Briere Gilbert also recommended buying Freeport-McMoRan (FCX). Open $79.96


Jeff Macke said Whole Foods Market (WFMI) is a buy. Open $44.30 Close $43.47 Loss $.83

Karen Finerman liked Trinity Industries (TRN) for the railroads. Open $33.27 close $33.60 Gain $.33

Guy Adami preferred Deere & Co (DE).Open $124.61 Close $128.27 Gain $3.66

Pete Najarian recommended Citigroup (C) as a big bank. Open $48.81 Close $48.39 Loss $.42

Since my tracking began on 6/21 (1-1 means one up pick and one down pick and no results from my vacation week)

Adami= 17-12 Gain $30.81
Bolling= 10-11 Loss $14.01
John Najarian= 13-3 Gain $15.54
Macke= 20-17 Gain $2.61
Pete Najarian= 12-8 Gain $24.56
Seymore= 3-2 Loss $.49
Finerman= 3-2 Gain $1.21
Gilbert= 1-0 Gain $.29


Monday’s 52 Week lows

WOC Wilshire Oil Company
WLM Wellman, Inc
WIH Wilson Holdings Inc
NCOC National Coal Corp
QLGC QLogic Corp
MHP The McGraw-Hill Company
GLGC Gene Logic Inc
FNLY Finlay Enterprises Inc
FLL Full House Resorts Inc
CRBU American Cmnty Newspaper


Notable Items- Monday’s Links

Here are links to items of interest…

– Every wonder where the person calling you on your cell phone is? Blackberry users will know soon enough.

– Thank you to the WSJ Online for quoting me last week

– Whitney Tilson, whose reasoning I just love has a great article about the current market conditions

– Last week I wrote about Warren Buffett’s comments on lenders and their current situation. Here is the video of those comments

– Is it just me or is it embarrassingly early to be selling refurbished iPhones?


Lowe’s Earnings: Maybe It Is Not The Shopper?

In contrast the Home Depot’s (HD) earnings last week, Lowes (LOW) reported today and the news was generally good.

Earnings rose 9% to $1.02 billion, or 67 cents a share, in Q2, up from $935 million, or 60 cents a share last year. Analysts had expected 61 cents a share, according to estimates. Sales also rose 5.8% to $14.2 billion due to the opening of 26 new stores. Sales at stores open at least a year fell 2.6%, in line with the company’s expectations of a drop of as much as 3 percent. This is in contrast to the 15% decline in earnings at Home Depot.

Lowe’s called the current environment “challenging” as the U.S. housing market depressed results in some areas, but said it had gained market share in 15 of 20 product categories (they did the same last quarter also). During a conference call Chairman Robert Niblock said, “There are signs of improvement in certain areas of the country,”. The U.S. Northeast, he said was showing signs of improving sales in big-ticket installations. U.S. markets where housing hadn’t accelerated much in recent years delivered positive same-store sales, Lowe’s said. This is big. It means that in non-bubble areas they are thing are not desperate and Lowes in making big progress.

When one looks at this report one would be inclined to think we may be bottoming and there is light at the end of the tunnel while a look at the Home Depot call would lead one to think we are in a free fall. While I am not a buyer of either company right now, this earnings reports does cement in my opinion that Home Depot is years away from being a potential investment.

Lowes is managing through these tough times and taking market share from Home Depot quarter after quarter. When housing does turn around, Lowes will be in much better shape. When you look at the two you have to conclude Home Depot is just a mess and they aren’t doing anything to lead one to think things will get any better anytime soon.

Lowes proved today that is is not necessarily the shopper but where the shopper decides to shop.


Why Do Democrats Hate Wal-Mart?

Did not see this anywhere in the MSM (mainstream media) last week but Democratic Presidential advisers are taking positions with an anti Wal-Mart (WMT) group. Surprised? has hired Meghan Scott, who previously worked on John Edwards’s presidential campaign is expected to be named “deputy campaign manager” of the organization and will be assisted by Nick Baldick, Jeremy Van Ess and Richie Ros. “Who are those guys?” you ask. Baldick was the national campaign manager for John Edwards’s presidential campaign in 2003 and early 2004. Van Ess worked on the presidential campaigns of John Kerry and Edwards and was chief speechwriter for Harry Reid, the current Senate majority leader. Ross ran the 2005 California gubernatorial campaign of Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante. Apparently hiring people from losing political organizations is a recipe for success now? What no one from Jimmy Carter’s camp was available?

