
Taking A "Leap"

LeapFrog Enterprises, Inc. (LeapFrog ) designs, develops and markets technology-based educational products and related content, dedicated to making learning effective and engaging. The Company designs its products to help infants and toddlers through high school students learn age- and skill-appropriate subject matter, including phonics, reading, writing, math, spelling, science, geography, history and music. Leapfrog’s products include learning platforms, which are affordable hardware devices; educational software-based content, such as interactive books and cartridges, and standalone educational products. The Company conducts its businesses through three segments: United States Consumer, International, and Education and Training.

Since 2004, LF has been a subsidiary of Mollusk Holdings, LLC, an entity controlled by Lawrence J. Ellison. In 2006, the Company purchased software products and support services from Oracle Corporation (ORCL) totaling $391. As of December 31, 2006, Lawrence J. Ellison, the Chief Executive Officer of Oracle Corporation, may be deemed to have or share the power to direct the voting and disposition, and therefore, to have beneficial ownership of approximately 16,750,000 shares of the Company’s Class B common stock. The Class A common stock entitles its holders to one vote per share, and the Class B common stock entitles its holders to ten votes per share on all matters submitted to a vote of stockholders. Lawrence J. Ellison and entities control of approximately 16.7 million shares of the Class B common stock, which represents approximately 53% of the combined voting power of our Class A common stock and Class B common stock mean that as a result, Mr.. Ellison controls all stockholder voting power. I cannot decide if this is a good or bad thing. Larry is no dummy but, when you are worth $20 billion, one has to wonder how much interest he has in a company that in its best year earned $74 million. Now $74 million is not a large amount, but when you consider there are only 63 million shares out there, it does not take much to make the stock move and his investment is $167 million. I am guessing he is loath to lose any money no matter how small the amount so I will side with the “good thing” side until proven different.

LeapFrog’s business is highly seasonal, with retail customers making up a large percentage of all purchases during the back-to-school and traditional holiday seasons and although they are expanding their retail presence by selling products online as well as to electronics and office supply stores, the vast majority of U.S. sales are to a few large retailers. Net sales to Wal-Mart (including Sam’s Club), Toys “R” Us and Target accounted for approximately 70% of U.S. segment sales in 2006 compared to 80% in 2005 and 86% in 2004.

Sales in all segments declined during 2006 primarily as a result of significant reduction in the sales of LeapPad family of products whose design was overhauled. They increased their promotional activities to reduce existing FLY Pentop inventories as they plan to replace the FLY Pentop Computer with the FLY Fusion Pentop Computer in 2007. Sales of screen-based products were down slightly as retailers worked off excess inventories. Retailers’ inventories fell an estimated 40% at the end of 2006 compared to the same period last year, which also negatively impacted 2006 sales. To invigorate sales and margins, the company plans to introduce many new products in 2007, including the afore mentioned FLY Fusion PenTop Computer system, the largest launch of Leapster software titles (many of these will be licensed products through Disney (Cars, Nemo etc..). Nickelodean, and others), a ClickStart My First Computer system, and other products geared toward infants and preschool children.

The 2006 results? LeapFrog went from 28 cents a share in earnings in 2005 to a loss of $2.31 in 2006. That makes 2006 a “do over” year, meaning that new management realized the need to “do over” their main product lines and used 2006 to clear the deck. Now, it should be noted that the new team that did the deck clearing has an impressive resume. Let’s look at them:

Jeffrey G. Katz, Chief Executive Officer and President since July 2006 and as a member of the board of directors since June 2005. Mr. Katz served as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Orbitz, Inc. from 2000 to 2004.

Nancy G. MacIntyre, Executive Vice President, Product, Innovation, and Marketing since February 2007. From May 2005 through January 2007, Ms. MacIntyre served on the executive team at LucasArts, a LucasFilm company, most recently as Vice President of Global Sales and Marketing. Previously, she had been with Atari, Inc as Vice President, Marketing from 2001 through 2005 and with Atari, Inc.’s predecessor Hasbro Interactive from 1998 to 2001 in senior sales and marketing positions.

Martin A. Pidel , Executive Vice President, International since January 2007. From 1997 through December 2006, he served in varying capacities with HASBRO, Inc. including key roles in Europe and the US, most recently as Vice President of International Marketing.

Michael J. Lorion , President, SchoolHouse since December 2006. Prior to that, he served at varying capacities at LeapFrog since June 2005. Prior to joining LeapFrog, Lorion served in different capacities at palmOne, Inc. from February 2000 to April 2005, most recently as Vice President, Vertical Markets Sales & Marketing.

While I expect these changes will improve performance, I would not expect them to contribute substantially until after 2007, due to the lead time associated with product development, and due to the year end seasonality that drives substantially (75%) all sales volume. So, expect a modest sales decline in 2007, improved gross margins from 2006 due to 2006 inventory reduction efforts and improved product mix and a decline in operating expenses from 2006, consistent with the decline in sales. Overall, expect a loss in 2007 but, I expect it to be significantly less than the loss for 2006.

Okay Todd, so why would we invest? A couple of reasons:

Currently Leapfrog is sitting on over $200 million or $3.22 a share in cash. This is cash from operations since debt stands at zero, not “cash from financing”. Using our “if we were to buy the whole company” process, if we were to pay todays price of approx. $10.50 a share, we would be essentially be getting cash back of 30%, reducing our actual cost to $7.28 a share. This makes LeapFrog a potential takeover candidate in my mind but that is not a reason to invest. Now, here is where it gets interesting. By using that cash, they could in theory buy back 20 million shares of 1/3 of the company. They won’t and here is why. Just like share buybacks increase EPS when you are making money, they increase losses per share when you lose money. For instance, if you have 10 shares outstanding and lose $1 your EPS is -$.10 a share (10 divided by -$1). Now if you buy back 5 of those shares your loss per share jumps to 20 cents a share (5 divided by -$1). So, do not expect a share buy back in 2007 but, I would expect one in 2008 and this has the potential to make 2008 earnings per share to explode to the upside (that is the interesting part).

None and the best news is none will be needed for the current plans of management. They have a $75 million line a credit that has not been tapped.

I have seen the new LeapFrog products and they are great. They are usable by my 4 year olds and are educational, not just entertaining. The quality is good, meaning they would have to work at breaking them and they are affordable. A Leapster Learning Game System in Target runs about $60 and the games are about $20-$25 a piece. Best of all, the kids really love them and they are learning (to read and write, not blow things up, it’s the little things).

Capital expenditures for 2007 will be similar to prior years. In 2006 and 2005, capital expenditures were $20.1 million and $16.7 million. Much of the heavy R&D work on new products is done and those costs are in the 2006 results. 2007 will see the fruits of them. Account collections have been reduced from 90 to about 45 days.

Other Shareholders:
Marty Whitman
who runs Third Avenue Management LLC and has one the best track record in history (disclosure: my son’s Coverdale accounts hold positions in his Value Fund ) holds 8.6 million shares (almost 14%) of the company. Marty was an early investor with Eddie Lampert in both Kmart and Sears (we know how that turned out) and still holds a large position there. It behooves us to look closely at his actions.

What To Do?
At just over $10 a share I am going to take a “Leap of faith” (pun intended). Based on the first 6 months of Mr. Katz’s reign, he is doing everything right. Keep your position small because it is a bit speculative and the payoff will most likely be a bit off down the road. It will be added to the portfolio at the price I purchased it on Monday ($10.54) and this post hit the site the Tuesday giving Enhanced Features Subscribers a day to get in early. Here is how I did it. I bought the shares on the market and then sold a Sept. 2007, $10 put. This lowered my effective purchase price by 81 cents or (7.6%). Should the price fall, this does give us some downside protection. Should the price fall below $10 and we get “put” the shares, meaning we have to buy additional shares at $10, the trade is a plus as long as shares are above $9.19, ($10 minus the .81 cents we received for selling the put). If after Sept, the share price of LF is above $10, we keep the premium and maybe do it over again. All prices are the actual trade prices.

The option will be accounted for in the portfolio at it’s sales price. Since I have no plans to “buy it back”, the only price of it that matters is the price we receive. Now, if after Sept. it is not exercised, its proceeds will be reflected in the portfolio by a reduction in our purchase price of our original shares.

Be prepared for more put selling for some of out “watch list” shares.


Ignore The "Noise"

“If a business does well, the stock eventually follows.Warren Buffett

The past two weeks have been the perfect example of why, as an investor you must ignore the market action as it pertains to your existing portfolio and focus on the reason you bought shares of the companies in it in the first place. I am going to use my favorite and largest holding in the ValuePlays Portfolio, Sears Holdings (SHLD) as an example.

We first have to remember the reasons why we bought Sears:
1- Retail operations improving
2- Increasing cash hoard for Eddie Lampert to invest (this is a large part of the “value” in SHLD, his 16 yr. track record of 28% annual returns)
3- Reducing debt and shares outstanding
4- Growing profits

Now we have to look at the past two weeks and follow the events of them. We will then see why we were wise to ignore those events and then what that did for us. Feb 26th saw the S&P (.INX) begin what would end up being a 5.2% decline over the next two weeks (it should be noted we added another 1.7% to our lead over the S&P during this slide). If you picked up a paper or watched CNBC you were inundated with dire prognostications.

We had Alan Greenspan aimlessly wandering around the Asian continent incoherently mumbling to any innocent bystander who would listen the US had a “1/3 chance of recession by the end of the year”. It was only after officials found him, reminder him that he no longer was the head of the Fed and that all economic indicators point to the opposite, he changed his statement to, “it is possible we could get a recession toward the end of this year, but I don’t think it’s probable.” Right, and it is also possible your reporter wife Ms. Saywer was first attracted to your chiseled looks, not your decades long access to Washington’s inner circles, but not probable. Alan, its over buddy, go home, take a bath, read a book, do whatever, just please shut up, Ben’s the guy now. Your predecessors where classy enough to be quiet and let you do your job, lets try to exhibit the same to Mr. Bernake and let him do his.

