
Upgrades / Downgrades

Here are the late Tuesday and early Wednesday calls.


Apple AAPL Citigroup Hold » Buy
RealNetworks RNWK Soleil Sell » Hold
ArvinMeritor ARM UBS Neutral » Buy
Iomai IOMI UBS Neutral » Buy
Atlantic Tele-Network ATNI UBS Neutral » Buy
Apria Healthcare AHG Oppenheimer Sell » Neutral
HSBC Holdings HBC Citigroup Hold » Buy
Westamerica Banc WABC Citigroup Hold » Buy
AGCO Corp AG Bear Stearns Peer Perform » Outperform
Advanta Corp ADVNB Friedman Billings Mkt Perform » Outperform
Emdeon HLTH Friedman Billings Mkt Perform » Outperform
Fresh Del Monte FDP BB&T Capital Mkts Underweight » Hold
Alliance One AOI Davenport Neutral » Buy
Universal Corp UVV Davenport Neutral » Buy
Plum Creek PCL DA Davidson Neutral » Buy
American Dental ADPI Dougherty & Company Neutral » Buy
ValueClick VCLK Pacific Growth Equities Sell » Neutral
Sensient SXT KeyBanc Capital Mkts / McDonald Hold » Buy
Rohm and Haas ROH KeyBanc Capital Mkts / McDonald Buy » Aggressive Buy
Intl Flavors IFF KeyBanc Capital Mkts / McDonald Buy » Aggressive Buy
Koppers Holdings KOP KeyBanc Capital Mkts / McDonald Buy » Aggressive Buy
Heartland Express HTLD Stifel Nicolaus Hold » Buy
Centene CNC Matrix Research Buy » Strong Buy
Inverness Medical IMA Caris & Company Above Average » Buy
Sun Microsystems SUNW Caris & Company Average » Above Averag


AC Moore ACMR Credit Suisse Outperform » Neutral
First Marblehead FMD JP Morgan Overweight » Neutral
ECI Telecom ECIL Jefferies & Co Buy » Hold
Maguire Properties MPG Deutsche Securities Hold » Sell
Community Health CYH Citigroup Buy » Hold
Newcastle Investment NCT Citigroup Buy » Hold
RAIT Invtmt Trust RAS KeyBanc Capital Mkts / McDonald Aggressive Buy » Hold
MGIC Investment MTG Keefe Bruyette Outperform » Mkt Perform
OSI Pharm OSIP CE Unterberg Towbin Buy » Market Perform
Health Management HMA Deutsche Securities Buy » Hold
Hot Topic HOTT AG Edwards Hold » Sell
Energy Transfer Equity ETE UBS Neutral » Reduce
West Marine WMAR Morgan Joseph Buy » Hold
CV Therapeutics CVTX Needham & Co Buy » Hold
Intevac IVAC Needham & Co Buy » Hold
Simpson Manufacturing SSD Matrix Research Buy » Hold
Goodyear Tire GT Matrix Research Hold » Sell


Blackstone Get’s Thumbs Up From Analyst

It really was not much of a surprise but the boys at Blackstone (BX) got the first analyst calls today and the news was good.

When it was all said and done, we now have 2 “overweights” (Lehman (LEH) and Morgan Stanley (MS)) , 3 “buys” (Banc of America (BAC), Citigroup (C), and Deutsche Bank (DB)) and one “market perform” (Wachovia (WB)).

Here is the thing. If the Democrats back off their “tax the hell out of anyone who makes a profit” pledge, Blackstone is indeed a buy. There has been word out of Washington that centrist Democrats are joining Republicans in recognizing the “unintended consequences” of raising PE taxes from 15% to 35% are far greater than any additional revenues they would then have to waste. As an aside, haven’t we proven repeatedly in history that lower tax rates actually increase treasury revenues due to the increased economic activity they spur? If Democrats do not back off, there is no telling where they will stop and I would avoid Blackstone like the plaque until we learn how they will handle their new tax rate and what affect it will have on their operations.

Rather, I would go to financials like Goldman Sachs (GS) where we at least know how they will perform and is selling inexplicably at LESS than 9 times earnings (current years and next years). Of course the same would hold true for Fortress (FIG) and the upcoming KKR offering although I am convinced we will not this one anytime soon.


Dow In Two More JV’s

Just when you think it is safe to take a break from the transition Dow Chemical (DOW) is undergoing, think again.