The organization, Wakeupwalmart, ironically was started by the United Food & Commercial Workers Union in 2005 when efforts by the Union to organize Wal-Mart workers failed. People who actually work at Wal-Mart have no affiliation with it. It oddly enough has no current plans to attempt to organize workers at Target (TGT), Kohl’s (KSS) or Macy’s (M) despite workers at those organizations faring no better (and in some areas worse) than Wal-Mart employees in term of wages or benefits.

It would seem their “outrage” at “suffering workers” is limited to those workers at politically appealing targets, not necessarily workers being taken advantage of. Are there any lower paid workers than those at fast food locations? Where are the commercials alerting us to the plight of those “disadvantaged” folks? I am sure those at Wakeup find it odd and it is apparently the reason that their efforts have failed when you consider a new Wal-Mart in Livonia, Michigan that will employee 530 workers recently had 5,000 people apply for these abhorrent, underpaid, undesirable, slave labor positions. Who is kidding who?

Said Ms. Scott, “We are going to fight to ensure that Wal-Mart becomes a responsible organization,” she said. If only she looked at her own organization first.

Do Democrats really wonder why they get the “anti-business” tag?? Do they really?


Monday’s Upgrades and Downgrades

Here are the calls


Flowserve FLS RBC Capital Mkts Sector Perform » Outperform
Taiwan Semi TSM UBS Neutral » Buy
NN Inc NNBR BB&T Capital Mkts Hold » Buy
Clear Channel Outdoor CCO Bear Stearns Peer Perform » Outperform
JB Hunt Trans JBHT Wachovia Mkt Perform » Outperform
Lamar Advertising LAMR Bear Stearns Peer Perform » Outperform
Melco PBL Entertainment MPEL Citigroup Hold » Buy
CenterPoint CNP Citigroup Hold » Buy
Agrium AGU CIBC Wrld Mkts Sector Perform » Sector Outperform
Orbitz OWW Soleil Hold » Buy
Sharper Image SHRP BMO Capital Markets Underperform » Market Perform
Autodesk ADSK Bear Stearns Peer Perform » Outperform
SAP AG SAP JP Morgan Underweight » Overweight
Blockbuster BBI JP Morgan Neutral » Overweight
CACI Intl CAI JP Morgan Underweight » Overweight
Home Depot HD UBS Sell » Neutral
Abercrombie ANF Friedman Billings Mkt Perform » Outperform
Nice Systems NICE Friedman Billings Mkt Perform » Outperform
Kohl’s KSS Deutsche Securities Hold » Buy
Countrywide CFC Banc of America Sec Sell » Neutral


Gerdau AmeriSteel GNA Soleil Buy » Hold
McGraw-Hill MHP JP Morgan Overweight » Neutral
Wild Oats Mkts OATS Bear Stearns Outperform » Peer Perform
WNS WNS JP Morgan Overweight » Neutral
Huaneng Power HNP Citigroup Buy » Sell
SL Green Rlty SLG UBS Buy » Neutral
Boston Prpts BXP UBS Buy » Neutral
Darden Restaurants DRI Bear Stearns Outperform » Peer Perform
ChoicePoint CPS Sun Trust Rbsn Humphrey Neutral » Reduce
Curtiss-Wright CW CIBC Wrld Mkts Sector Outperform » Sector Perform


Barron’s Piece on Cramer: Be Wary of Those Defending Him

So, Barron’s did a piece on Mr. Cramer this weekend and the jist of it was that it was not a flattering portrayal. Some blogs have rushed to Cramer’s defense but before you buy into their reasoning, check their motives.

First, as is my standing policy I will not name folks but readers who do their homework can come to their own conclusions.

Now, Cramer. As I have said here countless times I am not a fan of his bi-polar trading style and when you constantly shout to people how great you are, you then become a rather loud target. That being said, when he talks about the market and it’s machinations, there are not very many folks better. I wish he would stick to that but it probably would not be very much of a show and rating are what CNBC wants. Also, he recent rant and then love fest with Bernanke over rates may go down and the most embarrassing episode in TV history, although I doubt he sees it.

The Barron’s piece. I think that Cramer’s show is purposely vague enough so that the picks cannot be tracked and if they are, there is enough ambiguity there allow to for a defense. Barron’s had a well written piece that did the best job I have seen to date tracking his picks. I will neither say they are right or wrong because of the reason I gave before, the show is just too ambiguous to really say. The piece was very well done though.

The defenders…

Some blogs have rushed to attack Barron’s and defend Cramer, why?