In Asia, the Bank of Japan raised rates 1/4 of a point. This set off a chain of events as people who had borrowed (we are talking billions of dollars here) money in Japan where it was cheaper to buy stocks here no longer enjoyed the lower rate (the “carry trade” you have heard about). This caused them to to then have to sell the stocks they had bought with that money to have to pay off those loans, putting downward pressure on the market.

We then had a sub-prime (these are mortgages given to the most risky prospects) mortgage implosion which, for some reason seemed to make everyone panic. They were actually surprised that when you give as person with a marginal credit history a mortgage you know they probably will eventually not be able to afford, they default on it. The only surprise was that it did not happen 6 months ago. The fear was that the defaults “would spread into the prime market”. Right, so because my neighbor bought a house he could not afford with financing he was not really qualified for and invariably defaulted on his loan, now I should on mine? This is the type of logic we are dealing with folks…

To top it off we had a home builder executive telling us in no uncertain terms that “2007 is going to suck“. An important note here: January 2007 home figures were the 3rd highest in history (despite the declines), this “sucks?” What he really should have said was “look we are fools, we bought way to much land because we thought the party would never end and now it is time to pay the piper.” Real estate has been in a bubble phase for 5 years now and just because they got stuck with their pants down does not mean it will suck, it just won’t be as good. Nothing goes up at a record rate forever and home-builders bought land and started building homes like it would. These guys are like a lottery winner who, after getting his winnings sprints into the nearest bar yelling “the drink are on me”. He then proceeds to fill up the bar with booze, turn around and only then realizes he is at an AA meeting.

All these events, when looked at individually were probably not enough to cause the problem but when you consider the S&P had not had a significant drop in almost a year (remember nothing goes up uninterrupted) you had the mix for panic. We got it.

In the middle of this mess Sears released 4th quarter and full years results. On March.1, the day of the earnings report, shares opened at $180.25 a share. What happened?

Profits- Increased 27%
Debt- Reduced by $815 million
Shares Repurchased- $429 million
Cash On Hand- $4 billion
Retail Margins- Improved 25%

On every metric we bought shares in the company on, it has improved. Would anything you saw make you think about selling your shares? Me neither. But lots of people, listening to the noise above and ignoring these results did as shares dropped $4 that day to $176. Those of us who sat tight and laughed at the panic stricken hoards watched as shares not only climbed out of the hole, but finished this past week at $180.38.

“Only buy something that you’d be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down for 10 years” says Buffett. If the market was shut down and you looked at Sears last earnings report you would be thrilled, do not let to those who trade pieces of paper and do not “buy pieces of companies” affect your outlook of an investment, let the investment itself do that. The past week and a half saw a ton of “noise” and ton of panic but, those of us who stayed calm and focused came out just fine.

To quote Jesus (of the traders), “They know not what they do….”


More Great Value Blogs

Here are couple more of my favorite sites. Both of these are littered with the wisdom of Buffet. It is my belief that you cannot read enough Buffet because it is necessary to reinforce the tenants of value investing and calm yourself during turbulent times like the past two weeks. If you are a regular ValuePlays reader I would suggest checking out these sites as the sentiment I express is echoed here.

Fat Pitch Financials

Fat Pitch Financials is a value investing and personal finance blog.

George seeks to invest with a wide margin of safety in companies that have wide moats (i.e., sustainable competitive advantages). This is very similar to Warren Buffett’s style of investing. We both try to wait for so called “fat pitches”.

While he waits for these fat pitches, he also researches arbitrage and special situation opportunities that provide individual investors an edge in short term opportunities. These include going private transactions, odd-lot tender offers, spin-offs, split-offs, and other opportunities. The inspiration for this type of trading was Joel Greenblatt, as well as Warren Buffett.

The current going private transactions table that he maintains is what originally attracted many of Fat Pitch Financials’ readers. That content, along with most of my other special situation tracking, is now in the premium section of Fat Pitch Financials called Contributor’s Corner.

He tracks two portfolios at Fat Pitch Financials so my readers can know how he’s doing. The first portfolio is the Fat Pitch Financials Port that is a virtual portfolio tracked at Marketocracy. This portfolio focuses on “Fat Pitch” discoveries.

The second portfolio, the Special Situations Real Money Portfolio, is a Coverdell Education Savings Account he started for his son at about the time Fat Pitch Financials started in 2004. This portfolio is very small and focuses on going private transactions and other special situation opportunities. It is based on the research provided in Fat Pitch Financials Contributor’s Corner.

Value Investing News

Value Investing News is a community driven value investing news site.
You can submit links to news items, bid up stories to the front page, bid down stories, and make comments. There is also a forum and a user powered link directory is starting to roll out.

Members are rewarded for the success of Value Investing News by sharing in the Adsense revenue.

There is also a monthly user contest. This month they are giving away a free pass to the Value Investing Congress West (This is the most valuable prize so far.)

Value Investing News leverages several web2.0 technologies including social bookmarking, social networking, user powered ratings, collaborative filtering recommendations, RSS feeds, and a submission bookmarklet. The goal is to harness the network effect of web2.0 technologies to help fellow value investors save time following the news.


Eddie Lampert’s Annual Letter- SHLD

Last weekend I listed what I thought were the notable comments from Warren’s letter to the Berkshire Hathaway shareholders. Since I have entrusted the largest portion of my personal portfolio to Eddie Lampert at Sears Holdings, I ought to post the important “notables” from his.

Retail Operations
Lands’ End had a record year in profitability in its traditional business (i.e., catalog, online, and inlet stores). In addition, we saw a significant improvement in the profit performance of Lands’ End merchandise in our Sears stores. With a new leadership team and a more integrated approach to working across Sears Holdings, the business is moving in the right direction. Our customers are embracing the opportunity to buy Lands’ End quality merchandise in our stores, on the phone, and on the Internet, and we are working hard to make Lands’ End available across more of the chain.”

If anyone has seen the Land’s End “store in a store” concept in Sears, it is a real winner. I am fast becoming convinced that the future direction of Sears apparel will predominately be Land’s End merchandise.

“Home Services
is another business that achieved a record year of profitability in 2006. Home Services is not only a highly profitable business for us, but also an important strategic asset as it provides a point of differentiation from many of our competitors.”

“The apparel businesses at both Kmart and Sears also showed continued improvement. Kmart is further along in partnering with our sourcing and design groups, and we believe that we have improved our offering for our customers with higher quality, better fit, and appropriate fashion at great value. Sears apparel has turned around the decline that occurred in 2005 when it moved away from the styles our customers wanted to buy. The team has made significant progress this year, and is focused on creating the kind of breakthrough improvement that would return Sears to its previous levels of profitability in this area.”

On Cash flow

While we like to think of ourselves as a start-up, we are different from most start-ups in our cash flow generation. Since the merger closed in 2005, we have demonstrated a consistent ability to generate cash flow. This strong source of cash provides us the flexibility to deploy capital in the manner that we believe is best calculated to create long-term shareholder value. (Emphasis mine).

Ratings Agencies

We ended the year with more cash on hand than debt. On a combined basis (including Sears Canada) we have $4.0 billion of cash and only $2.8 billion of debt (excluding capital lease obligations of $0.8 billion). Domestically, our $3.3 billion of cash exceeds our debt balance of $2.3 billion (excluding $0.7 billion of capital lease obligations). Furthermore, approximately $350 million of the outstanding domestic debt represents borrowings by our Orchard Supply Hardware subsidiary, which is non-recourse to Sears Holdings. Despite the conservative nature of our capital structure and our improved profitability, the rating agencies have not upgraded us and continue to hold a non-investment grade rating on our debt. We believe Sears Holdings is an investment-grade company; the lack of response by the agencies is puzzling and is certainly something we continue to hope will change. Then again, we have taken these measures not out of a desire to please the rating agencies, but rather because we believe they are the right moves for our Company at this time.

Derivative Instruments

Our disclosure in 2006 that we had entered into total return swap transactions generated a fair bit of media attention and speculation. Perhaps this was prompted by the disclosures that we provided relating to the risk of the investments. As we disclosed in our filings, these total return swaps are derivatives, a term used broadly to describe a vast spectrum of financial instruments, which often have very different characteristics and purposes. Derivatives are so labeled because their value is tied to, or “derived” from, the value of one or more defined underlying indices, prices, or other variables. But it is important to remember that derivatives come in a myriad of forms and carry various levels of risk.

In our case, we entered into total return swaps, whose value is directly derived from changes in the value of the underlying securities. We could have purchased the underlying securities directly, but we elected to make our investments in the form of total return swaps because it can be a more efficient and cost-effective means of managing capital. As of February 3, 2007, the notional value of these derivatives was less than $400 million.

While we chose to include risk disclosures to make clear that, as with all investments, there is risk associated with the total return swaps, it is also the case that every company takes risks every day. Indeed, business is about managing risk. When these risks come in other forms, they are not always accompanied by the same level of detailed disclosure in public filings. Doing business in California will always carry “earthquake risk” and doing apparel business in winter clothing will carry “weather risk.” Investors and executives focus on some of these risks and tend to overlook others. If a company’s risk-management process is a robust one, the level of focus will be proportionate to the amount of risk and the probability of the risk occurring, as well as whether or not the risk can be effectively managed. At Sears Holdings, we try to manage risk in an effective way – whether it is in our investment decisions, our real estate decisions, or our product line decisions – and we are prepared to take risks where we believe the probability of success justifies the investment. We will not always be successful, but if we do a good job of evaluating opportunities and executing on them, we believe that our shareholders will be well rewarded.

A Strategy of Disciplined Growth

As we look ahead, I want there to be no doubt about one thing: It is certainly our intention to grow Sears Holdings. Some commentators have asserted that we want to shrink the Company, but that is simply not so. No great company would aspire to become smaller, and we certainly do not. But before embarking on a growth plan, it is critical to provide a sound base from which to grow. To this end, we have set out to improve the profitability of our business model. Our objective is disciplined growth. We do not want to grow simply for the sake of becoming bigger. Rather, our aim is to become more profitable, and as such we need to ensure that any revenue growth occurs at an appropriate level of profitability.