Dow (Dow) and Solvay S.A. announced Monday an agreement to create a joint venture for the construction of a hydrogen peroxide (HP) plant in Thailand. Operational in 2010, the new HP plant will serve as a raw material source for the manufacture of propylene oxide (PO). The HP plant will be the largest in the world, with a capacity of over 330 kilotons per annum (KTA) of hydrogen peroxide at 100% concentration.

Additionally, Dow and BASF(BASF) announced they are in advanced negotiations for another JV for the construction of a world-scale, 390 KTA propylene oxide (PO) manufacturing facility in Map Ta Phut, Thailand. The new plant would use the hydrogen peroxide to propylene oxide (HPPO) technology jointly developed by Dow and BASF. “This project would expand our successful cooperation with Dow and Solvay to deploy this innovative HPPO technology in Asia,” said Jacques Delmoitiez, president of BASF’s Polyurethanes division. Propylene for the proposed HPPO facility in Thailand would be supplied from the liquids cracker Dow announced in yet another JV with The Siam Cement Group (SCG) in Thailand in October of 2006.

The Dow and BASF Thailand facility would be the second world-scale plant to use HPPO technology. The first, a 300 KTA Dow and BASF HPPO plant, also supplied by an HP plant based on Solvay’s high yield technology, is currently under construction in Antwerp, Belgium, and is scheduled for start-up in early 2008. Propylene oxide is used to produce propylene glycol, polyurethanes and glycol ethers.

“This new facility will further support Dow’s growth plans for our downstream performance businesses in the region such as Dow Polyurethanes and is yet another example of our commitment to meeting the needs of our customers through establishing joint ventures with strategic partners, using an asset-light investment approach. In addition, the fact that HPPO technology offers environmental benefits such as reduced wastewater and increased energy efficiency underscores Dow’s commitment to sustainability, as outlined in our 2015 Sustainability Goals.” said Pat Dawson, president of Dow Polyurethanes.

“The hydrogen peroxide plant will implement the latest developments of Solvay’s unique high yield technology,” said Eric Mignonat, general manager for Hydrogen Peroxide at Solvay. “Solvay has been active in the Asian hydrogen peroxide market since 1988 through its Thai affiliate, Peroxythai, a leading supplier of peroxygen chemicals in Asia with the majority of its sales outside Thailand. A significant share of the capacity of the new plant will be available to support further development of Solvay’s Hydrogen Peroxide business within this fast growing region.”

The beauty of these JV’s to date is that they are “self financing”. It essentially means that the profits from them flow directly to the bottom line and they required no use (or very minimal) of shareholder funds to initiate. That frees those funds up to be returned to us in the form of additional buybacks, a big dividend boost or to build for a game changing acquisition. If I had to make a bet, based on the results to date of the JV plan, the buyback or dividends increase looks to be the way to go and I am fine with that. Big purchases are always iffy at best and there is no reason to change a game plan that to date, is working perfectly.


Congrats To Murdoch

It looks like Ruppert got his prize, Dow Jones (DJ) and The Wall St. Journal. It has long been rumored that his FOX network will launch a 24 hour business station along the lines of CNBC. Having the Journal and it’s assets in the fold, all but assures it’s success and viewership.

If nothing else, Murdoch will give CNBC a run for it’s money and the games will begin to see who he can poach from CNBC to his network. Off the top of my head I see Mark Haines, Joe Kernen and Michelle Caruso-Cabrera jumping to a FOX business show as their insight, thoughts and style would tend to align better with the FOX network.

Barteromo may make the jump if for no other reason she is no longer the “most popular cheerleader” anymore having been handily supplanted by Erin Burnett in an online poll that it was rumored to have her fuming.

Competition in this arena is long overdue and a new network will be welcome. Given Murdoch’s rumored political leanings, it will be very interesting to see the “tone” of the new network. I say rumored because people feel that because FOX news is considered “right wing” and a counter balance to the coverage at NBC,CBS, CNN and ABC, people assume that those are Murdoch political beliefs. It could just be that he saw a segment of the population that was not being served and did so. If you doubt that you have to explain his fund raising for Hillary Clinton. Murdoch being a “right winger” and raising money for Hillary just do not mesh.

If Murdoch is looking to take a niche like he did with FOX news, it will be a very pro-business network. It will focus on political policy that fosters growth and minimizes regulation.

Either way, I cannot wait to see what happens.


"Fast Money" For Wednesday

Here are the picks for tomorrow.