One defense is the conspiracy theory. Barron’s is owned by Dow Jones (DJ) which was just purchased by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. (NWS). The infantile theory says that with Murdoch starting a business news channel soon, (the rumor has been around for a few years now) Barron’s writers and editors, wanting to “get in good” with him attacked CNBC’s star. What, are they serious? Why make the attack now? Why not wait until the channel was actually announced and being launched? Any effect an attack would have now will dissipate and be forgotten by the time the channel actual debuts. Also, does anyone really think that Murdoch built the multi billion dollar empire he has by being duped by such transparent sucking up if that is what it was?

Do people out there honestly think Murdoch spent $5 billion for Dow Jones and does not know the players there? He just woke up one morning and decided to make a go of it because he had some extra cash in his wallet ? This whole line of thinking is really pretty sad and should eliminate whatever comes after it in a Cramer defense because if the writer of it actually believes it, any other reasoning they may have on the subject is probably equally as flawed. This reasoning is about as likely as Sam Giancana and the Chicago Mafia actually killing Kennedy. What is much more likely is that Cramer’s antics the past few weeks have people looking to knock him down a peg or two.

The “show is educational” defense. Yes it is. But, when you dance around and tell people to “buy” and “sell”, you now are giving investing advice and when those people are calling because they do not know the answer and are asking you for it, you cannot fall back on the “do your homework” excuse. If they could, they would not be calling you. What would you tell your broker (if you have one) if he said that to you? If you want it to be purely educational, stop telling people what to do.

So, why the defenders? Ass kissing, pure and simple. The most influential site out there today for driving traffic to your stock blog is James Altucher’s “Daily Blog Watch”. “Blog Watch” is part of….. drum roll please….James Cramer’s, The A defense of Cramer is an attempt to “get you in good” with the folks there, get your blog listed there more and drive more traffic to you. Politics, Simple.

When it comes to the Cramer thing in the blogsphere, take everything written with a huge grain of salt. Much of it is very intertwined and what may appear as an honest defense of Cramer is more likely an attempt to defend a friend or endear oneself to an influential site.

Now, neither of those are bad things, but let’s try to be honest about our motives, can we? If we are doing either one of those, lets “disclose” it. If we have a relationship with Cramer or The or Mr. Altucher, tell people so they are able to put your “defense” in the proper framework.

If we disclose our stock affiliations when we write about them, ought we not disclose the other ones we write about?


ValuePlays Most Read Posts- Last Week

Here are the most read posts for the past week. It would seem people love reading about Mr.Lampert.

1- Lampert Gobbling Up Sears Shares. Symbols SHLD, HD

2- This Is Great Symbols SHLD, DOW, GS, C, SHW, MO

3- Thinking Like Lampert Symbols SHLD, C

4- Note To Lampert: Let People Know About Land’s End Symbols SHLD

5- Another Starbucks Competitor: Proctor & Gamble Symbols SBUX, PG, MCD, COST, KR, WMT, CVS


"Fast Money" for Monday

Here are Friday’s results and Monday’s picks


Jeff Macke said Whole Foods Market (WFMI) is a buy. Open $44.30

Karen Finerman liked Trinity Industries (TRN) for the railroads. Open $33.27

Guy Adami preferred Deere & Co (DE).Open $124.61

Pete Najarian recommended Citigroup (C) as a big bank. Open $48.81


Jeff Macke likes General Motors (GM) because he thinks the stock has bottomed. Open $30.77 CLOSE $30.55 Loss $.22

Pete Najarian likes Thornburg Mortgage (TMA) and suggests it might be a takeover target. Open $12.38 CLOSE $15.04 Gain $2.66

Guy Adami prefers Network Appliance (NTAP) because he feels this name has performed well in a difficult tape. Open $25.27 CLOSE $25.98 Gain $.61

Eric Bolling recommends buying the Financial Select Sector SPDR (XLF) because he thinks the financials have bottomed. Open $33.15 CLOSE $34.50 Gain $1.25

Since my tracking began on 6/21 (1-1 means one up pick and one down pick and no results from my vacation week)

Adami= 16-12 Gain $27.15
Bolling= 10-11 Loss $14.01
John Najarian= 13-3 Gain $15.54
Macke= 20-16 Gain $3.24
Pete Najarian= 12-7 Gain $24.98
Seymore= 3-2 Loss $.49
Finerman= 2-2 Gain $.88
Gilbert= 1-0 Gain $.29


Notable Dividend Increases

Here are the notable increases for the week ending Friday.