As we have said before, we do not want to spend $1 too much or $50,000 too little on our stores. Unless we believe we will receive an adequate return on investment, we will not spend money on capital expenditures to build new stores or upgrade our existing base simply because our competitors do. If share repurchases or acquisitions appear to be more productive, then we will allocate capital to those options appropriately. We will seek superior returns, wherever they may be found.

Many of our largest competitors, on the other hand, are primarily focused on growing their top line. To that end, and consistent with the conventional wisdom, they are quickly building new stores. This is a highly capital-intensive way to try to drive returns for shareholders, but provided the return on their investment in new stores is more attractive than their alternatives, it may be the best use of capital for them. Over the past three years, by contrast, we have shown that there are other ways to create value for shareholders. Sears Holdings’ stock has been one of the top retail performers for each of the past two years, as was its predecessor Kmart in 2004, in spite of this non-traditional approach.

We believe we have managed to create a lot of value for shareholders without excessive spending partly because of our disciplined stewardship of our shareholders’ capital. For Sears Holdings, in the near term we believe the greatest value will come not from increasing our store base, but primarily from better utilizing our existing assets to deliver more value to our customers and ultimately our shareholders.


I believe one of the causes of the many well-known accounting abuses was this myopic focus on moving share price by driving short-term earnings. As we have explained, we do not attempt to manage earnings or expectations, we generally do not meet with Wall Street analysts, and, except in a few select cases, we have not provided options to our associates. Stock options can play an important role in compensation arrangements if handled correctly, and many companies have used them to motivate and compensate their executives and employees appropriately. The requirement that companies account for stock options as an expense is helpful in highlighting to investors and directors the cost of these programs.

At Sears Holdings, we have linked a very significant part of our executives’ variable compensation to the EBITDA of Sears Holdings or one of its businesses, adjusted for certain items that are not within the control of our associates. We consider EBITDA a superior measure of operational performance, as it provides a clearer picture of operating results and cash flows by eliminating expenses that are not reflective of underlying business performance. We have both a one-year EBITDA goal used for annual bonuses and a longer-term goal that is generally based on EBITDA performance that we have used for our Long Term Incentive Plans (LTIPs). Unlike some companies, which set targets at levels that are difficult to miss, we set targets that are achievable but require us to perform – it is important to set goals that challenge and stretch us.

Members Of The Military

One aspect of Sears Holdings’ commitment to the military – our Military Service pay differential and benefits continuation program – has received a fair bit of grassroots attention in the past couple of years. I have seen a number of emails and blog entries about this program, most of which ask whether it’s true or an urban legend. The initial skepticism is understandable, given the unfounded rumors and exaggerations that can circulate on the Internet, but in this case the program is real. For associates of Sears Holdings (other than certain part-time and seasonal associates) who are called to duty in the National Guard or Reserve, we make up any difference between the associate’s pay at Sears Holdings and his or her military pay – for up to five years. We will also hold a comparable position for an eligible deployed employee for up to five years, and allow those employees to continue most benefits while deployed. Since 2001, we have had over 3,500 associates participate in our military leave program; at present, there are about 400 Sears Holdings associates in the program. We are proud to support these individuals as they serve our Nation.


A Book, A Robbery & A Great Blog To Visit

Friday Tidbits:

* Publisher John Wiley has sent me a copy of “The Little Book of Common Sense Investing” by the legendary John Bogle. I will try to get through it this weekend and if I decide to recommend it will post an Amazon link here for you if you then wish to purchase it.

* Topps (TOPP).

Founded in 1938 as Topps Chewing Gum, and in its early years produced a popular penny “Topps Gum” from a factory in Brooklyn, N.Y. After World War II, the company developed Bazooka Bubble Gum, and in 1950, added trading cards to its product line. Baseball cards appeared in 1951 and quickly became a vital part of pop culture, a tradition that continues to this day, and includes football (both American and European) and basketball, in addition to entertainment cards and stickers and albums. In July 2003, Topps acquired WizKids, LLC a designer and marketer of collectible strategy games. Topps maintains offices in Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, and Argentina, in addition to the U.S. Topps also manufactures the popular lollipop brands marketed as Ring Pops, Push Pops, Baby Bottle Pops and other novelty candy and gum products. Now headquartered in New York City, the company has worldwide distribution, annual net sales for Fiscal 2006 of $293,838,000, and employs over 487 people worldwide.

Recently, Micheal Eisner lead group that offered $385 million for the company. In what might be the best and latest example of boardroom incompetence, Topps agreed to the buyout. This should be criminal. A cursory look reveals what I am talking about.

Cash on hand $81 million
Shares Outstanding 39 million
Debt – ZERO
Cash per Share $2.07
Offer Price $9.75
Closing Price Day Before Offer $8.91

Do you see where this is going? We have to subtract the cash on hand from the offer price because Eisner’s group will receive that cash (and have no debt to pay off) once the deal closes. We then take the offer price of $9.75 minus cash on hand of $2.07 and we have an answer of $7.68. What does that mean? If you are a shareholder your management just agreed to sell the company 13.8% BELOW the current market value! If you are one of those “lucky” shareholders you now know how Ned Beatty felt in “Deliverance.”

Here what it should look like, $8.91 closing price plus $2.07 in cash = $10.98 starting price for bids.

Fortunately there is a white knight: Topps director Arnaud Ajdler, along with the investment firm Crescendo Partners II, have launched a campaign to kill the deal. Crescendo owns about 6.6 percent of the company’s shares, according to filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Ajdler is also a managing partner of Crescendo. In his filing he says “Since the Board of Directors has decided to pursue this transaction over the significant concerns which I have continually and repeatedly voiced to the Board, I intend to actively solicit votes and campaign against the proposed transaction.”

Here’s hoping he succeeds………

Recommended Blog:

Gannon On Investing

“Value investing blog and value investing podcast influenced by Benjamin Graham, Joel Greenblatt, and Warren Buffett’s value investing model. Built upon the value investor insights of intrinsic value, margin of safety, competitive advantage, and protection of principal.”

Basically, it’s a value investing blog with longer articles about investing concepts, specific stocks (analysis), and the market (at least insofar as my normalized P/E posts go). He has some stuff from three other contributors in the “Columns” and “Book Reviews” sections.

Some people might like the “Encyclopedia” section which links to and contain entries like this one:

Finally, there’s the directory of other investing sites. Also, there’s the podcast – new visitors might enjoy listening to the podcast episodes.

He does a “20 Questions” series with other bloggers that is something I enjoy (and will be features on soon)

Some of his best work is on “normalized PE ratios”, definitely worth checking out.


Ethanol- Debunking A Few Myths

Since President Bush is in Brazil this week to talk about ethanol, I though it would be appropriate to present portions of a paper by Vinod Khosla, a venture capitalist who, for those who do not know him was a internet pioneer and a founder of Sun Microsytems. You can view a bio of him here. Kholsa is himself investing millions of his own dollars building ethanol plants. The paper here, is very long and detailed. I am going to present the most topically relevant items based on what the media usually presents.

Much has been said about the energy balance of ethanol:

Kholsa answers:
“Energy balance is not even the right question to answer. It is not the energy balance of ethanol that matters but the energy balance of ethanol relative to the energy balance of gasoline. Dr Wang at Argonne National Labs has built one of the most rigorous and transparent public models for energy balance calculations. His results indicate that corn ethanol has almost twice the energy balance compared to gasoline, yet this crucial fact is seldom mentioned in the press. According to the majority of studies, corn ethanol has an energy balance between 1.3-1.8 while gasoline is substantially worse, at about 0.8 (since it takes energy to extract, transport, refine and handle gasoline). Electricity has an energy balance four times worse than corn ethanol. Do we stop using electricity? No, because as Dr. Wang concludes, this is not even the right question. Dr. Wang goes on to say that energy balance is “not a meaningful number for any fuel in evaluating its benefits”.

Why then does the press continue mentioning it? Why do they fail to mention that electricity has a substantially worse energy balance than ethanol? Do they recommend we stop using electricity? What is often inferred by the press is that it takes more petroleum to make ethanol than is displaced. This is emphatically NOT true, even in the most vintage of plants. Ethanol causes a very significant (more than 90%) reduction in petroleum use. The debate in scientific circles is about whether producing ethanol uses more fossil energy (not petroleum) than it creates. That is an entirely different question because if the objectives are lower cost gasoline replacement fuel, energy security and less reliance on imported oil, then in fact converting non-petroleum forms of fossil energy (mostly natural gas in the case of corn ethanol plants) into ethanol would be a perfectly acceptable strategy, especially since the production costs of a gallon of ethanol are lower today than the cost of gasoline produced from oil. Only when the climate change questions are addressed is energy balance even a relevant question (though carbon emissions per mile driven is a much more appropriate question). In fact if we have to pick an alternative to gasoline then ethanol is the best choice today.

More importantly it is a choice that starts a progression to increasingly “better” technologies and has far more room to improve technologically on feedstocks, development process, and ethanol and ethanol like fuels (biohols) that are more compatible with the existing infrastructure than alternative technologies. Equally important, ethanol is compatible and complementary to other petroleum reduction technologies like hybrids and plug-in electric hybrid cars. Even more critically, the key question is not energy balance but rather the greenhouse gas emissions. Certain energy sources like natural gas (the principal fossil fuel in the majority of ethanol plants) are much cleaner and greener than others, like coal. It is not the energy input but rather the total greenhouse gas emissions, from source feedstock, production and consumption of the fuel (per mile driven) that is most important according to the NRDC. Energy balance is the wrong question. Greenhouse gas emissions per mile driven is the right question.”