Jeff Macke recommended selling Wendy’s (WEN) on the Peltz takeover news. Open $35.03

Pete Najarian preferred Alvarion (ALVR) Open $10.26

Guy Adami liked EMC Corp. (EMC) Open $18.51

There were no picks for Tuesday so here are the records.


Since my tracking began on 6/21 (1-1 means one up pick and one down pick and no results from my vacation week)

Adami= 9-8 Gain $26.18
Bolling= 8-8 Loss $4
John Najarian= 13-3 Gain $15.54
Macke= 16-9 Gain $5.76
Pete Najarian=4-5 Gain $17.18
Seymore= 1-1 Gain $.01
Finerman= 1-2 Gain $.68
Gilbert= 1-0 Gain $.29


Citigroup Radioshack Downgrade: Are You Kidding?

Here is another one that just has me shaking my head. Citigroup analyst Bill Sims downgraded Radioshack (RSH) to “Sell” from “Hold” and said RadioShack’s wireless business remains pressured and is not likely to rebound soon because of declining market share and other factors. He said RadioShack is losing market share to direct channel retailers such as Sprint Nextel (N), Verizon (VZE), and Cingular (T).

“With the direct channel finding it more profitable to sell phones through their own stores than through RadioShack, they are increasingly opening stores next to Radio Shack with better merchandising, contracts, etc. and winning share as a result,” Sims wrote in a client note.

OK, all that is logical stuff and you can agree with it or not but the logic is there. Here were the head shaking comes in:

Sims cut his price target for the company from $32 to $20. How? How can you make am almost 40% reduction in your target price based on one earnings call that had, by the way the company swing from a 2 cent loss a year ago to a 34 cent gain and nothing announced that was not already really known? What is different about Radioshack today from yesterday or the day before? Nothing

This stuff mystifies me and is the reason these folks should be ignored when they talk stock prices.


New Goldman Sachs Debt Fund A Good Sign

In what may be a sign of a bottom, the Wall St. Journal reported Friday that Goldman Sachs (GS) is launching a $20 billion fund to invest in corporate debt, taking advantage of a turmoil in credit markets.

The fund was expected to be $12 billion but has been increased, the paper said, citing the typical unnamed sources. It has good company as a slew of hedge funds have been jumping on debt the past week as the “credit” crunch has lead to spectacular deals to be had. It is ironic as the talking heads on TV are pondering the effects of “tightening credit” on business when, at the same time, groups intimately familiar with the action are buying that very debt as fast as they can get their hands on it.

Sounds like the TV folks may be behind the curve here and the “issue” has already come and gone?

In another note, can anyone, anyone at all out there attempt to explain to me how a company like Goldman can trade for LESS than 9 times current earnings and LESS than 9 times next years? How? Can anyone please give me a reasonable explanation?

Goldman is by far the cream of the crop of the the investment bankers / brokers, almost no deal gets done out there that they do not have their hands in somehow. What is the logic to the current valuation? The current mortgage situation? Please, that barely qualifies as a blip on the screen for a company like Goldman. It isn’t like they are Citigroup (C) that has had operational issues and it is not clear if they have totally solved them or a Bank of America (BAC) that is really tied to the US consumer. Goldman is firing on all cylinders and in all reality is not even totally tied to the US market as over 50% of its profits come from overseas operations and the last I checked, foreign economies were simply on fire.

I think financials, and Goldman in particular may end up being the ValuePlays of the year when all is said and done 12 months from now. Goldman is a screaming buy at these levels..


US Lead Paint Litigation Update

File this under “everything you wanted to know about lead paint litigation is the US but where afraid top ask”. It updates litigation against Sherwin Williams (SHW), NL Industries (NL) and now RC2 Corp. (RCRC), the makers of the Thomas The Tank Engine children’s toys that were recently recalled to to lead pain. Again, thank to Jane Genova.

Full text here


"Fast Money" For Tuesday

Here are Tuesday’s picks:

No specific “fast money” picks for today.