1- Tower Group (TWGP)= 100%

2- The Andersons (ANDE) = 64%

3- Martin Marietta (MLM)= 26%

4- Tiffany & Co. (TIF)= 25%

5- Parker Hanniffan (PH)= 21% (also announced a 3 for 2 stock split)


This Weeks Insider Buys

Here are the largest aggregate insider purchases by dollar amount for the week ending yesterday.

1- RPC (RES)= $19,236,000

2- Equity One (EQY)= $12,157,000

3- Lion Gate Entertainment (LGF)= $4,677,000

4- Panera Bread (PNRA)= $3,595,000

5- Chesapeake Energy (CHK)= $3,344,000

6- Barnes & Noble (BKS)= $3,264,000


Friday’s 52 Week Lows

230 point up days make for a very short 52 week low list. My condolences if you made this one.

XNL Xethanol Corp
FOOD Vaughan Foods Inc
PWX Providence and Worcester Railroad
ALOY Alloy Inc
ARII American Railcar Inds Inc
CLZR Candela Laser Corporation
CGM Congoleum Corporation
HSOA Home Solutions Amer Inc
HEPH Hollis-Eden Pharmaceuticals


What Is Wrong with Bartiromo?

Has Maria gotten a new prescription from her doctor?

Am I the only one wondering what has gotten in CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo? Almost overnight she has gone from serious newscaster to a giddy pre-pubescent teenager at her first dance giggling and wiggling all over the place. I keep waiting for Dylan Rattigan to backhand her and tell her to get her shit together.

The skeptic in me thinks she got wind of the poll that the NY Post (I think it was them) ran that showed she painfully lagged the much younger Erin Burnett in popularity on the network. It would seem the “Money Honey” was old news and viewers en-mass were drawn to Burnett’s more playful banter with her co-hosts. Bartiromo, who is no dummy and broke ground in this medium must have decided that was the way to go and now is about as irritating as a human being can be. She is either off her Ritalin or is taking something quite effective at putting a whole lot of jump in her step.

Trying to watch her as she hops all over the place is like watching Paula Abdul during American Idol and unfortunately for Bartiromo, she is just about as coherent. While not a huge fan of Ratigan, I actually feel sorry for him. When she gets going now he just gets a blank stare on his face like a Labrador being read “War and Peace” as he wonders who the hell he pissed off to get this choice assignment. He looks like he is almost wishing to get assaulted by a bystander so he can get off camera with her. Poor bastard.

The real shame of it all? There was nothing wrong with Bartiromo to begin with. I For one appreciated her style and enjoyed her segments. Now, I keep hoping for a blackout when she is on. I swear to god if I hear her giggle one more time at absolutely nothing I am going to have a stroke.

It is painful watching someone fight the inevitable aging we all go through. she is not handling this well at all. Maria, go back to what you did before.

At least then you had your dignity…


FTC: Time To Get New Laywers

How did the FTC lose this one? How?

First, bringing the suit to stop the Whole Food (WFMI) and Wild Oats (OATS) merger on “anti-trust” grounds was moronic especially when you consider the #1 “organic food” seller in the US after the merger is complete will not be the combined entity but will still be Wal-Mart (WMT). But, they filed it anyway so let’s go from there.

Then we had Whole Foods CEO John Mackey in what can only be described as an acid induced rant saying in an email to his board that the merger would help Whole Foods eliminate “almost forever” the threat that a rival could enter the organic space. He then went on to say the merger would allow for Whole Foods increase prices to customers and pressure suppliers (local farms) to lower costs. they email went even further to say that buying Wild Oats would help the company avoid “nasty price wars” in a number of markets and the deal would help deter a big chain such as Kroger from creating a competing natural-foods powerhouse.

Then, as if that was not enough. Mackey decided to join a Yahoo message board and continue the rants. He trashed Wild Oats in an attempt to lower it’s share price before the merger was announced. The posts are currently under investigation by the SEC and I would be suprised if he was not formally admonished for them.

In short, we have the CEO of a company in internal emails saying a proposed merger would help them raise consumer prices, pressure suppliers and eliminate potential competition. Isn’t that exactly what the FTC had to prove? How could they lose this one? To top it off, the FTC itself is currently under investigation because internal documents they released that should have had redacted information about Whole Foods “trade secrets” turn out to be, well, not redacted.

Not only will the FTC lose a case that Mackey handed them on a silver platter but they will end up getting sued and lose again in the process.

Whoever lead the charge on this one should be encouraged “to pursue other opportunities”.