Increasing Production Yields:

Not your father’s ethanol anymore: The energy required to produce corn ethanol is declining every year. Corn yields are increasing and fertilizer intensity is decreasing, further improving its energy balance. In five or so years we should start to see corn crops with a nitrogen fixation gene, materially reducing the fertilizer requirements and the energy consumption it entails. Even the crops used to produce ethanol will diversify. Sweet sorghum for example, uses a lot less water and fertilizer, can be harvested twice a year, and makes for a cost effective and environmentally better feedstock that can be grown on marginal lands, lands that ordinarily cannot be effectively used for feedstock. It is the major source of feedstock for ethanol being investigated in India. But such “optimizing” options will not be seriously pursued till after the market for corn ethanol is established. Once ethanol becomes a substantial market, all parts of the production process, crops & feedstocks, manufacturing, chemistries, transportation, and more will be the subject of intensive attention and innovation. The world does not stay still when large scale economics are involved.

As to the production process, again the Wall Street Journal reports that the Broin Cos., based in Sioux Falls, S.D., has pioneered a method to convert corn to ethanol at 90 degrees, rather than the previous 230 to 250 degrees, improving energy efficiency by 10% to 12%, according to co-founder and Chief Executive Jeff Broin. And E3 Biofuels LLC is finding ways to get more out of all parts of the corn, by building plants near dairy farms and feeding cows the byproducts of ethanol processing, then using energy from the animal waste to help power the plants. “Wastes are converted to valuable products, such as biogas and biofertilizers, which replace fossil fuels and their derivatives,” according to David Hallberg, co-founder of Omaha-based E3. E3 Biofuels achieves an energy balance for corn ethanol of approximately five, using the Argonne National Labs GREET model – a number higher than what many cite for cellulosic ethanol! We have seen plants at every point in the continuum form old energy inefficient plants to highly optimized plants.

Myth: Not Enough Cropland

The next question we see a lot of fear, uncertainty and doubt about is the question of land and the related issue of food. Is there enough land to meet our energy needs? Beyond the traditional critique of ‘energy balance’ mentioned above, the question of land use is often cited by critics. If all the ethanol were produced using the ‘corn-to-ethanol’ process, we would simply not have enough land. Quite true, but equally obvious is the fact that relatively predictable pathways exist to cellulosic ethanol. Using switchgrass as an energy crop, the NRDC estimates we would need about 114 million acres of land. We need to look at this another way – 73 million acres of soybeans have been planted. Why can’t we do the same with energy crops? Instead of exporting soybeans we could be reducing oil imports. In addition we have 40 million acres of CRP lands. What if we used them for energy production by growing natural prairie crops like switchgrass (more likely grass “cocktails”) on them? Between export crops and CRP lands we have more than 120 million acres in this country. We believe that a fraction of our export crop lands could more than replace all our oil imports while improving our trade balance, increasing farm incomes, improving biodiversity in the fields, and making our fuel cheaper.

Improved efficiency in ethanol production and use of waste biomass like corn stover, rice husks, and sugarcane baggasse, leads to a smaller land area requirement. Former Secretary of State George Schultz and former CIA Director Jim Woolsey have estimated that, with some efficiency improvements, we will need only thirty million acres of soil bank lands to meet half our gasoline needs by 2025, in total, a small fraction of the land mass devoted to the soy crop. The Department of Energy estimates in an April 2005 report that 1.3 billion tons of biomass could be made available relatively easily from existing cropland, resulting in over a hundred billion gallons of cellulosic ethanol without changing agricultural practices materially.

Myth: Food Prices Will Go Up

To allay another common misconception, it is extremely unlikely that ethanol will be competing materially with food. The current process takes the starch from corn to make ethanol and leaves the protein and fiber for livestock feed. A current rule of thumb is that 1 lb of dried distillers grains (DDGs), the corn ethanol byproduct, replaces a ½ lb of corn and a ½ lb of soybean meal in a cattle feed ration. By the time we get to needing sufficient quantities of ethanol, we will be producing most of it from cellulosic feedstocks. This is why the land use arguments are incorrect. In fact many energy crops like switchgrass and miscanthus perhaps could make for excellent crop rotation plants with traditional row crop agriculture. The idea is to develop mixed grass “cocktails” that will serve as crop rotation crops for today’s row crops , increasing bio-diversity , while producing feedstock for liquid fuels. This mix will enhance the soil, keeping farmland more productive and biodiverse, according to the NRDC study “Growing Energy”.

Some impact on food prices is possible, even likely over the short term, but we suspect total household costs for food and transportation fuels will go down. It is worth noting that for the US as a whole we are most likely to do crop rotation of energy crops with traditional row crops like corn and replace export crops (like soybean) with energy crops. Export crops will be replaced by reduced imports with higher value to farmers and a better balance of payments for our economy. Since a majority of our agricultural land is used to produce animal feed proteins, the NDRC believes in the potential of producing cellulose for ethanol and feed protein simultaneously. The land use argument and the related food price argument really disappear in that case.

At the international level, why have the developing countries been fighting so hard to eliminate the food subsidies? The press likes to conjure up images of food supply shortages, when the reality is that we have had burdensome surplus crops in the last few years, large enough that the western world has to support its farmers with subsidies. There is no scarcity of food but rather a scarcity of income to buy it for the poorest of the poor. The current Doha round of talks on international trade broke down mostly over this issue.

Myth: Ethanol Is More expensive

Production costs and market prices are different things. Today, prices may be high caused by the rapid demand spike we have seen as oil companies have rapidly switched away from MTBE to avoid the legal liability they are incurring today, and to avoid the potential of additional liability they will surely incur from volatile organics, especially benzene, that are material components of today’s gasoline and are known carcinogens. The Foundation for Consumer & Taxpayer Rights released a new study of rising gasoline prices in California that found corporate markups and profiteering are responsible for spring price spikes, not rising crude costs or the switchover to higher-cost ethanol, as the oil industry claims.

But just as surely as profits are high and margins exorbitant for ethanol producers today, additional capacity, maybe even excess capacity is coming on line rapidly. There is more capacity under construction and under planning today (planned to be operational by 2008) than we have built in the last twenty years in this country. Payback periods for new plants are six months instead of the seven years investors would normally expect! Ethanol production costs in the US today are about $1.00 per gallon before any subsidies or taxes,

Myth: Ethanol Cannot Use Existing Infrastructure

Not really true. Brazilian experts laugh at these misleading assertions. Brazil has thousands of gas stations using the same tanks, pumps, tankers for transportation, some with minor modifications and Brazil is building new pipelines to transport ethanol. For sure not every tank or tanker can be used as is, and we have environmental regulations more stringent than Brazil that will require us to have new nozzles for our gas pumps, but the dollars required to achieve this are immaterial compared to the size of the market. For a multi-hundred billion dollar market, I estimate that to convert 10% of the stations to offer at least one E85 pump will take no more than a few hundred million dollars over about five years, or less than 0.1% of revenue annually. Many (but not all – and we only need 10% in my estimation to kick start the market) of the same pumps in the ground can be cleaned and adopted. Ethanol can be piped in pipelines contrary to popular belief, but not if the ethanol is going to be used as an additive to gasoline. Piping E85 or E100 ethanol is no problem since the small amounts of water it may pickup in the pipeline is only problematic when added to gasoline in low blends like E6 or E10 (6% and 10% ethanol respectively). But the opponents like to spread these myths as general roadblocks when it is only an issue for the narrow use of ethanol as a blend stock. There are thousands of leaking underground tanks at our gas stations and we have an existing multi-billion dollar fund for replacing leaking underground storage tanks (LUST Funds). When this “fix “ is done, we can use tanks that will accommodate both ethanol and gasoline. Maybe E85 is the reason to expedite the replacement of these leaking tanks?

I believe ethanol is the answer to our oil dependence. I said it in a previous post ValuePlays Portfolio member Archer Daniel’s Midland, ticker (ADM) is the best way to go if you want to invest in it. ADM is already doing cellulosic research on current feedstocks. The process involves thermochemically treating corn hulls—or cellulose from corn waste—to allow part of the fiber to be fermented to alcohol. “We believe this process would boost our production of ethanol by 15% without requiring an additional ear of corn,” says Woertz. “Cellulosic applications such as this, on existing feedstocks, may be as little as 2 years away. Other technologies, involving other feedstocks, may arrive in 5 to 7 years. “We believe that advanced levels of federal research and development will be needed to speed new solutions to market,” she says. “Funding for this research should be technology neutral, feedstock neutral and look for the best solutions from all options.

PS. More irony… Do you Bush bashers out there have a hard time admitting that Bush “the oil man” has done more for the “alternative fuel” movement in this country than any other President? History will look at his Presidency as the turning point in these fuels from a novelty to mainstream acceptance.


AIG’s Insurance Business: Not Really Improving

AIG reported solid increases in income in 2006. Our results for 2006 were lead by our General Insurance business”. AIG President and CEO Martin J. Sullivan (no relation) 3/1/2007

I make it a point to talk to my friends about the businesses they work in. This is not an effort to get “inside” information about a company, but to learn more about the businesses they are in and the challenges and opportunities they face. Last summer several friends of mine who practice personal injury law (worker’s compensation and auto) were lamenting that AIG just “stopped settling cases.” Now, had this been one person in one office in one state, I would have brushed it off as being associated only with him and not indicative of AIG business practices. But, when you have different lawyers in different states whose businesses are unrelated to each other saying the same thing, one has too wonder. I made a mental note about it and did not think too much about it after that. Recently, I was talking again to a few of them again and heard the same refrain from them, “AIG will not settle cases.” I waited until AIG released their 2006 10-K and decided to dig through it to determine if their claims had merit. Let’s break down some numbers: All the following pertain to the Domestic Insurance Operations.