Monday’s Results

Stacey Briere Gilbert recommended buying Intel (INTC) Open $23.54 Close $23.85 Gain $.29

Guy Adami liked NVIDIA (NVDA)Open $44.25 Close $45.49 Gain $1.19

Pete Najarian preferred shares of NASDAQ Stock Market (NDAQ) Open $31.18 Close $30.90 Loss $.28

Jeff Macke told investors to get long Disney (DIS) Open $33.74 close $34.01 Gain $.27


Since my tracking began on 6/21 (1-1 means one up pick and one down pick and no results from my vacation week)

Adami= 9-8 Gain $26.18
Bolling= 8-8 Loss $4
John Najarian= 13-3 Gain $15.54
Macke= 16-9 Gain $5.76
Pete Najarian=4-5 Gain $17.18
Seymore= 1-1 Gain $.01
Finerman= 1-2 Gain $.68
Gilbert= 1-0 Gain $.29


Upgrades / Downgrades

Here are the late Monday and early Tuesday’s analyst calls


CH Energy CHG Soleil Sell » Hold
FirstEnergy FE Jefferies & Co Hold » Buy
Mortons Restaurant Group MRT RBC Capital Mkts Sector Perform » Outperform
ABM Industries ABM Lehman Brothers Equal-weight » Overweight
Varian Semi VSEA Credit Suisse Underperform » Neutral
Cameco CCJ CIBC Wrld Mkts Sector Perform » Sector Outperform
Darling International Inc DAR Avondale Partners Mkt Perform » Mkt Outperform
Ballard Power BLDP Ardour Capital Reduce » Hold
ValueClick VCLK Credit Suisse Neutral » Outperform
MTS Systems MTSC Ferris Baker Watts Neutral » Buy
Gorman-Rupp Company GRC Boenning & Scattergood Market Perform » Market Outperform
Weyerhaeuser WY DA Davidson Neutral » Buy
Smurfit-Stone SSCC DA Davidson Underperform » Neutral
MicroStrategy MSTR First Analysis Sec Equal-Weight » Overweight
Goodrich GR Credit Suisse Neutral » Outperfor


American Reprographics ARP Sun Trust Rbsn Humphrey Buy » Neutral
Energy Transfer ETP UBS Neutral » Reduce
Unilever PLC UL Credit Suisse Neutral » Underperform
Double Hull Tankers DHT JP Morgan Overweight » Neutral
Intevac IVAC Piper Jaffray Outperform » Market Perform
RadioShack RSH Citigroup Hold » Sell
Cobra Electronics COBR Northland Securities Outperform » Market Perform
Foot Locker FL Susquehanna Financial Positive » Neutral
MC Shipping MCX Cantor Fitzgerald Buy » Hold
ValueClick VCLK JMP Securities Strong Buy » Mkt Perform
Symbion SMBI RBC Capital Mkts Outperform » Sector Perform
QLogic QLGC Needham & Co Buy » Hold
Chartered Semi CHRT JP Morgan Neutral » Underweight
Children’s Place PLCE Susquehanna Financial Positive » Neutral


Today’s 52 Week Lows

Here is today’s list. REIT’s are now joining homebuilders and financials as daily participants.

TUES Tuesday Morning Corp
TRMP Trump Entmt Resorts Inc
POP Pope & Talbot, Inc
PNY Piedmont Natural Gas
THC Tenet Healthcare Corp
STMP Stamps Com Inc
ODP Office Depot, Inc
NI Nisource Inc
MOT Motorola, Inc
HDL Handleman Company
GMCR Green Mountain Coffee Inc
FL Foot Locker Inc
DF Dean Foods Co New


ADM Earnings: Investments Pay Off

Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) released results today and reported earnings of $954.8 million, or $1.47 a share, up from net income of $410.3 million, or 62 cents a share in 2006. Results included gains on asset sales of $616 million in oilseeds processing and agricultural services.

Net sales rose 28% to $12.21 billion, topping analysts’ prediction of $10.13 billion. Corn processing operating profit fell 16% to $241.3 million and the company cited lower ethanol sales volume and higher net corn costs as the culprits.

Oilseeds processing operating profit more than tripled to $587.2 million, boosted by a gain on the exchange of the company’s interests in several Chinese JV’s for shares in Wilmar International, the largest ag processing business in Asia. Agricultural services operating profit nearly tripled to $240.8 million due to a gain on the sale of the company’s Agricore United investment.

ADM repurchased $533 million worth of shares during the year.

So, what to think? About what I expected in corn processing and oil seed processing and good news on the asset sales. ADM clearly want to expand into Brazil to produce ethanol. They are doing everything except issuing a press release stating as such. The assets sales are giving ADM the funds they need to make that investment without a significant jump in debt, always a good thing. Now that these gains are booked and in the bank, I would look for action in Brazil soon.

Another positive sign is the 28% jump in sales. A real good sign. Corn prices are what they are as these prices are contracted and locked in before the crops go in the ground. ADM will see the benefit of this year’s record crop in the fall and winter contracts they sign for next year. This will significantly lower input costs and boost profits going forward.

Additional capacity begins to come on line this fall which will add to profits also. The ND biodiesel plant just came on line and the Rhondopolis, Brazil biodiesel plant will commence operations in August. The fall of 2008 will bring additional ethanol capacity in Iowa and Nebraska that will expand current capacity by 50%.

All in all an unspectacular quarter but one that has the company perfectly situated to execute it plans for the future, that is a very good thing.


A Buffett Primer

The business editor of US News & World Report, James Pethokoukis sent me and email over the weekend alerting me to a special they put out on Berkshire Hathaway’s (BRK.A) Warren Buffett. It is entitled “Making Money The Buffett Way”.

Here are the table on contents:

1) The Ultimate Guide to Investing like Warren Buffett

2) Six Keys to Investing Like Buffett

3) From Nothing to $52 Billion: A Buffett Timeline

4) Berkshire After Buffett — Buy, Sell, Hold

5) Buffettesque Fund Managers

6) The Anti-Buffett

You can read all the pieces here.

It is a great introduction to Buffett and the time line piece is really neat. However, hard core Buffett devotees will not find anything new in the pieces but despite that, I think it is an excellent accumulation of Buffett information and well worth the read.


Today’s Upgrades and Downgrades

Here are this mornings analyst calls


MicroStrategy MSTR First Analysis Sec Equal-Weight » Overweight
Goodrich GR Credit Suisse Neutral » Outperform
Ashworth ASHW B. Riley & Co Neutral » Buy
Kinder Morgan Prtnrs KMP AG Edwards Hold » Buy
Leapfrog LF Wedbush Morgan Sell » Hold
Atheros Communications ATHR AG Edwards Hold » Buy
Turkcell TKC Bear Stearns Peer Perform » Outperform
Transalta TAC RBC Capital Mkts Underperform » Sector Perform
Exxon Mobil XOM AG Edwards Hold » Buy
McAfee MFE WR Hambrecht Hold » Buy
American Axle AXL Soleil Sell » Hold
Fortune Brands FO Barrington Research Mkt Perform » Outperform
XM Satellite XMSR Janco Partners Mkt Perform » Buy
FNB CORPORATION (VA) FNBP Janney Mntgmy Scott Sell » Neutral
Granite Constr GVA Davenport Neutral » Buy


Symbion SMBI RBC Capital Mkts Outperform » Sector Perform
QLogic QLGC Needham & Co Buy » Hold
Chartered Semi CHRT JP Morgan Neutral » Underweight
Children’s Place PLCE Susquehanna Financial Positive » Neutral
American Home Mortgage AHM JMP Securities Mkt Perform » Mkt Underperform $8
American Home Mortgage AHM RBC Capital Mkts Outperform » Sector Perform


US Market Cheapest vs Earnings Since 1991: A Lot Of Irony Here

Here is one for those of you who like irony. The S&P 500 currently trades for 15.4 times future earnings according to a Bloomberg report. That means that on a earnings basis (and isn’t that what really counts?), the US market has not been this cheap in 16 years!!

I guess that explains why Berkshire Hathaway’s (BRK.A) Warren Buffett has been initiating and adding to positions left and right recently. Now, about the irony part?

1991- We had a Bush family member in the White House
1991- We had a housing “bust”
1991- We were in a war in Iraq
1991- In April 1991, the Dow Jones Industrials crossed 3,000 for the first time ever. In 2007, the Dow crossed 14,000 for the first time ever.
1991- A Clinton announces their intention to run for the White House.
1991- Dick Cheney served the President (Secretary of Defense)
1991- The S&P crossed 400 for the first time ever. The S&P hit a record 1555 in July of 2007
1991- Court bars Jack Kevorkian from assisting in suicides. 2007, Kevorkian released from prison
1991 -Exxon (XOM) agrees to pay $1 billion to clean up after Exxon Valdez spill. In May, 2007, Exxon said it will appeal to Supreme Court a $2.5 billion punitive damage award from the spill.
1991- Pete Metzelaars is in a Super Bowl as tight end for Buffalo Bills. In 2007. Metzelaar is a coach for the Indianapolis colts

The good news? The bargain prices investors paid in 1991 lead to barrels of profits over the next decade and stocks embarked on a historic steady climb. What is interesting is that even though stocks in 1991 were at “all time record highs” and there was a war going on, because they were cheap relative to their earnings, they proved to have plenty of room to run to the upside and they did just that.

I have said it here before many times, ign ore the “noise” out there and just focus on earnings, buy cheap stocks, and hold on to them. It is a winners game.