Underwriting Profit. This is simple to determine. It is equal to Net premiums minus net losses (payments to insureds)

Personal (Auto) Underwriting Gain (Loss)- Millions
2005 $74
2006 $204
Domestic Brokerage (Workers Comp) Underwriting Gain (Loss)
2005 ($1.5) Billion
2006 $2.4 Billion

Conclusion? AIG experienced a gargantuan improvement in results in 2006. It should be noted that 2005 results here do not include losses from catastrophes like hurricanes, floods, etc. These numbers are from ordinary operations to make comparisons relevant. It should also be noted that Domestic Brokerage results are not all worker’s comp (WC), but that is the category WC is classified in and AIG does not break it out. It is a fair comparison as WC is the largest single variable in this category so WC results have the largest impact on this segment. This improved profit picture alone does not prove our point though, it is possible that AIG wrote more policies and from those new policies netted more profits. Well let’s look:

Domestic Lines Premiums Earned
2004 +5.6%
2006 +5%

For the past two years premium earned have been essentially flat so it cannot be responsible for the 540% increase in profits. Maybe they cut costs to the bone? Let’s just look closer again:

Combined Domestic Expense Ratio
2005 21.0
2006 21.5

By looking at the expense ratio, we can determine that the percentage of expenses associated with domestic operations remained the same so this eliminates expense cutting as the cause of the gain. This tells us that $21 of every $100 in premiums went to expenses, virtually identical in 2004 and 2005.

Once the insurance company has premiums (float), they invest them. It is possible that AIG had a banner year investing the money and that accounts for the profit difference. The answer?

Return On Invested Assets
2004 4.4%
2005 4.7%
2006 5.6%

While investing results were improved, they do not account for the surge in profits. The investing benefit to earnings was that they had more to invest, not that they earned that much more on what they invested. So we still need to find the reason they had “more to invest”.

Let’s review, profits surged in 2006 and it was not due to additional premium’s earned, expense cutting or abnormal investing gains. That leaves us only one way they could increase profits, pay out less claims. But that does not necessarily mean “they just stopped” settling claims and thus had to pay. Let’s look closer again. In the insurance industry, there is a metric called the loss ratio. This number tells us out of every $100 in premium’s, how many dollars are paid out as claims (losses). Barring a catastrophe, this number should be somewhat consistent year to year for a huge insurer like AIG. The following numbers are again excluding catastrophe losses in 2004 and 2005.

Combined Domestic Loss Ratio

2004 81.3
2005 82.5
2006 69.1

After consistent results in 2004 & 2005, AIG’s results dramatically improved. These numbers mean that after paying out over 80 cents of every dollar in premiums in 2004 and 2005, AIG suddenly paid out only 69 cents of every dollar in 2006. While 11 or 12 cents of each dollar does not seem like much, when you consider AIG had $108 billion in revenue last year, a little bit easily becomes something big.

It is looking like my friends complaints may be correct but, there is one more necessary step we need to do before we can know for certain. It is possible that there just were not as many claims in 2006 so AIG by default paid less settlements and thus realized more profits. If this is the case, then the rise in profits is perfectly understandable. We need to understand the claim process first. When a case (claim) comes in, the insurance adjuster for AIG sets a “reserve” on the it. This reserve is an approximate value of the case in terms of settlement. This allows AIG to gauge future labilities. When the case is settled, the amount of the reserve is reduce by the amount the adjuster set aside and the settlement amount then goes into the “loss” column when the check is cut.

We can now accurately conclude that since AIG did not write more polices to grow income, did not cut expenses to do it and did not realize dramatically improved investing gains, the only way they could have grown income over 500% would have been to either had a large reduction in claims OR, just not settle cases (and then be forced to pay). If it is a case where they refused to settle, we would see a surge in the “reserves” on the books for these claims as reserves are only lowered when cases are actually settled (this also lowers earnings), if the case is they did not have more claims, reserves would remain relatively constant. Now, these reserves are subtracted from earnings for accounting but what having money here does is give AIG vastly larger sums to invest (hence the “more to invest”) and the results of that increase earnings. What? If AIG sets aside $10 for reserves on cases, they take a $10 hit to earnings, but, they are then able to invest that $10 and add the results back to earnings, the more to invest, the more to earnings. Essentially they can “play” with the money until they need to cut a check. The longer they delay actually cutting a check, the more they can earn on the money. AIG in their 10-k said 2006 revenue growth “was primarily attributable to the growth in net premiums earned and net investment income from General Insurance.” Now we have to assume that AIG is accurately accounting for its reserves. Meaning if they say we need $100 million to add to reserves, when the claims are paid, it does equal $100 million. If they under report them they are forced to take an “adverse development” charge. If they are consistently taking these charges, we know that they are under reporting their reserves vs actual payments. 2005 was a hurricane year so we will not count that but in 2006 there were no catastrophes yet in Domestic Insurance alone AIG took a $110 million “adverse development charge” meaning they underestimated reserves by that amount. Here we go:

Workers Compensation Loss Reserves-Billions
2005 $11.6 Billion
2006 $13.4 Billion

BINGO…… AIG added $1.8 billion or 16% to it’s reserves for WC in 2006 (this is by far the largest reserve AIG maintains for all line of insurance business both domestic and international). This means that the surge in profits was due largely in part to AIG refusing to settle WC cases and thus not have to pay claims. This only pushes these liabilities off into the future. Here is the real irony, AIG is paying people who are out on WC a weekly wage check (the amount differs from state to state so I will not get into details but it is normally about 60% of their gross wages). In many cases AIG’s weekly payments will eventually surpass what they would have paid if they just settled a year ago. It should also be noted that this does not absolve them of a settlement amount either. In most states there is a formula based on the employees loss of function, weekly wages, age and other factors that dictate a range of settlement amounts. AIG will have to pay, it is just a matter of “when”, not “if”. This means that AIG will eventually end up paying almost twice these cases initial value when all is said and done.

While AIG’s strategy of refusing to settle claims may have helped them last year, there is a growing bulge in future liabilities out there that will have to get paid. Investor’s beware….

PS. Does anyone else find it ironic that when an insurance company does what it is designed to do, pay a claim, they refer to it as a “loss”? Isn’t it just a cost of doing business? Isn’t this akin to a restaurant classifying the food people eat as a “loss”?


The New Gap CEO- A Lampert University Grad…Please?

Having mention Gap (GPS) as a possible investment in a previous post , we must revisit the most recent conference call to see if any of the goals we set for it are being met.

Gap earnings call highlights (at least the ones that matter to me)

2006 Earnings down and 2007 does not look much better- No surprise

-Closing Forth & Towne. Given the sales, productivity levels, and the traffic momentum we had seen to date, they felt that the probability of achieving an acceptable return on investment from a full rollout of the brand was too low. As a result, they will close 19 Forth & Towne stores by the end of June, 2007.

– Converting Old Navy outlet stores to Old Navy stores. Given the change in competitive environment, there is no longer a clear distinction between the two businesses. They expect to convert the 45 outlet stores by October of this year. This decision has no impact on Gap Outlet and Banana Republic factory stores.

– In addition to gaining cost efficiencies in management structure, this decision also allows them to close one of our Northern Kentucky distribution centers. The expenses associated with converting the Old Navy outlet stores and closing the distribution center will be about $6 million in 2007. However, annual savings from these measures are estimated to be $12 million.

– Regarding share repurchases, they plan to continue to use excess cash to opportunistically repurchase shares. At the end of the fourth quarter, they still had $200 million available under the current authorization. Gap has plenty of cash and still generates enough to buy much more back. My guess is that it will be left for the new CEO to announce the new amount to get him (her) off to a good start with shareholders.

The real estate strategy for 2007. At this time, they expect to open about 230 new stores and to close about 200. The openings are weighted towards Old Navy as they continue to believe there is additional real estate opportunity and the returns remain attractive, and the closures are weighted to Gap and include the impact of the 19 Forth & Towne store closures. Please also note the 45 Old Navy outlet conversions will be recorded as both a closure and opening to reflect the reassignment. Full year net square footage is expected to be up about 1%.

Gap is off to a decent albeit anemic start. The Forth & Towne closing was a no brainer because it should have never been attempted in the first place. As for the other closings, there will be net gain of 49 stores at year end, mostly Old Navy. Of the 135 stores to close, most will be Gap. Here is my issue, they are only scratching the surface here. Gap does not need to get bigger, it needs to get more profitable and when you are not performing well given the present scale of your company, what make you think being bigger will magically fix that? In 2006, Banana Republic sales were up 14%. Old Navy’s were flat and Gap was down 6%, so we aren’t in a situation where the whole company is struggling, just Gap brands. The move to convert a few of them to Old Navy stores again is a good one but still not enough. What was not discussed was Banana Republic, why not convert some Gap’s into them? Currently Gap is a retailer with an excellent premium brand (Banana Republic), a good value brand (Old Navy) and a John Candy like bloated mid-level brand (Gap). I need somebody to come in a say “we need to be more profitable, not bigger” because the two are not always directly related.

The CEO search continues and I cannot even think about investing until I know the who’s and what’s of what they plan to do. If they are of the Julian Day of Radioshack (RSK) or Eddie Lampert of Sears Holdings, (SHLD ) mold then I will be racing to buy Gap shares (for more on Radioshack, visit Chad Brand’s blog The Peridot Capitalist ). Can you imagine what somebody like them could do with the Gap? What do I mean? Sears Holdings shares are up over 1000% since Lampert took over almost 3 years ago when both Sears and Kmart were left for dead by everybody. Radioshack has gone from one foot in the grave to seeing its shares up almost 80% since Day took over last summer. How did they do it? They have this novel approach that the most important thing they can do is grow profits, not just sell merchandise. Somewhere along the way, retailers got the “bigger at all cost is better” mantra ingrained in them and began to chase sales over profits. Lampert and Day have said, profits matter most, not just sales. This has lead them to close under performing locations, sell off unnecessary assets, keep closer tabs on inventory and not just discount merchandise to drive unprofitable revenue growth. They then take this extra money and begin massive share buybacks, pay off debt and to re-invest in the current locations that are performing satisfactorily. The potential here for a CEO like this to make shareholders very wealthy is just waiting to be had as Gap has $2 billion in the bank, produces another $1.5 billion of operating cash flow per year and is virtually debt free. If they would stop investing in trying to just get bigger and got smart, they could return a ton to investors via buybacks (I estimate 15%-20% in year one at current prices). Currently Gap (GPS) shares are trading over 10% below their early year buyout rumor highs.

If they new guy (gal) has more store growth aspirations or a “new product mix” goal, I will be watching from the sidelines. Gap has a lot to like about it and I think there is a ton of hidden value there, it just remains to be seen what the new CEO will do with it. Think of it this way, if both you and Emeril Lagasse
have the same ingredients in your kitchens, my guess is his final results cooking dinner with them will be far superior. Thus is the dilemma with a CEO-less Gap, are we going to get Emeril or Norm Peterson’s dinner from the “Hungry Heifer”? Please don’t tell me you do not know who he is…….



From the “timing is everything” department:

1/17SBUX shares stand at the high price for 2007 at $36.29 a share
1/22 – ValuePlays first post hits claiming SBUX is overpriced – Why Price Matters. A Case Study
2/8Did SBUX CEO Donald Really Say That? Is posted questioning the direction the company is going. It is widely distributed inThe Wall St. Journal, The, Seeking Alpha, ValueInvesting News and others
2/8 – SBUX shares close at $33.42 down 9.2% from their highs
2/14 – Founder and Chairman Howard Schultz pens memo to CEO Donald echoing sentiment in ValuePlays post of 2/8
2/23 – Memo becomes public and is reported on CNBC
2/26 – SBUX follow up piece Vindication Thy Name Is Howard Schultz runs in ValuePlays
2/26 – SBUX shares close at $30.75 down 15.2% from high level
2/27 StarbucksGossip. com picks up 2/26 ValuePlays post
2/28 – Boston TV Show “Chronicle” does a segment comparing coffee chains called “BreakfastWars” featuring McDonald’s improved coffee offerings
3/1 – Prudential analyst Howard Penney cuts his price target SBUX shares
3/2 – SB
UX shares close at $29.88 down 17.6% from their high

“Ok, so what is the point Todd”? The point is that SBUX shares are falling fast and now that the mainstream media is piggybacking on the ValuePlays sentiment, there is nothing happening on the immediate horizon to stop it. If anything, things are due to get worse, much worse. Why?

*McDonald’s (MCD) announced it will serve specialty coffee beverages like vanilla lattes and caramel cappuccinos at outlets across the U.S. The drinks are already available at McDonald’s restaurants in Michigan, New York and New Jersey. McDonald’s is pricing espresso-based drinks between $2 and $3, undercutting Starbucks, many of whose similar offerings are over $3. The high-end coffee drinks are consistent with an overall strategic shift away from its traditional burger-and-fries offerings and toward more “upscale” food, like chicken and salad. McDonald’s specialty coffee drinks will be served from push-button machines, which are faster than Starbucks’ labor-intensive hand-made approach.
*Starbucks announced plans to start selling hot breakfast sandwiches in its stores to compete with the Egg McMuffin.
*The past five years, Starbucks sent a gift card for $3.50, enough money to buy a latte. Previo
usly, it was a coupon for a free drink of their choice.This year, shareholders are opening the envelope to find a coupon good for two coffee-drip drinks. Starbucks says it wants people to bring a friend or family member along and then write about their experience at According to shareholders, “We expect better next year, Howard.

When your competition is encroaching on your main product and even those who invest in you are unhappy, you’ve got problems. In a nutshell here is the core of the issue… SBUX has no identity anymore.

Starbucks used to stand for superior quality in a relaxed atmosphere (almost lounge like). For that, people were willing to pay a premium for their product. What happened? Whether they will admit it or not not, management is trying to “out McDonald”, McDonalds. Meaning? This whole new breakfast menu thing is a catastrophe in the making. Just give me my muffin and let me sit down or go on my way. When you begin to serve McDonald’s breakfast items, the only way you can be considered successful at it is if you do it better than them and nobody, nobody executes better than McDonalds. Yeah, I know what you are saying “SBUX egg sandwiches have imported feta cheese, all organic no growth hormone eggs, hydroponic rain forest lettuce and hand milled flour buns”. Right, so when I order I’ll ask for the “egg and cheese”? “But what about McDonalds” you ask. Aren’t they trying to “out Starbucks” , Starbucks with the improved coffee and premium offerings like latte’s and cappucinos? Yes they are, and they are doing it. Here is the reason, for most people coffee is coffee and and egg and cheese is an egg and cheese. Of course there are the “coffee connoisseurs,” they will never go to McDonald’s and I am not talking about them, I am speaking of the great ambivalent masses in the middle. When all things are equal, price and convenience always win. McDonald’s has both. What about the atmosphere you say? Check out the new McCafe’ concept. What has happened is McDonald’s has raising its image and Starbucks has come become more ordinary.

Starbucks needs to take what they did best and do it better. What they did was try to do what McDonald’s does better and in the process lost what made them great. McDonald’s on the other hand is taking their concept and improving it to meet the needs of their consumer, without, and here is the key, sacrificing what has made them great, convenience and price. You also cannot underestimate the goodwill McDonalds enjoys with consumers being associated with the Newman’s Own brand coffee. When Starbucks started they created a niche, by then doing what McDonald’s does they opened the door for McDonald’s to be compared to them and are losing the battle. If they want to win, they must take the concept more upscale… not less. Here is a freebie, instead of making me stand in line for 15 minutes, could somebody come over and take my order and bring it to me? If I am going to pay premium prices, I ought to get premium service, no? Sounds simple but think about it. If I am ordering at McDonald’s and they do not have my order ready, they ask me to go sit down and relax and they will bring it to me, even if it is only a .99 cent hamburger. Why can’t I get my $12 latte’ and muffin brought over?

Mr. Schultz, really, this is starting to get away from you guys… email me..


The Berkshire Letter: A Value Investors Instruction Manual

Here is Warren’s annual missive. This is the value investing instruction manual. A word of warning: Be careful about relying on the media to frame his comments for you. Quite often in the past they have taken snip-its that sound good on TV but when you read them again in the context they were written, do not necessarily convey the same sentiment.

Berkshire Hathaway Annual Letter (you need Adobe Reader to view it)

Some commentary that is relative to recent news events:

Real Estate:

“The slowdown in residential real estate activity stems in part from the weakened lending practices of recent years. The “optional” contracts and “teaser” rates that have been popular have allowed borrowers to make payments in the early years of their mortgages that fall far short of covering normal interest costs.

Naturally, there are few defaults when virtually nothing is required of a borrower. As a cynic has said, “A rolling loan gathers no loss.” But payments not made add to principal, and borrowers who can’t afford normal monthly payments early on are hit later with above-normal monthly obligations. This is the Scarlett O’Hara scenario: “I’ll think about that tomorrow.” For many home owners, “tomorrow” has now arrived. Consequently there is a huge overhang of offerings in several of HomeServices’ markets. Nevertheless, we will be seeking to purchase additional brokerage operations. A decade from now, HomeServices will almost certainly be much larger.”

On A Replacement:

” I have told you that Berkshire has three outstanding candidates to replace me as CEO and that the Board knows exactly who should take over if I should die tonight. Each of the three is much younger than I. The directors believe it’s important that my successor have the prospect of a long tenure. Frankly, we are not as well-prepared on the investment side of our business. There’s a history here: At one time, Charlie was my potential replacement for investing, and more recently Lou Simpson has filled that slot. Lou is a top-notch investor with an outstanding long-term record of managing GEICO’s equity portfolio. But he is only six years younger than I. If I were to die soon, he would fill in magnificently for a short period. For the long-term, though, we need a different answer. At our October board meeting, we discussed that subject fully. And we emerged with a plan, which I will carry out with the help of Charlie and Lou.

Under this plan, I intend to hire a younger man or woman with the potential to manage a very large portfolio, who we hope will succeed me as Berkshire’s chief investment officer when the need for someone to do that arises. As part of the selection process, we may in fact take on several candidates. Picking the right person(s) will not be an easy task. It’s not hard, of course, to find smart people, among them individuals who have impressive investment records. But there is far more to successful longterm investing than brains and performance that has recently been good.

Over time, markets will do extraordinary, even bizarre, things. A single, big mistake could wipe out a long string of successes. We therefore need someone genetically programmed to recognize and avoid serious risks, including those never before encountered. Certain perils that lurk in investment strategies cannot be spotted by use of the models commonly employed today by financial institutions.

Temperament is also important. Independent thinking, emotional stability, and a keen understanding of both human and institutional behavior is vital to long-term investment success. I’ve seen a lot of very smart people who have lacked these virtues.

Finally, we have a special problem to consider: our ability to keep the person we hire. Being able to list Berkshire on a resume would materially enhance the marketability of an investment manager. We will need, therefore, to be sure we can retain our choice, even though he or she could leave and make much more money elsewhere.

There are surely people who fit what we need, but they may be hard to identify. In 1979, Jack Byrne and I felt we had found such a person in Lou Simpson. We then made an arrangement with him whereby he would be paid well for sustained overperformance. Under this deal, he has earned large amounts. Lou, however, could have left us long ago to manage far greater sums on more advantageous terms. If money alone had been the object, that’s exactly what he would have done. But Lou never considered such a move. We need to find a younger person or two made of the same stuff.

* * * * * * * * * * * *
The good news: At 76, I feel terrific and, according to all measurable indicators, am in excellent health. It’s amazing what Cherry Coke and hamburgers will do for a fellow.

Some Changes on Berkshire’s Board

The composition of our board will change in two ways this spring. One change will involve the Chace family, which has been connected to Berkshire and its predecessor companies for more than a century. In 1929, the first Malcolm G. Chace played an important role in merging four New England textile operations into Berkshire Fine Spinning Associates. That company merged with Hathaway Manufacturing in 1955 to form Berkshire Hathaway, and Malcolm G. Chace, Jr. became its chairman.

Early in 1965, Malcolm arranged for Buffett Partnership Ltd. to buy a key block of Berkshire shares and welcomed us as the new controlling shareholder of the company. Malcolm continued as non executive chairman until 1969. He was both a wonderful gentleman and helpful partner.

That description also fits his son, Malcolm “Kim” Chace, who succeeded his father on Berkshire’s board in 1992. But last year Kim, now actively and successfully running a community bank that he founded in 1996, suggested that we find a younger person to replace him on our board. We have done so, and Kim will step down as a director at the annual meeting. I owe much to the Chaces and wish to thank

Kim for his many years of service to Berkshire. In selecting a new director, we were guided by our long-standing criteria, which are that board members be owner-oriented, business-savvy, interested and truly independent. I say “truly” because many directors who are now deemed independent by various authorities and observers are far from that, relying heavily as they do on directors’ fees to maintain their standard of living. These payments, which come in many forms, often range between $150,000 and $250,000 annually, compensation that may approach or even exceed all other income of the “independent” director. And – surprise, surprise – director compensation has soared in recent years, pushed up by recommendations from corporate America’s favorite consultant, Ratchet, Ratchet and Bingo. (The name may be phony, but the action it conveys is not.). Charlie and I believe our four criteria are essential if directors are to do their job – which, by law, is to faithfully represent owners. Yet these criteria are usually ignored. Instead, consultants and CEOs seeking board candidates will often say, “We’re looking for a woman,” or “a Hispanic,” or “someone from abroad,” or what have you. It sometimes sounds as if the mission is to stock Noah’s ark. Over the years I’ve been queried many times about potential directors and have yet to hear anyone ask, “Does he think like an intelligent owner?”

The questions I instead get would sound ridiculous to someone seeking candidates for, say, football team, or an arbitration panel or a military command. In those cases, the selectors would look for people who had the specific talents and attitudes that were required for a specialized job. At Berkshire, we are in the specialized activity of running a business well, and therefore we seek business judgment.

That’s exactly what we’ve found in Susan Decker, CFO of Yahoo!, who will join our board at the annual meeting. We are lucky to have her: She scores very high on our four criteria and additionally, at 44, is young – an attribute, as you may have noticed, that your Chairman has long lacked. We will seek more young directors in the future, but never by slighting the four qualities that we insist upon.”


“Berkshire will pay about $4.4 billion in federal income tax on its 2006 earnings. In its last fiscal year the U.S. Government spent $2.6 trillion, or about $7 billion per day. Thus, for more than half of on day, Berkshire picked up the tab for all federal expenditures, ranging from Social Security and Medicare payments to the cost of our armed services. Had there been only 600 taxpayers like Berkshire, no one else in America would have needed to pay any federal income or payroll taxes.”

“Our federal return last year, we should add, ran to 9,386 pages. To handle this filing, state and foreign tax returns, a myriad of SEC requirements, and all of the other matters involved in running Berkshire, we have gone all the way up to 19 employees at World Headquarters. This crew occupies 9,708 square feet of space, and Charlie – at World Headquarters West in Los Angeles – uses another 655 square feet. Our home-office payroll, including benefits and counting both locations, totaled $3,531,978 last year. We’re careful when spending your money.

Corporate bigwigs often complain about government spending, criticizing bureaucrats who they say spend taxpayers’ money differently from how they would if it were their own. But sometimes the financial behavior of executives will also vary based on whose wallet is getting depleted. Here’s an illustrative tale from my days at Salomon. In the 1980s the company had a barber, Jimmy by name, who came in weekly to give free haircuts to the top brass. A manicurist was also on tap. Then, because of a cost-cutting drive, patrons were told to pay their own way. One top executive (not the CEO) who had previously visited Jimmy weekly went immediately to a once-every-three-weeks schedule.”

“Every now and then Charlie and I catch on early to a tide-like trend, one brimming over with commercial promise. For example, though American Airlines (with its “miles”) and American Express (with credit card points) are credited as being trailblazers in granting customers “rewards,” Charlie and I were far ahead of them in spotting the appeal of this powerful idea. Excited by our insight, the two of us jumped into the reward business way back in 1970 by buying control of a trading stamp operation, Blue Chip Stamps. In that year, Blue Chip had sales of $126 million, and its stamps papered California. In 1970, indeed, about 60 billion of our stamps were licked by savers, pasted into books, and taken to Blue Chip redemption stores. Our catalog of rewards was 116 pages thick and chock full of tantalizing items. When I was told that even certain brothels and mortuaries gave stamps to their patrons, I felt I had finally found a sure thing

Well, not quite. From the day Charlie and I stepped into the Blue Chip picture, the business went straight downhill. By 1980, sales had fallen to $19.4 million. And, by 1990, sales were bumping along at $1.5 million. No quitter, I redoubled my managerial efforts.

Sales then fell another 98%. Last year, in Berkshire’s $98 billion of revenues, all of $25,920 (no zeros omitted) came from Blue Chip. Ever hopeful, Charlie and I soldier on.”

CEO Comp.

“At Berkshire, after all, I am a one-man compensation committee who determines the salaries and incentives for the CEOs of around 40 significant operating businesses. How much time does this aspect of my job take? Virtually none. How many CEOs have voluntarily left us for other jobs in our 42-year history? Precisely none.

Berkshire employs many different incentive arrangements, with their terms depending on such elements as the economic potential or capital intensity of a CEO’s business. Whatever the compensation arrangement, though, I try to keep it both simple and fair. When we use incentives – and these can be large – they are always tied to the operating results for which a given CEO has authority. We issue no lottery tickets that carry payoffs unrelated to business performance. If a CEO bats .300, he gets paid for being a .300 hitter, even if circumstances outside of his control cause Berkshire to perform poorly. And if he bats .150, he doesn’t get a payoff just because the successes of others have enabled Berkshire to prosper mightily. An example: We now own $61 billion of equities at Berkshire, whose value can easily rise or fall by 10% in a given year. Why in the world should the pay of our operating executives be affected by such $6 billion swings, however important the gain or loss may be for shareholders?”


Home Depot (HD) Investors Conference…… Yawn

Talk about anti-climatic. A great number of people (yours truly included) were hoping to have some clarity on the fate of the Supply business during the investors conference on Wednesday. What we got was more of nothing. There wasn’t anything said that was already alluded to during their earnings call last month. So, what do we think about the possible fate of HD Supply? The integration of Supply is going forward. HD expects their contribution of sales to go from 13% to 15% next year and unlike the retail operations, actually post earnings increases. This is good news for those of us who do not want it’s sale as it increasingly makes the unit more valuable to management. Time is also on our side as the more time and money spent on the ongoing integration, the more unlikely a sale is. This is because the more integrated supply becomes into the overall HD operations, the more expensive it then become to unwind. Well, what should we do then?

Easy….. nothing. We wait until we get answers to our questions and then we act accordingly. Trying to guess what a new CEO is going to do is a bit like guessing what the weather here in New England will be next Wednesday, your guess is just as good and likely as anybody else’s. So we wait, and wait and that is ok because we can’t lose money waiting, we can and will if we “guess” and “guess” wrong. That, by the way is called gambling, not investing.

To quote Warren Buffet, “there has been many a time where the smartest thing I have done in investing is absolutely nothing…”


ValuePlays Most Read Posts For February

The following were the most read posts on the site in February

1- The ValuePlays Portfolio
2- Total Return Yield- A Measure Of Value
3- Memo To Dow CEO Liveras– Please Do Not Sell Out
4- Vindication: Thy Name Is Howard Schultz
5- ValuePlays Enhanced Features Subscription

We are staring to catch on out there in the “blog sphere”. At least I think so? Daily traffic to ValuePlays surged 640% the past 30 days, subscriptions jumped 260% and posts are beginning to pop up in different media. I guess that means that even if we have not officially “caught on”, at least we are on the right track? Share the wealth and spread the word, email articles to your friends, encourage them to sign up for the email or Rss feeds to get free daily updates or, if you are getting the Enhanced Features subscription that is only $6.99 a month and like it, write me and tell me why (or suggest how I can make it better).

Other notables:

– I have added an email link on the main page. Feel free to email me thoughts and ideas for stocks or general investing. I cannot promise a time table for a reply but I will try to be prompt. I can generally make a “no buy” decision rather quickly so the longer it takes to hear back, the better.

– Criticism and /or complaints are welcome also just, keep them constructive. I can promise insulting or otherwise inappropriate email will be deleted immediately and the email address blocked. If you are so inclined to send one, make it a good one because it will be the last.

– I am always looking for way to better the site and frequent visitors at times have noticed some odd things as I learn programing code “on the fly” as they say. Feel free to email any ideas to me. I cannot promise I will act on them but they will be considered. Any legitimate suggestion to better your experience on the site will get serious consideration.

– Stock or investing ideas may be used in a future post, your email address will not.



Bunker Hill – A Lesson For Investors

“Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes” William Prescott, an American officer, at the Battle of Bunker Hill

The Battle of Bunker Hill took place on June 17, 1775, as part of the Siege of Boston during the American Revolutionary War. By the time the battle had started, 1,400 colonists faced 2,600 British regulars.The result was a Pyrrhic victory for the British, who suffered more than 1000 casualties compared to only about 450 Colonists. It is considered by some to be the bloodiest battle of the war. Being outnumbered almost 2 to 1, William Prescott knew his troops could not afford to miss their targets if they were to have any chance at winning, thus the famous order was given. He knew the closer the British troops came to the colonists, the better his musket troops potential for hitting them was. Their muskets were not very accurate to begin with and as the distance increased from a target what little accuracy they did have decreased. Despite how badly his troops wanted to fire and how difficult it was to wait, they exercised discipline, waited, and inflicted massive casualties on the British troops. Even though they eventually lost the battle, it enabled the Colonists recapture Boston from the British as depleted and exhausted British troops were unable to stop their siege of the city. I can just picture you reading this now thinking “what the hell is he talking about, what does Bunker Hill have to do with investing”? Trust me it does…

The 400 point decline in the Dow Jones on Tuesday and the Wednesday rebound was for investors, our Bunker Hill. There is an almost irresistible need for people to do something, anything, on days like these. When the market is selling off huge, you are driven to sell yourself as you watch profits evaporate, then, on the inevitable bounce the following day, you want to dive right back in and buy everything in sight. You must exercise the same discipline the colonist had at Bunker Hill. Just like their muskets were not accurate at long distances, your decisions are not accurate when you make them based on emotion, not reason. The more emotion, the less accuracy. You should have conditions in place that cause you to either buy or sell the stock of a company and those conditions should have nothing to do with the direction of the market. A decision to sell should be based on business fundamentals, not a temporary drop in price and a buying decision should only be made when a stock hits a predetermined price. You then must exercise discipline on days like these, ignore the market and patiently wait until those conditions are met before acting, or in the words of Prescott, you “see the whites of their eyes”.

If you are a value investor, this process becomes easier in times like this. To look for “value” you must be a contrarian by nature. What does that mean? When everyone is buying a stock, we value folk immediately think it is over priced. When nobody wants it, we tend to think there must be something there worth having. Put simply by Warren Buffet, “I buy fear and sell greed”. Why does this matter? Instead of panicking and selling on days like Tuesday, I begin to get excited as stocks I am watching like Caterpillar (CAT ) and Harley Davidson (HOG ) crept down to the prices I would be willing to pay for them. They never got there so I did not buy them, but who knows, maybe another down day will give me a chance?

By having the discipline to stick to our parameters we should be able to beat the S&P (remember what we are looking for, down less in down days, up more in up days). Despite the market turmoil the past two days, by sitting, watching and waiting like the colonists did the ValuePlays Portfolio picked up almost a full 1% against the S&P. Like them, we will take our Bunker Hill lumps at times, but by exercising discipline like they were able to, we can put in place the elements to win the war…


Ben Franklin Defines The "Analysts"

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”. Benjamin Franklin

Deutsche Bank has hiked its price target on Coca-Cola Co. (KO) shares to $57 from $50, representing upside of roughly 19% from the stock’s current trading level. The firm noted that Coca-Cola’s operating profit has risen 24% since July 23, 2004 to an estimated $7.1-billion this year. While its dividends are also 33% higher, the shares are trading $1.50, or 2.5% lower, versus a 32% gain for the S&P 500 during the same period. “Against this, we see Coke today as better positioned to address the core strategic challenge – managing a wider portfolio while lowering distribution and input costs,” the firm said, changing its recommendation to “buy” from “hold.”

Not to be outdone, Morgan Stanley on 2/23 raised its rating on Coca-Cola to “overweight” from “equal-weight,” citing attractive valuation and improving operations fueled by strong performance in emerging markets.The investment bank, in a research note, said valuation was attractive with potential gains of 18 percent to its $56 price target on the stock

Because two is not a number that officially qualifies a group as “lemmings”, Goldman Sach’s Judy Hong joined them when she wrote in a note to investors. “Weak US demand in core categories and rising raw material costs set the stage for tepid domestic beverage profits in 2007, while emerging market growth remains robust.” She then raised Coke to a buy form neutral, “as its turnaround begins to get some traction”. She continued, “recent results demonstrate Coke’s ability to weather challenges in key developed profit centers and still deliver strong global profit. Improvement in developed markets, joined with continued robust growth in emerging markets, should help sustain solid results and help close the [price/earnings] multiple gap versus other high-quality global consumer staples stocks.” She at least was smart enough to not put a price tag on shares. If we go to the earnings conference call on 2/14 we can see Ms. Hong savagely grilled management with questions like this: “One segment where you didn’t gain share globally last year was ready-to-drink coffee and tea, and I guess some of that is because of the weakness in Georgia Coffee in Japan. Can you also talk about just broadly what you’re doing to improve your performance in that segment especially in markets like North America where you have been lagging competition?” “Talk broadly” ?? Are you kidding me? Here is the translation: “My boss might be listening so I have to ask a question, just give the corporate PR line on this and we’ll call it a day, besides, it is almost lunch time.” How can you actually “analyze” something by only getting “broad” information and then making a decision to tell people to buy the stock the following day with no additional details?

On its face you might read the reports and say “Hey 19% and three buy recommendations? Let’s jump in and buy shares!!” But before you do, lets take a closer look at July 2004 because after all, how can we know where we are going if we do not know where we have been?

July 2004 Coke Share Priced at $50
2004 Earnings Per Share $2.14
2004 PE ratio 23.3
2003 EPS $1.95
EPS Growth 9.7%

What is one of my most fundamental rules of investing? Never pay twice the growth rate for a stock. Especially one growing at a blistering 9% (see previous Coke post for my evisceration of management for this “goal”). In 2004 investors buying Coke paid 2.4 times the growth rate for shares. That is the reason shares have not gone anywhere, period, end of sentence, case closed, go home & turn out the lights the party is over and Colonel Mustard killed Mrs. Plum in the library with the candlestick. Now, the “analysts” want us to think Coke is in store for 19% share price appreciation? It must be that Coke’s situation has changed? Let’s do a little home work and look at some more numbers:

Current share price $47.5
2006 EPS $2.22
2006 PE Ratio 21.3
2005 EPS $2.05
EPS Growth 8.2%

So the lemmings want us to believe that paying 2.5 times earnings growth in 2007 will result in a 19% gain in the stock when for the past 3 years these same numbers have lead to a stagnant share price? How can they think this especially when you consider that Coke’s own executives have no goals or desires to grow more than 7% to 9% annually so it isn’t like we are in store for 15% EPS growth this year? For some inexplicable reason they must think the rules of investing will change? But wait, let’s look closer at Coke’s history. It is possible that the current situation is just an aberration and that is the reason for the blindly optimistic outlook. Maybe, just maybe when Coke has experienced similar financial metrics in the past, shares have appreciated. Let’s go back to even farther to 2001 to see how we got here.

2001-2006 Annual EPS Growth 8.2%
Average PE Ratio 26
PE to Earnings Growth Average 3.1 times

These numbers show us that Coke’s current numbers are essentially the same as its historical averages since 2001. We can now say with some degree of confidence that whatever has happened to the price of the shares in the last 6 years, we can reasonably expect that trend to continue. Why? The market has been presented with these numbers for Coke on a regular basis in the past and put a price on Coke shares based on them. So here are the results:

Jan, 2001 Share Price: $60
Current: $47

Uh Oh…. When faced with similar financial metrics since 2001, shares of Coke have lost about 21%, yet the “analysts” are calling for shares to rise 19% now! It is beyond my ability to comprehend how they can look at the results from 2004 to 2007 in their reports and based on the history above conclude anything but more of the same for Coke’s share price. Maybe they have never heard of Ben Franklin?

Don’t these people have a duty to do a legitimate job analyzing companies before they recommend them? How can you look at the above numbers, come to the obvious conclusion that the current situation at Coke is virtually identical to what it was in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 and conclude, “things will be different this time”? Some things in life you can count on: Popeye will always find his spinach and inflict a “Rodney King” on Bluto, the coyote will never catch the road runner, peeing into the wind is always a bad idea, wiping your butt with poison ivy is an even worse one and stocks of huge companies that only grow 8% and sell for over 2.5 times that do not go anywhere.

Oh yeah… and Ben Franklin was right…….


400 Points? No Big Deal……..

Everybody just relax…... A 3.4% decline is nothing . It all started when Alan Greenspan , who I can only assume was well into a bottle of Makers Mark and is rapidly become the most irritating former public official since Jimmy Carter incoherently mumbled something on a conference call about the current conditions in the US leading us into a recession, despite all economic indicators to the contrary. Then, the Chinese market dropped 9% overnight and set off a scare. These events would be unnerving to me except when you consider the Chinese market had been UP 13% the previous week and Greenspan, to be honest kids, doesn’t have the best track record in my eyes. Look at his reign, he was too slow to get a grip on the bubble of 1999- 2000 (by raising rates behind, not ahead of it) that lead to it “popping” rather than “deflating” and then he was asleep at the wheel on the back end to ease rates and lead us like General Custard into the recession that followed. Personally I am a huge Bernanke both for his plain spoken testimony and his refusal to let those on “The Hill” frame his comments for their own agendas. I will follow Ben’s lead here when he says the economy is strong a settling into a “sustainable growth” phase vs. a guy who was too late to recognize what was going on when he was at the helm and hid it by talking in riddles .

Back to today. Events like this while scary are good for a couple of reasons.

-They allow you to test your portfolio
-Allow you to pick up shares you had been wishing you bought “when they were cheaper”.

How do you “test” your portfolio? Warren Buffet has a quote he equates to stocks “A rising tide lifts all boats…. and vice versa“. What does that mean? During big rallies, most stock advance no matter what the underlying fundamentals. The same is true of sell-offs like today. You would be hard pressed to find many stocks up today. That means almost everybody’s portfolio took a hit. Here is the test: What you want to happen on a day like today is for your portfolio to drop less than the market. If you are a value investor this is a true test of it. Since we are buying “cheap” stocks, if they truly are, there will not be as much pain during sell-offs. The opposite is true also. During rallies, we should see percentage growth in excess of the market because our shares are so cheap others will rush to pick them up. That is how we should beat the S&P. Drop less during sell-off and jump more during rallies. Also, as a test of how we are valuing companies, the stocks on the “Avoid” list ought to drop more than the S&P because if they are truly overvalued, sell-offs like these should really hurt them. So, then how did the ValuePlays Portfolio do today?

The proof in in the pudding…(4 pm prices)

ValuePlays Portfolio= -3% (up 2% to date)
S&P = -3.47% (-2.2% to date)
“Avoid” = -3.8% (-9.5% to date)

Down today? Yup.. who wasn’t? The key takeaway is we picked up another 1/2% against our benchmark, the S&P extending our lead over it to 4.2% and unlike the major averages remain in positive territory for the year. This also positions us to extend those gains even further once things turn around.

Now, what is cheaper that we may want to buy again? Keep an eye on the watch list, there are certain names that are getting closer as of today to our target prices. Another drop like this and we may get to go shopping. Please do not pull the trigger too soon though. Some of them may still drift lower over the next couple of days. Be disciplined and patient. Remember, “great” prices not “good” ones.

Those of you who are subscribers to the Premium Portfolio Service will know what I pull the trigger on and buy before I actually do it.